new grower here so hopefully this is an easy/obvious one for you all -- is this one a male? Three pics of same plant.
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Male or female?
That my friend is a God damn male.
those pods that you see will at some point open up the bright yellow flower inside releasing the pollen wich will then pollenate your female buds.
if ya Wana make your own seeds
throw some pods in a zip lock from the bigest/strongest male and throw it in the freezer for later use
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male for sureCompleted auto grows 3
2x4 Gorilla tent
600W HPS
GH Flora Series trio + Armor Si, CALiMAGic, RapidStart, Liquid KoolBloom, Floralicious Plus, FloraKleen, Diamond Nectar, FloraBlend, FloraNectar (Pineapple Rush version), Dry Koolbloom + Great White mycorrhizae & Terpinator
Grows using this setup: 1
Largest yield from this setup: 20oz / 567g
Previous grows:
Hey Tbone,
Yeah, a big male. But everything is not lost! What strain was he? Before you trash your males, take some pollin and store it for later use. Create your own strain. If they're not bag seed and you bought the seed's from a reputable breeder, pollinate one or two of your smallest buds at the bottom of your next female. You can create what breeders call "limited strains".
Just my two cents,
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