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Molasses and LED lights

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    Molasses and LED lights

    I have an issue with yellowing of a lot lower fan leaves overnight after adding molasses to my normal nutes 8 weeks into flowering. I'm using coco coir with hydroponic nutes under LED lights and haven't had any problems whatsoever until now. I'm only adding 1/2 tsp of unsulfered blackstrap molasses per gallon to be on the safe side. Has anyone encountered this sudden yellowing or is this just late flower stuff going on?

    Yellowing is normal it just means ur getting close to harvest


      Also the first time I gave the ladies the sugar they yellowed really good. Had to start them off slow. also what tyler said about the end.


        I think the reason they yellow because of any sugar is because sugar turns into carbs and the plant uses that for food so they suck more water/nutes to grow and then drains the nitrogen and then runs out sooner just a thought. It might just be getting close to the end.


          Mine did same, I thought it was a deficiency, this post was very helpful.


            Are you a chef by chance that looks like a 6inch hotel pan that the pot is siting in lol


              LED grower and I use 2ml/500ml during the last two weeks- which is when the plants start "fan leaf" yellowing from the bottom of the plant where there is less light.
              Generally if the LED is a problem - it starts, closest to the light.- so I don't think it has anything to do with LED's. (or molasses for that matter)- just timing.
              It's all bullshit - until you smoke it!

              KISS @ Dry/Cure:

              Staged Harvest:

              Grow Journals:

              #3, Window Sill Grow - auto:

              #4, KISS grow- Girl Scout Cookies- auto:


                Yep I think they look Great!

                I'm thankful for this "growing" community and for this plant!

                Romans 10:9, 10 Jesus is Lord!


                  They are about ready to harvest and are simply burning through stored and available nitrogen. Completely natural and a sign you should keep a close eye on when to cut them. The time is soon. They look amazing. Well done


                    I have had similar experiences with molasses. Freaked me out the first time but it didnt hurt the plants really. BTW, this happens under cfls and possibly other lights too.
                    Organic only soil grower
                    Current: Medgom Auto (CBD Crew and (Grassomatic)
                    Set up: 300w Galaxy hydro LED, DIY insulated growbox, dual thermostatic exhaust fans, dual circulation fans, thermostatic 300w heat, remote temp/humidity monitor.


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