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Help! Trunk snapped in half!

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    Help! Trunk snapped in half!

    Photos are before and after. The hurricane winds blew her over. She’s got gigantic buds growing on half the plant. Is this salvageable? Should I try to tape and stake the trunk? Or just cut her back and do clones? I hate the idea of not trying to stake her because the bud branches are the biggest I have ever seen in my life. Also, she’s 6’5. So I have a bit of a height problem. Was supposed to be a tiny auto! But she’s gone full photoperiod and has gotten absolutely massive. She’s in a 4x4 raised bed with carrots. No idea how this happened lol. Any advice (from someone who’s experienced this) is appreciated! Also, storm is still raging so she’s being pounded on by rain. I’ve got another that’s harvest ready today and she’s soaked. What a disaster.

    'tis merely a flesh wound. Tape it. Stake it. Hope the insurance claim is smoothe as the smoke.
    Anyone who has not experienced some sort of break... we call those 'newbies'.
    C'mon, mule!



      What Gingerbeard said.


        Fantastic. Thanks! I’ve definitely had my share of tragedy. This was next level for me. I honestly have no idea how I’m even going to be able to hoist her upright. Her size is just ridiculous. I literally might have to pull her up with a rope. The top is that heavy. Thoughts on cutting out some of the inside? She’s got a cleared out inside and very open airy canopy and is primarily just tips. Like a full bush lollipop cut. But the bud branches are nearly wider than my arm and she’s just starting to flower. Each branch already weighs a few lbs.


          Chopsticks make great splints because they can fit along and between the branches.
          You look well enough along that you don't need your sugar fans. Getting rid of those will open things up nicely.
          C'mon, mule!



            That split truck is almost as fat as a tennis ball. I don’t know how well chop sticks will hold up. But I’m about to duct tape and add a wood post. Fingers crossed.




              • Gingerbeard
                Gingerbeard commented
                Editing a comment
                Sorry. Apparently, what I meant was 2x4's.

              Hahaha no kidding! Was able to use a piece of scrap wood moulding and about a half dozen poles. I lifted the bud branches high in hopes to seal the giant crack which left a two layer canopy. One up top and then a low layer across the bottom. She’s definitely getting aired out lol jfc 🤦‍♀️


              • shadycon
                shadycon commented
                Editing a comment
                Gorilla glue...................................

              I guess one plus is that I now have a billion cuttings for a forest. Thinned out some of the weight off the top. Sucks but I’d rather salvage 75% rather than none. Now we wait…
              thanks for the advice and confidence boost I needed it. I was ready to chop her into firewood and never think about it again.


                Yikes. Hope the best for ya!


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                  This is from last year, it happens but they can certainly survive it. All I did was stake it up and let her grow.


                    That’s great! I was really concerned because the inside core (xylem and phloem) were not only exposed but ripped in half about 6in long. As I was rigging it up I realized there were 3 places where it was ripped almost in half. She’s up now. All I can do is cross my fingers. So far tips and leaves are completely fine and no signs of wilt anywhere. I did a bunch of shake tests and unless there’s another hurricane, tornado, tsunami or whatever, she’s not going anywhere. Lol


                      Some pics to show scale. She’s massive. Crack was massive.


                        Anybody experience this with outdoor grow? Top half stunted buds, full defoliation, but lower branches are normal. Top buds have both amber and CLEAR trichomes. Did she just get too much sun/heat? We had a wicked summer and it’s my first time planting in native soil not a bed or pot. She’s up against a white fence too


                          Think about plants getting grafted. As long as cambium layers touch, they will grow together. Your break and repair is basically a graft.
                          C'mon, mule!



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