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freaky color

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    She is putting on a little freak show. I think i have stunted this one. It prevailed and is trying.
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    • dirtymike
      dirtymike commented
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      Crucialbunny has the low down on the freak. 4 years grow time. Its a slow one.

    • crucialbunny
      crucialbunny commented
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      I have zero experience growing Freaks under lights so it could be a completely different ballgame for you and SoOrbudgal. I also grow in 30 gallon bags of living soil so I don't use any nutrients other than a molasses watering on occasion to keep my microbes happy.

    • kingfish
      kingfish commented
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      SoOrbudgal, I'm curious how your Freak show turns out. I have one that just broke ground.

    All i'm doing at this point is trying to bring it into living an growing but it's just so slow or sick had that 1/2 helmet stuck to 1 colyondon (beaver paddle leaf ) for 3 days it's still got a bruse on that leaf but i don't know if it's that or what. I would of stuck it outdoors that's the plan but i thought i'd get a month or so jump on it? All my other seedlings are getting 2nd sets of leaf and this barely shows and 1st set ? It's messed up but i'm leaving it under it's little light and moving on with the others.
    Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

    Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
    indoor/outdoor grower
    1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
    I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
    Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      Well this morning i really had a good look at it under a magnifirer and only one of those colyondon is damaged but i do see now some very tiny first set of leaf trying so like i say i'll keep it going. My small little t-5 just keeps them happy crucialbunny they don't grow quick but linger for few weeks then i transplant and they go into 1gal under a larger CFL for a week then into my big tent to veg in there till it's safe to put outdoors.
      Yes they really take off in the tent but they need it here in my enviornment prior to setting out.

    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      This old bag seed dirtymike is very healthy better than my fem. seeds i bought it's hopefully a female but won't know for some time

    • dirtymike
      dirtymike commented
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      This is a brand new rodeo for me. first time with seeds bought from a breeder. potency is better but i lack in yield .

    Shes doing well. Frosting up nice and getting amber on the top trikes.
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    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      Well dang she's a funky gal I like it !! Mine is barely a nickle size top LOL slow as can be she's gotta be close to month old i gave her a squirt of fish&bat poo juice couple days ago. Funny plant

    • dirtymike
      dirtymike commented
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      keep her happy. I didn't LST much. Mine got hard stems. Id grow again. Skinny leaves lets alot of light in.

    This is going to be a small harvest but i bet its a good buzz. Its in the closet for a 2 day dark fest.
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    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      I've nearly all but pulled mine from the tent it's just pathetic looking. But since i got others still in there it's not wasting my time LOL. No big loss really just wanted a odd leaf looking plant.

    Here's my ladies. SoOrbudgal the second is only a week younger than the first. Don't give up hope the smoke is nice. They are sloooow but cool to grow for the novelty. Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20230512_171109840_HDR.jpg
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Size:	3.05 MB
ID:	595749 Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20230512_171148724_HDR.jpg
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Size:	2.55 MB
ID:	595750
    keeping it green with the soil thing
    love me some frosty autos
    Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
    the fruit basket
    blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


    • dirtymike
      dirtymike commented
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      My skills are lacking for this indoor growing. It is slow. I think i should have Vegged it alot longer 5 weeks.

    • crucialbunny
      crucialbunny commented
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      I've been bringing my new ones still in solo cups outside recently while we've been having some nice mild weather here in SoCal and they just love it. Growing outdoors really allows them to develop. I won't be harvesting until October but that allows them to reach an impressive height and crazy yield.

    • dirtymike
      dirtymike commented
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      I think a move is in my future.

    Made a few grams. Next freak i get im holding for a outside grow. It sure does the trick. Fruity, pepper and smooth. Nice cerebral numbness and good for a day smoke.
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