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White color seen on some rare buds during harvest

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    White color seen on some rare buds during harvest

    Hi in in central Illinois, zone 5b, and have a beautiful very large Bruce Banner plant, started from seed. It got harvested the last 2 days. Usually here outdoor plants are harvested earlier in October, not the end. We were still waiting on harvesting to see more amber trichomes. Now, during some trimming, we Observed are rare occurrences of the color white in a random bud. If the bud is opened, it’s white inside. As I noticed a few I removed them. From other feedback, I’m thinking there is some rare powdery mildew happening. It’s a very rare occurrence, most buds look normal. Thank you
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    Half the plant was cut, rough trimmed, and hung to dry on Sunday 10/29/23. The other half was done yesterday, Monday, 10/30/23. Am I ok to remove the rare buds that has occurrence of the white?


      A pic of the plant….
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        It’s very rare. Can I remove the few buds that are visually infected and be ok?


          Yes remove all affected areas (and those just next to them) and toss it. Next year trim the bottom so her legs are bare to at least 18" above the ground, and take just enuf big fans off so air can flow through, maybe add an electric fan to help keep moisture off them.


          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
            Editing a comment
            Also leave more room around them so they can breath, other plants in the pic are simply to close. I had this issue with my BB3 as well, my plants are now at least 6 feet apart in individual raised beds.

          Soybeansaregreat - Beautiful tree!

          Rwise - I agree. A heavy defol right as the days start to get shorter along with a lollipop would have probably done the trick but a fan would have helped also.


            Thank you to everyone for the ,very helpful , ideas and suggestions and feedback. You guys are a lifesaver!
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              The first photo is a Bubble Gum raised from a clone. The next two of a grass we’re added accidentally and not sure how to delete. The third photo shows a setup that consists of an old awning frame plus a cover I made that’s covered in some used greenhouse plastic . The covers are to keep rain off buds to prevent bud rot. The last photo is of a covered beautiful Don Carlos plant.


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