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Red spots on a few leaves 30 days into flower

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    Red spots on a few leaves 30 days into flower

    Hi guys trying to figure out what these spots and some discoloration on a few of the fan leaves on my two plants. Today marks 30 days into flower. Ph in soil is at 6.9 to 7. I feed every 4 days at half strength nutes off of their feeding chart (go box organic nutes). I also feed a 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of blackstrap mollasses. Plants seem to be doing fine other than small red dots and a burnt leaf tip here and there. Let me know what you think. Thanks in advance.

    Few pics of the buds


      Ph should be a lot lower - 6.0 - around that number. Is your molasses organic? Cuz only organic blackstrap molasses is Sulphur-free.
      ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
      Mars Hydro
      Vortex in-line 6" fan


      • tyler_ hobbyist
        tyler_ hobbyist commented
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        If it's not organic the iron content is to high and it gives it iron tox I did the same to my plants it's copperish dots, also canuck147 is right lower ur ph

      Yes it is unsulfered and organic. Soil is fox farm ocean forest which is ph'ed at 7. I thought the range should be between 6 and 7 in soil? It also says on the go box that phing the water is not necessary with these nutes but I still check it. Last feeding it was 6.5. It always seems to go back up to 7 on its own when I test the soil. My runoff is usually around 6.8. Should I just feed plain ph'd to 6 water next feeding? Will this cause a problem I can't fix with my buds and or yield? So frustrating because my entire grow has been pretty problem free up until now. Thanks


      • tyler_ hobbyist
        tyler_ hobbyist commented
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        Foxfarm soil is hot and will raise ur ph of ur water

      • PuravidaC
        PuravidaC commented
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        I had same PH issue with FFOF on current grow. With soil, PH should be between 6 and 7. While my run off was below 7 it was close (6.8-6.9). I was told to water with lower PH (6.1-6.2) until PH stabilized. It didn't take long and my plant has responded great! It's amazing how much PH will affect plant!

      It appears that your plant needs more calcium. Diagnose your plants here:

      Use our cannabis growing problem pictures and interactive plant doctor tool to quickly diagnose your sick marijuana plants! Click the pictures below to learn about a marijuana problem, deficiency or symptom & get the solution! Still having trouble? Consult our 5-Step Remedy to 99% of Cannabis Growing Problems​​. Click here to see ALL cannabis plant...

      completed 7 grows
      what I have learned so far:
      environment maters more than nutrients
      at least a dab of nutrients in every watering
      effective flushing before harvest is critical to quality


        I agree with Canuck ph around 6 for a while. That ph needs to come down. I use FFOF soil and I have some issues if I don't ph low.

        I'm thankful for this "growing" community and for this plant!

        Romans 10:9, 10 Jesus is Lord!


          If it's not iron tox because ur useing organic mollasas the flock shot could be right u need more calimag


            It's difficult to tell under the grow lights. Can you post a picture of the problem in regular light?


              I'll take some pics thanks guys


                Ok guys here are a few pics under somewhat normal lighting. It definitely is worse in the last few days. I watered with plain tap ph'd to 6. Soil still sitting at 7 so not sure if I'll be able to getting it down in the next few feeding as I start flush in another week and a half. Next feeding is tomorrow. To repeat I've been feeding half strength nutes off of feeding chart on go box with the exception of calmag which I've been doing 5ml which is full dose off chart. I've had zero issues so far for the most part with grow (knock on wood!) This is frustrating as this issue has come up with only 4 weeks left till chop. Based so far on pictures and what you guys have possibly stated that it's a calcium deficiency. Im thinking you might be right. Let me know your thoughts? Do you think this will ruin the grow if its not corrected? Should I feed 10 ml calmag? Again thanks for the input and advice!
                Attached Files


                • NebulaHaze
                  NebulaHaze commented
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                  Overall your plants look good and your buds look beautiful! Spots on the leaves are not going to hurt your buds. I definitely wouldn't give them more than full strength Cal-Mag, as that can start causing lockout of other nutrients. You're on top of it with the pH which is good. It's normal for plants to start being more sensitive after about week 6 of the flowering stage, because they're focusing completely on buds and aren't really making new leaves.

                  Just curious, what parts of the plant are getting the spots? Is it the parts of the plant close to the light or the ones in the shade?

                Dude honestly there not that bad ur crops fine. Is the dots on any new growth? If not leave ur nutes the same just keep ph at 6 u most likely just have a lock out so u can feed it all the magimeg u want it can't help the plant if ur ph locks it out. If u dnt have any thing on new growth leave it alone and if u notice it starting on new growth fully flush ur system with nutes/ph 6. ( so say u feed them 1000ml feed them 4000ml /1 gal this will correct it and as long as u have good drainage/ lots of perlight u will not over water it because a lot will run out. I use 1/3 perlight and I can water my plants 1gal and at least a 1/4 - half gal runs out the bottom and stabalizes the pH through the whole root system


                  If u can take a soil reading then u will know better what ur soils at for ph the scales are cheap 10 bucks maybe on ebay I use Hydrofarm MGMLP1 Active Air 3-Way pH, Light and Moisture Meter


                    It's very easy to use I also use it to tell me the moisture of my soil works really gd but dnt leave it in ur soil for long peroids of time or it uncalibrates itself and it's very hard to recalibrate but for checking periodicly it works awesome.


                      The light meter part os nice but hydrofarm never gave me an answer of what scale of light it uses par, lumens ect.


                        I've been using that same meter to check soil ph and moisture. Soil is right at 7. I've had it at 6.8 6.5 but never any lower. I have heard this strain is nute hungry so I'll have to do some research on amounts of calmag to feed. I've always been cautious during feedings and alway feed with low end doses of nutes. I was told by a few growers using go box to use full chart dose of calmag so that's worked so far. As far as I can tell it's only on older leaves not sugar leaves or newer growth.


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