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  • Franklin
    I just noticed this other volunteer plant from my worm compost. I guess. It's pretty funny, it has a stem that's about 4 ft long and bent horizontal along the ground Click image for larger version

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ID:	603922 underneath the squash plant. Poor little girl.

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  • Franklin
    commented on 's reply
    You ever spray with BT to keep the worms away?

  • Franklin
    commented on 's reply
    Those the great man, what's your approximate latitude? Yours are so much further along than mine, living up north makes for some seriously delayed buds

  • Bowhunterwoody
    commented on 's reply
    Bluey, not really. My space for direct sun is limited. The best is the north side of the deck, get about 7 hrs now. Anywhere out on the yard is more like 5 1/2 now and getting shorter in a hurry. Might just have to sacrifice the difference in light to get some harvestable bud this year. 4-5 weeks to go. Just holding my breath.

  • Bluey
    commented on 's reply
    Would a greenhouse help?

  • SoOrbudgal
    Well another week has passed still no signs of worms i keep checking maybe i'll get lucky who knows. Anyway weather is beautiful sky is clear the last rain took out the major fires or helped anyway. These gals were all given a gallon of unsulferated molasses water only this a.m. I'm going to run out of bloom food and not buying anymore for this summer outdoor grow. They'll get 1 more feeding of it then it's just water when they need it. Time for them to fend off themselves. I'm really pleased with these smaller strains of indica hybreds but sad about that freak show. I've seen other grows of her in other forum pics an i sure did'nt do justice by my growing her.
    Weather is perfect all rest of the week and weekend in the 80's overnights in the 50's no rain for the next 7days. I had hoped for a least 2 being harvested by end of Sept. but it looks doubtful. I'm able to cram those first 3 into that little greenhouse if it rains and the rest under the patio awning. Peace out an enjoy nature

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  • Bowhunterwoody
    Just as the sun reaches them. Yellowing continues. Hope they have a leaf or two at the end. Humid as hell with heavy dew every morning. Rain starts again Friday with a chance every day next week. Still trying to figure out a way to fit the easy up on the deck and still get a little sun. I think the bud rot is inevitable. They do smell great!
    Last edited by Bowhunterwoody; 09-06-2023, 10:08 AM.

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  • Bowhunterwoody
    commented on 's reply

  • GreenState
    Ckbrew " Nothing like the smell of fresh flowering cannabis in the morning"

    I keep thinking to myself, hey, I smell weed!
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	603864

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  • Ckbrew
    The heat and humidity are back with vengeance. Trying to keep them dry from the heavy night dew. Day temps in the 90, 80% humidity. night 70 and 100%. Everything is soaked in the morning. I have setup a box fan to try and keep the dew of the plants. They are growing some genuine flowers and they are looking good and smelling great. Nothing like the smell of fresh flowering cannabis in the morning. The race is on. Who will win? The buds, the cold, the rot. Trying to keep them dry. Some night pix.

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	603849

    The remaining solo, still competing.
    Click image for larger version

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Size:	2.68 MB
ID:	603850

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  • Bluey
    commented on 's reply
    Good question CKbrew.

    The transition we are told is determined by the period of continuous darkness, which is relative to the length of continuous light and total length of a day.

    So if the above is correct then no, but if what we are told above is only somewhat correct and DLI plays a role then maybe it can.

  • MagicMike66
    commented on 's reply
    How big are those pots?! They look tiny but yet such monsters 💪🏻

  • MagicMike66
    commented on 's reply
    That’s what am talking about! Keep us posted on these monsters

  • Ckbrew
    commented on 's reply
    If one did not chase the sun, would that induce the plant to bloom sooner?

  • SoOrbudgal
    commented on 's reply
    Bummer it's so hard to grow in shaded areas i use to chase the sun around my yard but not much now.

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