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The Road To Damascus

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    The Road To Damascus

    I am So happy!!!

    Just this morning, I made my daily pilgrimage, out of this room. Through the kitchen. Into the store room. Through That ~ ye legs getting tired yet? And Finally reached the Big Room, which is even more full of shit than I am. And in which I'd resigned myself to doing my grows. I could go and measure the distance. But, let's be serious.

    Anyway, it's up a step. Through two doors (Another step, thinking about it) And, it just happens to be as near to my gate as it gets. The window's bare feet from it. And I'd have to vent 'through' that window. Lovely. Just imagine a Gard turning up. Me standing there, chatting to him through the gate. Fixed, rictus grin. Arsehole going like an iron lung on turbo. That was to be my life. Saw no option.

    I think it was my ruminating about pumps, this morning. Gweezy, again. Have to drain my box every week? Great. Every week. Making that trek. Lugging a big bucket of old water all the way out to the kitchen. Humping a full fresh one, all the way back. Dogs under my feet, all the way. What's a man to do?

    Got my pie out the freezer, in there. Wandered back in here. Amazon. Water Pumps. Drill driven one? That'll do me. Eleven quid. Got a few drills in my 'Tool Room'. That's a small room, adjoining my kitchen. Not sure why I went in there. But I did.

    And I'm stood there. Considering my tumble drier. Hollow laughter ringing in my head, as I consider Ever using That damn thing again. Then, I spotted the two, SS Fermentation bins it stands on (I used to do Home Brew. Dry now) I reminded myself, for the millionth time; 'I Must sell all that stuff. Get the space back. Chuck that bloody tumble drier out the big room. Make some room, next to the window I vented the drier fro ..... O M F G!!! ' And the scales were lifted from mine eyes!!!

    Grabbed a tape. Yes .... Yes .... Yes!!! Shift this. Chuck that. My bloody tent will slot right in there!!! And it can vent out the window, right there beside it. AND that side of the cottage is shielded by a massive, wild and bramble strewn hedge. Christ, even I have a hell of a time getting round there, from this side!

    Barely ten steps from the sink and tap!

    How Happy Am I???

    Gentlemen; Do we like piccies, on here?
    Older bloke. Eire. Chatty as all fuck.

    Gearing up to grow Northern Lights Auto by DWC + Dribbler, with a " Spider Farmer Grow Tent Kit Complete SF-1000 Dimmable Full Spectrum LED Grow Light Samsung Diodes 27" X 27" X 62"Growing Tent 4 Inch Fan Filter Combo " from Amazon.​

    10 a hose..automatic top up...automate....I haven't seen my babies for 72hrs now...the training is going to the sh!t so best I rearrange them for the flip asap
    Flower Room: 11' x 7' x 7.5'H, 480w AC, 13gal/day dehumidifier, 1.5gal ultrasonic humidifier, 60gal (27gal usable) nute tank, 16" pedestal fan & 18" wall fan. Lighting and climate automated. Hand watering.
    Veg Cupboards: ​​​​​​Two 4x2x6H cupboards. SF2000 Evo in one SF7000 in other. Climate controlled and automated. Hand watering
    Aeroponics Low Pressure Bucket: 20W LED. 5 clones & 20W LED 11 clones
    Lights: Mars Hydro FC-E1200W, SF-7000, SF-2000 evo in flower room.
    Medium: Coco/perlite, 7.2gal pots, no drains
    Current Grow: ​​​5 x Photos Franklin's Orange Zkittles x Sour Diesel in flower room, 3 Franklin's White Widow x Sour Diesel Clones, 13 x Orange ZkittleZ x Sour Diesel clones in Aeroponics buckets x 2.
    Last Grow: A mix


      Honestly wouldn't be worth the trouble, running a trip hazard across my kitchen, Bluey. Anyway, happily, I keep Wet Things in this room. (Nice little, semi conscious reference to Michael Mann's " Manhunter " from '86, there! LOL!)

      Point being, I'm well used to carting water about the place. Just another day at the office.

      Burned the midnight oil on Gweasy, again, last night. Managed to scare myself to death and rearrange the bank account once more!

