Hello everyone 👋 I am new to this forum.
I have been trying to grow indoor cannabis for almost 4 years and failure is what i harvest , lol .
I don’t know how to start but here it goes. Currently my grow media is Coco Loco. I clone well with it also.
plant food for veg and bloom is Dutch Science. I use tap water & the ph is 8.1 - 8.0. I use the crystals which look like salt or sugar to lower the ph .
Bought a Apera ph pen. Bought a mars hydro fc-6500 light.
The plants look and grow well . The problem seems to be the bloom phase. The flowers start to smell good around 30-35 days into bloom then suddenly no more smell . Lower leaves start turning yellow one by one . By the time the plants should be ready, they haven’t grown much more since the 35 day mark .
Mots advice I have gotten was from grow shops around here. Every one of them has closed making getting the supplies I need more difficult.
Good solid advice is what I need . Looking forward to getting just that !
I apologize if i started this issue incorrectly .
I have been trying to grow indoor cannabis for almost 4 years and failure is what i harvest , lol .
I don’t know how to start but here it goes. Currently my grow media is Coco Loco. I clone well with it also.
plant food for veg and bloom is Dutch Science. I use tap water & the ph is 8.1 - 8.0. I use the crystals which look like salt or sugar to lower the ph .
Bought a Apera ph pen. Bought a mars hydro fc-6500 light.
The plants look and grow well . The problem seems to be the bloom phase. The flowers start to smell good around 30-35 days into bloom then suddenly no more smell . Lower leaves start turning yellow one by one . By the time the plants should be ready, they haven’t grown much more since the 35 day mark .
Mots advice I have gotten was from grow shops around here. Every one of them has closed making getting the supplies I need more difficult.
Good solid advice is what I need . Looking forward to getting just that !
I apologize if i started this issue incorrectly .