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Cotton balls

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    Cotton balls

    I grew my pot plants and harvested them, snoke is very smooth, but the consiistency is like cotton balls, very hairy and light, what I do wrong?

    Indoor or out?


      Indoor,the small version


        What temps and humidity do you run? Airy buds maybe a result of too hot?


          Most likely has to do with the lighting and nutrients. You may have harvested too early. No way to know without substantially more detailed information such as:
          The light
          Your nutrients
          Grow medium
          PH of nutrient solution
          Current Grow: 1 Purple Haze, 1 White Widow, 2 Critical Super Silver Haze
          5 gallon cloth pots
          30"x30"x60" tent
          Spider Farmer SE3000
          Coco Pearlite mix
          GH Trio, Silica, Cal-Mag


          • Bluey
            Bluey commented
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            Lol. Oh that's harsh SoOrbudgal

          • SoOrbudgal
            SoOrbudgal commented
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            Bluey you ever read other grow sites? Man those folks go postal on newbies when they don't put the work into learning the basics. And when they always have " But what if i do this instead of what your saying" I studied and watched indoor growers asked questions but did'nt irritate the help. Growing weed is not real difficult

          • Bluey
            Bluey commented
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            I've looked at a couple of other grow sites and without any doubt this site has the best info...and some great growers willing to help.

          Good job getting through a grow and having a smooth smoking bud!

          Not to jump on the bandwagon, but adding the information that people above have asked about would help. So would any pictures that you might have. And even then, it might be hard to pin down exactly what the issue was beyond generalizations. It really could be anything from lighting to nutrients to genetics or anything in between.

          This is a great place to get help, especially as you're going along so that you can give information about your environment, etc. and provide pictures in real time. I certainly hope that you grow again and if you have any questions as you go along, check out GWE website, take a look at the Plant Problems page that Nebula has on GWE, and if you're still stumped, post your questions here! There's surely someone here who's had the same problem and can help out or at least make some suggestions!

          Happy growing!
          Organic indoor grower - 4x4 tent - 2 Electric Sky 180v3s
          Relax, don't worry, less is more...usually!


            Bag seeds most likely


              Thanks for all the suggestions, I kinda think I figured it out after the comments. Temp was 73 during the day, Mars Hydro light, used Advanced Nutrients run at 50%, ph was around 7', fed when watered, after all I think I may have harvested too fuckin early


              • SoOrbudgal
                SoOrbudgal commented
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                Well don't beat yourself up too bad, all of us when we first learned this hobby made those same errors got excited felt they were ready cause there were buds. Keep practicing and don't try and cram the tent with lots of plants if you don't have the space or enough light. You'll get it next run you'll know and it will get better an better. Hey when i first grew outdoors used bag seed i was 18yrs old smoked male flower did'nt even know the difference until a gardener told me LOL got headaches instead of buzz LOL


              There are a few potential reasons why your harvested cannabis buds have a light, fluffy texture and a "hairy" appearance. Here are some possible explanations:
              1. Harvesting too early: If you harvested your plants before they had a chance to fully mature, the buds may not have had a chance to develop their full potency and density. This can result in buds that are light and fluffy, with a lot of visible pistils (the "hairs" on the buds).
              2. Genetics: Different cannabis strains have different growth patterns and characteristics, including how dense their buds are. Some strains naturally produce fluffier buds than others, so it's possible that the genetics of your plants are contributing to the texture.
              3. Growing conditions: The conditions in which you grew your plants can also affect the texture of the buds. If the plants didn't receive enough light, nutrients, or water, they may not have grown to their full potential. Additionally, if the humidity levels were too high during the flowering stage, the buds may have become airy and light instead of dense and compact.
              4. Improper drying/curing: After harvesting, the buds need to be dried and cured properly in order to develop their full flavor, aroma, and potency. If the buds were dried too quickly or not cured for long enough, they may have a light and airy texture.

              To improve the density and texture of your buds in the future, consider adjusting your growing conditions (such as providing more light, nutrients, and water), harvesting at the right time, and properly drying and curing the buds.

              1 Marshydro tsl 2000 @ 300 watt.
              1 sf2000 @200 watts
              2 philzon @230 watts
              2x4x5 tent
              3x6x8 closet
              Fox Farm ocean forest
              Black gold for seedling
              3 gal pot holes in sides and bottom
              RH 40-60
              Temp 70-80
              Feeding with FF trio with molasses
              calmag and a little flower fuel
              Light at 10 -16 inches above canopy

              Finished growing: Durban poison x Atomic Shiva, Dark Matter x Atomic Shiva, Golden Goat x Atomic Shiva and Summit Sweet Skunk x Atomic Shiva

              Next up: Apple Fritter 2x, ATF, Og Kush.


                My first couple of grows were dog feces in terms of yield and overall results. It's a learning process and takes time. Some growers somehow manage to do everything right the first time and harvest two ounces per plant. This was not me. I still struggle with yield.
                Current Grow: 1 Purple Haze, 1 White Widow, 2 Critical Super Silver Haze
                5 gallon cloth pots
                30"x30"x60" tent
                Spider Farmer SE3000
                Coco Pearlite mix
                GH Trio, Silica, Cal-Mag


                • dirtymike
                  dirtymike commented
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                  Your not alone OldManGrower . Try as i might I still cant get my environment right. Usually the winter grow does better than the the other two. Getting a good strain to fit my environment is serving me well. Jack Herer seems to do well for me if i can get it past the germ/veg stage. Let me know how those Critical+2.0 Autos do. I got freebees from Spain.

                • AGH
                  AGH commented
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                  Hey dirtymike , you might consider adding Alaska Thunderfuck (aka. Matanuska Tundra) to potential strains for you for cooler climates. I'm doing a run of those that I started end of January/beginning of February. Coming from the Matanuska region in Alaska, they're pretty cold-tolerant. So far, they're doing really well! The max temps that I can get in the tent in my basement, even with a small heater running, is about 73 with low temps between 63-67 depending on how far below zero it falls outside and how windy it is.

                • dirtymike
                  dirtymike commented
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                  Thanks AGH , Ill remember that. I'm south of the M/D line though. Everything here dies of heat in summer. LOL

                I was always told that the only stupid question was the one not asked, so here's mine: what are bag seeds, and I have to admit my cotton balls go down good with a bong.


                • Bluey
                  Bluey commented
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                  Bag seeds are the seeds you find in a bag of weed you got your hands on. When I was a young bloke they were gold, we found a lot of keepers..not any more but occasionally you'll find some that are keepers...

                • dirtymike
                  dirtymike commented
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                  oh yeah, good old days. Bag seed was all you got. made the best of it though. "why is this hippie wondering around in the woods."LOL

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