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Clip fan vibration

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    Clip fan vibration

    Hi I am using a clip fan, ocellating, in my grow tent. In the room below, that’s all the can hear. nothing else but that fan. I have it attached to one of the tent stays. Is there a way to remove vibration?
    Thank you

    sorry oscillating


    • dirtymike
      dirtymike commented
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      What type fan is it?

    something like monkey fan? it’s about 6” in diameter.


    • dirtymike
      dirtymike commented
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      AC Infinity make the quietest fan for growers who are covert.

    • dmpmfd
      dmpmfd commented
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      I agree with dirtymike and the AC Infinity suggestion for oscillating fans. They are so quiet I only hear my inline fan. They even have a variable wind speed control to modify how strong the wind moves when pointed at the plants.

    • Bowhunterwoody
      Bowhunterwoody commented
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      Agree with dirtymike. After buying cheap fans every six months I bought two AC Infinity and love them. Almost 3 years and still quiet as ever. Try mounting it in a different location and see if it helps.

    Way back ago I read some fans can lose balance if they are angled at more than 15°, or so from vertical. Not sure about horizontal. Some brands will say so in the fine print.
    Wrapping a bit of toilet paper around the tent pole to clip on will help isolate the vibration. My tent sits 8' away and I've done about what I can to quietize things.
    C'mon, mule!



      There are also two types of clips. The most common seem to be flat. I looked for 'monkey fans' and found out about pole clips. Way better than flat.
      C'mon, mule!



        Are you hearing the fan motor and air movement? If that is the case you'll need a quieter fan. If that's not it, try the TP as suggested or some rubber padding. Sheets of rubber can be found at a big box store or hardware store and cut to size. I can vouch for the AC Infinity fans and their noise level, or lack thereof.
        Gorilla Grow tents, HLG Lamps, Coco/Perlite 50/50, All Autopot, CX Horticulture nutrients full line
        Growing photo's and autos


          I will try the rubber padding and hear what happens. 👍🏽


            I made a smoke free smoke spot in my basement. Placed a 4" inline fan to a carbon tent filter. Inlet by the chair and can't tell the smell upstairs even with the furnace pulling in basement air.

            Reason to post is because I mounted the fan to the wall. Vibration carried upstairs and I wanna be sneaky down here. If your fan has a big enough spot and you have the time, you can get isolation mounts- round thing behind the fan mount. Soft rubber that soaks up vibrations. I also added deadening material I had between the metal bracket to wall to help out.

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              That IASW record is my childhood! The ride at Disneyland. In fact, the only ride my mom would go on. The song I never learned the words to. We lived overseas when I was a kid. When Mom started singing that song, we knew vacation was coming up.
              But as an adult, I hate the song as one of those that once you get in your head, it doesn't come out.
              Damn, man...
              C'mon, mule!



                It goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing without knowing what it was something something this is the song that.....


                  Can you imagine being one of the ride operators at the ride? I worked an amusement park carousel for a few months. Still get the wee-willies when I hear calliope.
                  C'mon, mule!



                    Maybe some double sided tape on the pole then clip the fan back on... I can only here my 6" exhaust fan running....


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