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    My experimentation [ hermie ] plant is now 6' tall and full of buds, [ and seeds most likely ]. My question is can this plant still pollinate a other plants?

    Do you have other plants in flower or can you collect the pollen?


      This plant is in quarantine so not near other plants with buds. I haven't seen any pollen sacs open for awhile. This is my oldest plant and the pistols are mostly brown now . Will a plant continue to form pollen sacs until it dies?


      • shadycon
        shadycon commented
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        Thank you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Male Cannabis plants will continue pollinating until they are chopped down or die.


      • Bluey
        Bluey commented
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        Male plants can still pollinate female plants weeks after they are cut down. They will continue to open their pollen sacks until there are no more to open so be careful.

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        And the pollen can get on you and be transported to the other grow area to impregnate the girls.

      • Rootsruler
        Rootsruler commented
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        One of the things I do when culling males from the tent is to wet down the entire tent and plants before I move them. If any pollen releases the water will cut down the chances of pollination.

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