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LST help…

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    LST help…

    My wife and I are pretty new to growing, we started half heartedly last summer killing all the plants outside in 90 + heat is So Cal. We commented our first “real” grow Thanksgiving day last year inside with mixed results. Our second grow kicked off March 1 of this year and things are going decent we think. Still a lot to learn! But compared to where we were less than a year ago we are miles ahead. For instance, we didn’t know what a photoperiod plant was, didn’t know that the THC is not in the fan leaves, you get the point. We have many questions, so I’ll start with this one. We are growing some Mimosa Shots by Herbies seeds. They are in day 11 of flower (pistils emerged on day 9). The biggest plant is 24” high (mostly flat) x 26” in diameter. The should I try to tie down the laterals more or let her grow? She has been manifolded following the directions on this site and low stressed trained. The plants are in 3 gallon air pots with 60/40 coco/perlite. Any training advice would be appreciated. Thanks, Graeme

    Hello 109Loblolly, your plants look great too me. The canopy is nice and flat with lots of bud sites. The only suggestion I have is it looks like they would benefit from some defoliation to get more light deeper into plants and improve air flow. Good job


      Welcome to our growing club! Hope you post often. Yes, spread it out as much as you can and do some defoliation to let some light penetrate.
      Current Grow: 1 Purple Haze, 1 White Widow, 2 Critical Super Silver Haze
      5 gallon cloth pots
      30"x30"x60" tent
      Spider Farmer SE3000
      Coco Pearlite mix
      GH Trio, Silica, Cal-Mag


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