      God, they're thorough though! (Thank god!) 'What do do in a Power Cut'. God! I hadn't thought of that! Power cuts are so regular here, they send us a card: " Next Tuesday. 11:00 - 15:00. You're fucked. " So, yeah; I'll be buying my little Drill Pump. Then I'll be buying a Battery one, as back up. Battery operated air pump too.

      Must take some photo's, regardless of you lot. Nothing more hateful than standing there, admiring a gleaming new set up. Then wishing ye'd recorded what an absolute dump it was before. It's not dirty in there. It's just cluttered with stuff that's taken root. Ye know how it is. Shed Life.
      Older bloke. Eire. Chatty as all fuck.

      Gearing up to grow Northern Lights Auto by DWC + Dribbler, with a " Spider Farmer Grow Tent Kit Complete SF-1000 Dimmable Full Spectrum LED Grow Light Samsung Diodes 27" X 27" X 62"Growing Tent 4 Inch Fan Filter Combo " from Amazon.​


        Drabenger...welcome aboard. I am enjoying reading your posts. Are you stoned when you write? The running internal conversation is funny. And yes...we do like 'piccies'.
        Auto/Photo Tent: Gorilla 2x4x7'11" HLG 350R, Infinity 4" w/Carbon Filter, Coco 50/50 perlite
        Autopot system
        : 1 Purple Haze/Malawa 100% Sativa Ace Seeds 1 Strawberry Cough ILGM
        Photo Tent: Gorilla 4x4x7'11" HLG Scorpion R, Infinity 6” w/Carbon Filter, Coco 50/50 perlite, Autopot system: 2 Purple Haze/Malawi & 2 Malawi 100% Sativa Ace seeds
        Nutrients: CX Horticulture - full line for both tents


          'Am I stoned when I write?' LMAO! Funny thing is; I read that and froze! I thought; " Stoned? He's asking me if I'm stoned? What? On a Beer ..... No, Chicken ..... Oh, jesus christ! What fucking forum am I On now?! "

          Safe! Breath. These guys know the score and aren't out to trip you up! Phew!

          Stoned? I should be so lucky! (Lucky, lucky, lucky!) Never seen the attraction in that girl, myself.

          Anyway, no. Sadly. To give ye my life history ~ because I'm crawling up the walls here? Pissed as a fucking hand cart, till a year back, last Sept. Woke up one day and decided " Fuck That! " Jacked it. There and then! Raving alky to good boy, just like that! Two days later? Ambulance to Sligo General! Just like that! No One Told Me, alky's can't just stop dead. Makes them dead! I had more drips coming out of me than a plumbers wet dream!

          But, yeah. That's me. Monumental fucking will power. Die of it, one day.

          Trouble is, being sober revealed the Pain the drink had been hiding! My hip? Fine, until I lay down. Haven't had a decent nights sleep in over a Year! Doc threw all he had at me. Nope. Asked a guy in town ..... Gear was rank shit, to be honest. Pakki Baccy, from Mo', our new import. Barely made me snigger. But, oddly? It stopped the pain!!!

          Now the kicker! Ye know how 'Dealers' all like to think they're Lou's 'Man'? Treat ye like shit. Well; I've got the stars on my knees, mate. I'll kneel before No idiot! Fucked the dealer right off out of it. (That will power again!) And so, here we are! Volcano Classic sat there. Gorgeous LIT stash box just arrived. Just paid €35.00 VAT to make customs hand over my Magma Obsidian. (Three Hundred Quid That's cost me!) And the only herbs in the house is fucking Mint for my peas!!!

          And there we have it. No Sleep Till Harvest! And I've gotta Grow the shit, first! And my set up's still in its box. In my kitchen. And I'm haemorrhaging cash like a burst money pipe. And my fevered little mind is pinging around inside my head like a pin ball on steroids! Now ye see why I'm like I am? I'm living inside a Paul Weller album: " Days Of Speed ". But, the only drugs I'm on are pain killers. And the only veg' I have is a cabbage I bought for my chickens!

