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1st grow - in need of feedback

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  • Gingerbeard
    Muffin fans are computer fans. Yes. They will work with your vents.

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  • Bluey
    Bit more practice on training your plant, its odd shaped. As Gingerbeard says..your light looks too high. The rest seems to be going well.

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  • hukaraptor

    Thanks for tips! Finding this forum/site has been a godsend.

    The fans you speak of, do they fit in the premade holes in my tent?


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  • Gingerbeard
    commented on 's reply
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    Get your pot off the plate. You need circulation underneath. I use chopsticks to make a base for plants I need to raise.

  • Gingerbeard
    36 days is not nearly long enough to get the full potential from a photo seed. I do a minimum of 8 weeks to veg, including two toppings.
    About your topping. You cut way too close to the node. It is good practice to cut about 1" above the set of leaves. You are looking at a split of your main stalk, in the future. Leaving that extra inch helps keep the stalk from splitting.
    In your small tent, consider replacing your fan with muffin fans. The one you have is taking up valuable weed space. You can fill the tent with a single 5-gallon plant with enough training and space.
    Check your light manufacturers' recommendations for light distances. Yours looks pretty far.
    Everything else looks good.

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  • hukaraptor
    Actually, I should mention that this is technically my 2nd grow. 1st was an epic failure,

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  • hukaraptor
    started a topic 1st grow - in need of feedback

    1st grow - in need of feedback

    Hey y’all,

    got this 38 day old Blue Dream photoperiod going in basically the “$300” set up. Just wondering if I should flip to 12/12 at this point or if I should let them roll a bit longer

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