This is my fourth attempt and the last three were disastrous. This plant was topped off once and FIMM'd a total of four times during the vegetation cycle which was 89 days. This is a strain called "Lennon". What did I do different - "When in doubt, go back to first principles", I felt there was a synergistic effect going on when I was mixing my NPK and seaweed nutrients together. I separated them and cut dosages to about 20% of recommendations and that was it, Vola.
The picture you see is as of 18/12 and its the start of Week III of the 12/12 cycle. The plant is 510 MM tall (20 inches). Its been growing at the rate of about 5MM per day, very slowly. I water it every 7-10 days and starting the next one, will be switching to something lower in Nitrogen, a NPK of 1:3:3. I was planning to feed it just seaweed in between the NPK ones. I have a 400 MM table fan on 24 hours a day at low speed for air circulation. I have not seen any discoloration of the leaves (through the cycle), except for a few fan leaves. There's an exhaust in the room if needed.
The Q I have from this group, what words of wisdom can you share that I can follow, to ensure a bumper crop. Do I tie down the two main stalks growing to expose more light to the ones below? I cannot still tell the sex of the plant, though it looks like a female. The lighting is not exotic, just two LED bulbs for a total of 80 W right on top. Thanks in advance and keeping my fingers crossed.
The picture you see is as of 18/12 and its the start of Week III of the 12/12 cycle. The plant is 510 MM tall (20 inches). Its been growing at the rate of about 5MM per day, very slowly. I water it every 7-10 days and starting the next one, will be switching to something lower in Nitrogen, a NPK of 1:3:3. I was planning to feed it just seaweed in between the NPK ones. I have a 400 MM table fan on 24 hours a day at low speed for air circulation. I have not seen any discoloration of the leaves (through the cycle), except for a few fan leaves. There's an exhaust in the room if needed.
The Q I have from this group, what words of wisdom can you share that I can follow, to ensure a bumper crop. Do I tie down the two main stalks growing to expose more light to the ones below? I cannot still tell the sex of the plant, though it looks like a female. The lighting is not exotic, just two LED bulbs for a total of 80 W right on top. Thanks in advance and keeping my fingers crossed.