          But, the spirit is strong! (I still have a barely touched litre of it in the cupboard, actually. No good to me)

          You wait and see: I pull off my first ever Northern Lights? I'll shut the fuck up! Be as wrecked as the rest of ye!
          Older bloke. Eire. Chatty as all fuck.

          Gearing up to grow Northern Lights Auto by DWC + Dribbler, with a " Spider Farmer Grow Tent Kit Complete SF-1000 Dimmable Full Spectrum LED Grow Light Samsung Diodes 27" X 27" X 62"Growing Tent 4 Inch Fan Filter Combo " from Amazon.​


          • golfnrl
            golfnrl commented
            Editing a comment
            I'm not sure if I should laugh with you or cry with you...but we're with you. I was a tea totaler for about 30 years. Then found I liked Irish Whisky and Rye. Chased that a bit and then started growing weed. Now I have a liquor cabinet with some really good whiskey in it that doesn't get much attention. The weed on the other hand is gettin' a work out. Everything I know about growing I learned on here. It took a few grows but I've settled on a system that fits my situation, now I'm simply trying to perfect it and learn how to better understand this wonderful plant.
            Last edited by golfnrl; 02-16-2023, 07:13 AM.

          Thank you for sharing your story with everyone! It's amazing how much cannabis can help people when they need it and I'm happy that you've found a way to use it to your benefit!

          That's part of what's so special about cannabis and reading your story is part of what's so great about these forums!

          You should be proud of all you've done and we're all rooting for you to have successful grows and harvests!
          Organic indoor grower - 4x4 tent - 2 Electric Sky 180v3s
          Relax, don't worry, less is more...usually!


            It's writing like this that keeps me coming back for more


              Golfnrl; " I'm not sure if I should laugh with you or cry with you." ? Laugh, mate! Everything's a fuckin' riot, with me! I don't let too much get me down. And I thoroughly enjoy most of what I get up to.

              Got a 'Blue Roll' dispenser, in my kitchen. (Why people use hand towels, I'll never know!) And, I habitually rip off eight or a dozen sheets, most days. Stick them somewhere handy on this desk. Yeah?

              So, one time, an old mate of mine's turned up here. We're standing by the desk, discussing something, when I gestured to indicate something on the desk. Only, what ever the hell it was, it was right next to my pile of blue roll sheets.

              I'll never forget it. I'm saying so and so. Dean O's 'Mm'ing' in acknowledgement. Raising his eyebrows, once in a while. Like " Really? Oh ..... " And, with that, I pointed to what ever it was, next to the blue rolls. I can see his face now! And this was some years ago now.

              He's looked toward where I'm pointing, with that, " Oh, yeah ...? " expression people show, when ye show them something interesting. Then, I've watched, in slow motion, as his eyes slid left. Focused on this pile of half scrunched tissue paper. And I've actually caught that fleeting curling of the lip, as a shadow passed over his face.

              The message was crystal: " You Dirty old basta ..... Too Much Information!!! "

              I'm in fuckin' Tears, right now! My stomach hurts for laughing so hard! That's what they're there for! I have such fun, sat here, I laugh my guts out, many times a day. The tissues are for wiping my eyes!!!

              I have a neighbour here, Pat. I Love winding him up! He's a stolid, hard working, no time for nonsense, born to it, Leitrim Cattle Farmer.

              One time, we're down on the bog, fiddling with some fresh electric fencing. I'm pretty much just there to " Hold this, please, Drab ..... " sort of thing. Then, a way to torment him brewed in my head. Next thing, poor Pat's looked up to see me; Staggering about the bog. Doubled right over. Clutching my guts and the tears Streaming down my face! I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe!

              He just looked at me. Shook his head and got back to what he was doing. He's known me long enough now. No explanation needed. The lunatic was just at it again with what ever goes on inside that head

              So, yeah. Sorry! That lot I banged out originally there? Wasn't mean't as any 'Look at me; Bear witness to the lines of sorrow!' sort of thing. I just love a chat and bit of craic, and I'm about as open as they come.

              Meanwhile ~ 'Back on Topic', as it were: Christ, those rooms are gonna need some working on! Nothing I can't handle. I mean, I made them into the state they're in. It really should 'just' be a matter of ferrying shit from one to the other. And shifting a few things out the way.

