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Grow Journal
I think your soil is a bit to hot for seedlings but it looks like the plant is now tolerating it better. Keep doing what you are doing and I think you should be fine.
Update, really only wanted to once a week but HELP! any help or suggestions please feel free Feel I am just watching them die in front of me and not sure how to help them. Day 26 for both. Orange bud faded leaves and spots and Gelato looking terrible and has pistols on this poor thing. Day temps 75-80 , Night temps 66ish, Day RH 45 - 55ish, Night RH low 40's, Watered 10/27 thought I could water today pots do not seem to need it. Run off cond is high 1200-1600 few days ago. I do not get much run off and those reading are in 2 diff pots just take reading if they run off. of but are high, I'm sure due to hi nuits still in soil.
10/24 water pH in 6.48 cond 273 run off pH 6.37 cond 1157 (from clone no run off from autos)
10/27 water pH in 6.89 cond 371 run off pH 6.82 cond 1354 (from Gelato no run off on others)
10/30 was going to water they seem ok?
@Bluey could you please expand a bit on your suggestions? I did reply, not sure you saw. I am only pH'ing my tap water and not giving any nuits yet.4 Photos
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Yes this is the draw back of them they need to stay in place for a period of time.
I just got a second one as they are costly.
The way I use it is stick it in a pot, I’m in 7 gal so there is a bit more space and leave it, and just use it to judge the weight of that pot and feel of the soil then apply that knowledge to the other pots.
I do move it from pot to pot despite the root damage , in veg I don’t worry about it , in flower I try not to smash through the roots too many times, but I’ve never really seen any problems there.
Appreciate your reply. Yeah I was actually underwatering in fear of all that I read of usually someone overwatering and feel I locked everything out in the beginning as it was DRY and my ph I started using was WAY too low around 5ish. and only after I watered did the leaves level out and green up. I have not added any inputs yet.. they have been in the FF soil for about 3 weeks. I looked at the Blumat you suggested, and is on sale now on Amazon, and have no problem spending the money on it as my Apera cost almost double that. Sure I could get one to keep in a pot but cant get one for 3-4 plants. They are fairly large and I see that you put them in your pot and leave there as it would disrupt the roots if moving it around. I do have the ones with the metal probes which I use a bit. Appreciate the encouragement!
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I’m not going to comment on your plants much because you have a lot going on, but I am going to offer support.
To me it looks like you’ve got just about everything you need, just be patient we all start where you are at. It can be discouraging in the beginning, but just keep growing and you will improve.
As usual the biggest rookie mistake is too much love.Either too many inputs or over water. I would encourage you to focus on your watering practice and not add too many other inputs, as you can make things worse just as easy as better. If you have the cash I would recommend a Bluemat moisture sensor to help you learn the proper moisture levels, I use them and they are great. The ones with the metal probes from the garden store are not the same and in my experience don’t work.
Hope that helps a bit, my first grows struggled too, and after five years I’m still focused mainly on watering as a solution to my problems. Just keep on growing and I bet after 2 or 3 grows you will find your way. Remember 2 or 3 tries at something is not very much practice, it’s just hard when it takes 3-4 months per try.
Grow on grasshopper
Also reading with FFOF it doesn't give much in the potassium needs and some suggest to add Down to Earth Langbeinite. Thoughts on that?
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Yeah its sad to see.. discouraging - I'm trying.
I noted it looked like nuit burn. I have not added anything yet. 3 gal top half is 50/50 FFOF and FFHF, bottom half is FFOF. I know its been noted as being hot while also some its fine. Was my first soil use. Do I overwater once to try to get some out? I know that can increase also or just stay the course? I noted it looks like nuit burn on the Gelato, but the spots on the OB nuit burn also? Didnt think it looked as nuit issue for the OG.
I have a good PH meter, or I thought was a decent one APERA INSTRUMENTS AI316 Series PC60 I was thinking since the bit of run off I get pH 6.3-6.4 so far, maybe not ph to 6.5 for water going in? and use maybe 6.8-7 to see the run off numbers? I understand what you are saying to pH input to suit medium (I read FF does buffer a bit and other things said it doesnt so not sure what to do with that) For stage of growth I thought I was in the proper ph , but now I have no idea. For addressing signs of deficiency are they showing that now? I thought it was too much nuits?
I know the 3 gal pots are not a large pot, I do see the soil buffer it down a bit. Should I bring it down even more to TRY to lock out nuits if its too hot right now?
I'm glad to read that you consider them minor and easily fixed. Sorry for all the questions, but just how do I do that? What steps do you suggest? Do you mean by ph mainly? I thought I was doing the ph right sigh
They really dont seem to need watering today, thought they would by 4th day. UGH please tell me what steps you think I should take with this mess.
I'm lost.
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I think you're seeing a couple of problems, minor and easily fixed.
One appears your soil is a tad hot or your adding too many nutes, showing some minor nute burn.
The other I think is pH related. Get yourself a top quality meter and pH your inputs to suit your grow medium, the stage of growth and to address some signs of deficiency.
Growing in a large pot with heaps of soil doesn't require pH'ing of inputs as the soil will buffer it, but small pots that doesn't happen to the extent you may need, if at all sometimes.
I wanted to get an update posted but totally getting discouraged. I feel like they look like crap and always trying to read them for something wrong. I know welcome to it right? lol
Temps days 75-79 few times 80ish, RH has been 45-55 got new humidifier today trial it was too much turning down to track but run at night? attached chart I know its not great trying to understand numbers and tracking. using photone app with dli it is showing low along with lux and ppfd's still have no reflective up and walls are not fat white but more warm color. looking at numbers best they show, going to turn up tomorrow?
I still think I am underwatering as when I do water the leaves flatten out more. autos I am only giving 2 cups with no run off at 20 days I need to increase(increasing to 3 cups next water) Tips browning look like nuit burn? yes they in ff soil mix in signature have not given anything additional yet. Still trying to be better about taking them. chart attached of what I have right now. not sure why it took some in ppt and ppm. I am going to water tomorrow with a bit of run off so I can check numbers.
Even though I think the tips look like nuit burn I more feel they are hungry by now 30 days in soil and need more? I am going organics either Gaia Green or Dr Earth. Thoughts on either? I know they take 1-2 wks to be broken down and avail? so I was going to top dress Sunday when I water next to get it started to break down.
And speaking of breaking down I have no idea what the bio life is like so I wanted to give a watering of recharge in hopes it would be there to begin the process when i get the drys on maybe with Sundays water? Am I thinking wrong about this??
I will try to Any help or input or anything appreciated!13 Photos
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