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Too soon?

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  • Bluey
    commented on 's reply
    Lol. They can really test your patience hey

  • Smallgrow
    Last grow I waited “another week” 3 times
    ….but that’s what they needed

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  • OldManGrower
    Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Nothing to do but wait. It is not uncommon to have new pistils appear on top buds late in the grow. Unless they foxtail, ignore them. When the lower buds show some amber with all the fur curled in you are there. That of course depends upon what effects you wish to achieve.

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  • Earlygrower
    commented on 's reply
    Thx. There’s some amber but all this new growth still makes me wait. Couple more weeks and see

  • Earlygrower
    commented on 's reply
    Agree! Taking a bit longer than expected but will give them 2 weeks anyways. Ty!

  • Bluey
    They look pretty healthy. I'd let them go longer if I could.

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  • Baddaddy
    Wait for the amber. That's what I'm doing. Made the mistake if switching my photos to 12/12 awhile back along with my 3 autos. now the photos will be done in a few weeks and my autos are in week 18. Got to be patient above all else!

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  • Earlygrower
    I think they need another week or 2

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  • Earlygrower
    started a topic Too soon?

    Too soon?

    Hey all, need some advice. This is Mango Smile auto from Mephisto. Almost 12 weeks from sprout. Originally planned to harvest this weekend but there’s still a fair amount of white hairs growth. Too soon still?

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