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Help! Root rot?!

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    Help! Root rot?!

    Top fed DWC hydro.

    A few days ago, about a week and a half after germination, I noticed leaves starting to very slightly yellow at the top in the center, so I drained the reservoir (not completely, but as well as my battery operated pump would do, and added nutrients. (General hydroponics trio at 1/2 of the seedling amount listed on the bottles). I also added hydroguard at the recommended amount, 2ml/gal

    The yellowing went away but one started to look a tiny bit droopy so I took a look at the roots and it looks like I've got root rot! 😢

    Unfortunately I didn't look at the roots when I changed the water, so I don't know if this started before or after feeding.

    Does this need immediate action? Do I need to completely drain the water and sterilize the reservoir somehow before replacing it? Is there anything else I can or should do? Cut out the brown? (Which is most of the taproot on one, but it's also got new clean white growth elsewhere)

    I should have looked at the roots when i saw the yellowing, but i was expecting to have to feed soon anyway, and in the diagnosis pages the types of yellowing that looked most like mine were all nutrient deficiencies.

    FWIW I'm as sure as i can be that light isn't getting into the reservoir.

    Ok actually looking at the photos closer there is new white root growth out of the brown, so maybe it started before I added nutrients and I should do nothing other than keep a close eye for a few days cause maybe they're recovering?

    Ugh. I wish I would have looked at the roots when I switched it. That was a silly noobie mistake. Lol


      Looks like is growing new healthy roots. But the ones routing can contaminate everything. Not sure you should remove them either.

      If I were you I would try tricoderma harzanium. I use it all the time, but I grow in coco, to prevent phytium and other root rots. It's a parasitic fungi that has a symbiotic relationship with the plant.

      You just put the powder (not sure how much to use. Depends on your reservoir, I use a one spoonful for every 5gal bucket) into a small container you can close well, then fill it half way with water and shake for a couple of minutes, otherwise it doesn't get wet.

      Then just pour into the reservoir and that's it. I was losing around 40 plants a year during the summer before using it. A real blessing. Hope this help


      Are you running sterile or live? Not sure what you're running in your solution but you could add some hygrozyme to your solution and clean up whatever rot you may have. If you're running sterile you could run a low dose of H2O2 in the solution to clean up the roots also.

      HYGROZYME® - Enzyme Formula for the Prevention of Root Rot


        Originally posted by Rootsruler View Post
        Are you running sterile or live? Not sure what you're running in your solution but you could add some hygrozyme to your solution and clean up whatever rot you may have. If you're running sterile you could run a low dose of H2O2 in the solution to clean up the roots also.

        HYGROZYME® - Enzyme Formula for the Prevention of Root Rot
        I don't actually know what you mean by sterile or live. This is my first time growing at all, and I'm following the bubbleponics tutorial on GWE pretty faithfully, including using hydroguard in the nutrient solution.


          A little bit of reading later, i can say I'm doing live, cause hydroguard is beneficial bacteria. 😁

          For the first week and a half the only thing I did to the water was ph it, then three days ago I switched to nutrients + hydroguard.

          Again I REALLY wish I had checked the roots when I did that. I'll keep a close eye over the next couple days, hoping that the problem came in before I added hydroguard, cause it does look like they're starting to recover. And next time I think I'll just start with hydroguard even before nutes.

          thanks everybody!


            Good news! Only one day later, and the roots are looking less discolored and less clumpy!

            So my theory is that they really wanted nutrients sooner, had a little bit of a problem in the initial nutrient-free water that didnt have hydroguard, and now they're recovering nicely.

            Next time, I'll add hydroguard from the beginning, and add nutes at the one week point.


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