              Only things stopping me from getting on with it ~ apart from having some other projects to think about ~ is Really the question of Insulation!!! It's reading 49F in the 'Grow Room', as we speak. Obviously, too cold to try any meaningful experiments yet.

              But, shit's gonna be Tight, in there. Literally, every Inch will count. Like, I need to shove a bloody great work bench to one side. Only by inches. But; I only want to do it Once! Yeah?

              Well, I'm a great little believer in 'One step at a time' and 'First Things First'. So; I'll start a completely new thread: " Insulation ". I'll explain the craic there. We can all brain storm a bit. I'm sure it'll help me. And become an extremely valuable reference point, for others, for years to come. What ye reckon, lads?
              Older bloke. Eire. Chatty as all fuck.

              Gearing up to grow Northern Lights Auto by DWC + Dribbler, with a " Spider Farmer Grow Tent Kit Complete SF-1000 Dimmable Full Spectrum LED Grow Light Samsung Diodes 27" X 27" X 62"Growing Tent 4 Inch Fan Filter Combo " from Amazon.​


              • golfnrl
                golfnrl commented
                Editing a comment
                I'm familiar with the craic or was from from time to time but not so much anymore. Just how big is your grow space?

              Space, or actual tent? Tent's 2 ..... Christ. How do I get what's on my Profile onto my 'Signature', please? I've got it on there. Only, it's a " Two foot something " tent. 2' 3"? Something like that. Dunno why.

              Space around the tent? Well ..... It's like a box bedroom, sort of thing. But, it's also my tool / work room. Main thing is this bloody great, lashed up, 'work bench'. That's right beside 'the tent'. Basically; I'll need to literally chop the end of the bench down, to make any more inches.

              At a squeeze though, the whole tent Will fit. IF I then need to insulate (See other thread) that too can be done. Bloody bench is too long anyway! I barely ever use more than half its length.

              I have a photo. But, it really only shows 'Before'. I.e, corner full of junk. Bit pointless showing it, in this context
              Older bloke. Eire. Chatty as all fuck.

              Gearing up to grow Northern Lights Auto by DWC + Dribbler, with a " Spider Farmer Grow Tent Kit Complete SF-1000 Dimmable Full Spectrum LED Grow Light Samsung Diodes 27" X 27" X 62"Growing Tent 4 Inch Fan Filter Combo " from Amazon.​


              I just saw your other thread...just took a glimpse but it looks like ya'll are talking about what I was going to suggest. BTW, to edit your signature do on User Settings, that's a drop down menu under your username in the upper right hand corner of the page...then click on Account...scroll down until you see Edit Post on that link and edit sure to save what you do.
              Last edited by golfnrl; 02-17-2023, 08:37 PM. Reason: Fixed typo
              Auto/Photo Tent: Gorilla 2x4x7'11" HLG 350R, Infinity 4" w/Carbon Filter, Coco 50/50 perlite
              Autopot system
              : 1 Purple Haze/Malawa 100% Sativa Ace Seeds 1 Strawberry Cough ILGM
              Photo Tent: Gorilla 4x4x7'11" HLG Scorpion R, Infinity 6” w/Carbon Filter, Coco 50/50 perlite, Autopot system: 2 Purple Haze/Malawi & 2 Malawi 100% Sativa Ace seeds
              Nutrients: CX Horticulture - full line for both tents


                You fucking Legends! Thanks, guys! (God, that was sneaky! Absolute murder to spot that bit, as ye scroll through all the stuff that leads ye to believe 'this can't be it.')

                Sorted. Now we can All see it. And I don't have to keep burrowing back to my Amazon orders history!
                Older bloke. Eire. Chatty as all fuck.

                Gearing up to grow Northern Lights Auto by DWC + Dribbler, with a " Spider Farmer Grow Tent Kit Complete SF-1000 Dimmable Full Spectrum LED Grow Light Samsung Diodes 27" X 27" X 62"Growing Tent 4 Inch Fan Filter Combo " from Amazon.​


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