Got to see the neighbor I've been holding flower for. Whilst doling him out some grams, I got to noticing how wonderful the jar smelled. And it smelled wonderful. It reminded me of times when I would burn through an eighth on a morning Jeep up to the mountains, looking for mud. Alas, I no longer have the Rubicon and we haven't had rain in a good spell. Any mud would be in a stream, and I don't mud in a stream.
Long story short, I'm going to see what I can do about smoking these last 4g's of Blue Razzberry from Going2fast and skip the dabs until they are gone. Gonna get high, old school!
It's real fine dope. The smell has cured enough that even I get a heavy dose of blueberries. Tastes blueberry'y, with a far flame (That's what I call a flame that doesn't touch the weed. It comes close enough to essentially vaporize the trichomes without combusting the leaf.) Goddamn smoothe, too!
Long story short, I'm going to see what I can do about smoking these last 4g's of Blue Razzberry from Going2fast and skip the dabs until they are gone. Gonna get high, old school!
It's real fine dope. The smell has cured enough that even I get a heavy dose of blueberries. Tastes blueberry'y, with a far flame (That's what I call a flame that doesn't touch the weed. It comes close enough to essentially vaporize the trichomes without combusting the leaf.) Goddamn smoothe, too!