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    Always wash your gravel, even if the bag says not to, been fighting cloudy water and finally figured out what the problem is Click image for larger version

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ID:	636247


    • Ckbrew
      Ckbrew commented
      Editing a comment
      A diatomaceous earth filter should clear that up.

    Got the cleaning kit today Click image for larger version

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ID:	636403


      Added a couple to my collection recently. My newest standout of the crowd. So far I'm finding it's around a 1932-1934. Some surface rush and blemishes but she is my new girl. Went from zero revolvers to 3 real quick lately.
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ID:	636407


        That's a really nice piece to restore, great find, what caliber is she??


          .38 special. Smith and Wesson military and police. It's a pre pre model 10.

          I used to be in a large gun friend group and we all shared deals when they came up. Now I only get them sometimes but I jump on them. I found a similar serial number to this one online with an early 1930s ship date. It's around that year mark but not pinpointed exact.

          I have a Nornico 26 SKS that a friend and I wiped the grease off of it in the 90s. 15 years later he came off it with the same box of rounds we shot out of back then. That's my top favorite one I own I think.

          I don't want to sound like I have hundreds of them but I'd guess in the 20s. Depends if you count BB guns and if you are counting fully built guns ... I have a couple basket cast guns I've scored and not out together.

          I love how tight tolerances can perform. Especially a 90 year old one can. It's been shot but not a ton. Seems more handled than anything. Was wondering if it was a police gun but I don't think they had long barrels. It does have a factory repair mark, a star, by the serial indicating a repair pre 1960s so that adds coolness .


            That's a really cool story, sounds like you have put a lot of time in to doing the research,I have a couple of air rifles also,I love to hunt small game with them, it's so much fun


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ID:	636502 The scenic background came today, we're getting the aquarium ready


              • homegrown
                homegrown commented
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                That fresh water or salt water Gator? Have you decided on fish species yet? I've had many types of fish over the years, Neon Tetra's, guppy's and Molly's are nice if you get a bunch of each, all pretty compatible. Oscars and piranha are vicious and eat and shit a lot. My favorite was small panfish, sunfish,crappie,blue gill, they also eat a lot...minnows and gold fish mostly. Had a smallmouth bass for a few years...that faker ate constantly.

              We're going with fresh water, there's a auqaponic shop right across the street from me and they have hundreds of different fish to choose from, I think I want some tropical fish, nothing much longer than a finger 🤘, I'm going to check the pH of the aquarium today after work, other than that, it's good to go


                This is a fish I had back in the 70s. Red tiger Oscar. It was only a few inches long when I got it, grew to about 8 inches by the time I got rid of it. The thing ate constantly. It got very expensive. I kept a second tank stocked with goldfish for it to eat. It was a mean critter that would tear up anything that was in the tank and ate anything else that was put in the tank. At the end there was nothing in the tank but gravel, a rock, and the heater which was attacked constantly. I always wondered what would happen if it managed to break the heater. I tried to sell it to get rid of it. If you tried to buy a fish that bid in a store they would want a hefty price. No one wanted it because it was so expensive to feed. I wound up a a bar that had a huge tank, like the full length of the bar. They didn't want it either. I managed to trade it to them for a few shots of JD. A month later the bar burned down. The fish got poached.

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ID:	636615
                Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


                • Rwise
                  Rwise commented
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                  I had a pair of Oscars (about 8" long), as you say almost nothing but them in the tank they did not like the plecostomus but gave up on eating or killing it . I made the mistake of putting their food tank in their site, one night they knocked the top off the tank and tried to jump to the other, yep dried fish. I then put a blue gill in and folks thought it was an Oscar, still loved to eat!

                • golfnrl
                  golfnrl commented
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                  I had a couple of Oscars. They are everything as described. I think the fingerling largemouth bass I dropped into the tank one day was a bigger eater though. Ate most of my tropical fish before I could move it. I kept African Cichlids. What got my attention about them is they are as colorful as saltwater fish but are actually freshwater which makes them easier to keep, and they are mouth brooders, and they don't mind a crowded tank. It's quite fascinating to watch them care for their fry.
                  Last edited by golfnrl; 11-27-2024, 01:32 AM.

                Lol, great stories guys!!!


                  I checked the pH of the water in the aquarium and it was pretty low,6.0, so I added some of the perfect ph, I'll check it again in a little while


                    Time to check the pH Click image for larger version

Name:	17326652840034696663676530490967.jpg
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ID:	636641 it's climbing,I followed the directions on the back of the bottle, I'll keep an eye on the pH, when we get to 7 , we're going to get some fish 🐟


                      Anyone know what this is on the plants, it's everywhere Click image for larger version

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ID:	636643 Click image for larger version

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ID:	636644


                      • Ckbrew
                        Ckbrew commented
                        Editing a comment
                        Is it slimy? Bacterial mats?

                      The kid and I turned the aquarium because the woman who had it before we took it did something to the inside of the glass on one side,we turned it around and put the background on the fucked up side


                        It is slimy,any idea what I should do, I've never seen anything like this


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