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RIP Queen Elizabeth

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    RIP Queen Elizabeth

    I'm not into the royals or any of that. This lady seemed alright, as far as world leaders go. Although only a symbolic position in the grand scheme of things, she was a positive figure for a lot of people.
    The Queen is dead. Bring on the King Charles.
    More entropy!


    I agree, she always seemed alright for a world leader/influencer. At least in public, she was always smiling and upbeat. I couldn't fucking do it. Do you think the new kingster will update a tiny aspect of the monarchy by using the hip and with-it Chuck rather than the stuffy Charles? I always thought the pope should have used Frank, but what do I know. Perfectly valid names, one and all.


    • OldManGrower
      OldManGrower commented
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      King Chuck! If he goes to the Friars Club, would it be a Chuck Roast?

    • KLAX
      KLAX commented
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      OldManGrower, NICE ONE! And yes, I believe it would be. Probably be a very tough roast.

    I googled to find out KC's age. All I had to type was 'how' and it came up with 'how old is Prince Charles.'
    He's a 73 year old man who could not be king because the queen did not think he would be a good one. Scuttlebutt, anyway.
    We like our presidents to be within a certain age group so they have a good chance at finishing four years, and at least a decent chance of making eight. 73 is way into retirement age. Like, super old. He's about to step into one of the top leadership positions in the world without being voted into the position or staging a successful coup. He's about to have to work for a living at things that are not necessarily his forte.
    I give him inside a year, then back to retirement. He can die, having been a king.
    Super old...
    More entropy!



    • KLAX
      KLAX commented
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      Being 72, I resemble that remark!

    • Gingerbeard
      Gingerbeard commented
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      Not my fault, friend. Facts is facts.

    • OldManGrower
      OldManGrower commented
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      Nah, he works you just don't recognize what he does as proper "Work". I agree with you as we are about to vote on two almost 80 year old guys for President. Term Limits!

    If you google any of the words who, what, where, when, why or how, the first or second search result comes up royal. How fast did that happen!!!
    Anyway. Too bad. KC may be a pill for the world leaders to swallow.
    More entropy!



      Her Majesty’s a pretty nice girl,
      But she doesn’t have a lot to say
      I want to tell her that I love her a lot.
      But I gotta get a bellyful of wine
      Her majesty’s a pretty nice girl
      Someday I’m going to make her mine

      -Paul McCartney/Beatles


      • KLAX
        KLAX commented
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        Nice one! I think I may just be listening to some Beatles today. Thank you!

        And kids, never forget that "Snub noses on buns" is a palindrome. It could save your life. (Or perhaps not.)

      Ok, somebody is now going to make a Queen Elizabeth Kush or something similar.

      What would be an appropriate seed to honor her?? Sativa or Indica?? Auto or photo??


        OldManGrower KC has not had to meet the heads of states. Has not had the relationship with the British government or the British people. He is a sidekick who got promoted because the hero died. I don't think people are going to take him seriously. He will be taken by hand and led by butlers and advisors.
        QE was cool among leaders because she did not have to worry about being voted out of office. Little old ladies with power are respected and badass.
        More entropy!



        • OldManGrower
          OldManGrower commented
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          I beg to differ, Kind Sir. Lizzy took the Crown in her early 20's with little or no training. While powerless to act, her voice became powerful in itself and respected by many. Lizzzy did not get to meet and interact with Heads of State or the British Government in other than a ceremonial capacity until after she was crowned. The British People did not know her as anything other than the King's Daughter until after her fathers death.

          I cannot speak to Chuck's relationship with the British People. However, He HAS been in training for this job since he was born. His role has been as an executive officer on a ship. Support and advise the Captain and carry out their wishes. He knows the job just fine but will always be measured against his Mother and that's a VERY high bar.

        • Gingerbeard
          Gingerbeard commented
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          That's a little of my point. QE started being the actual Q when she was pretty young. She was also groomed for the part. Since she had no enemies or allies when she took over... well, having no enemies is the important bit.
          KC has played a minor roll in royaling. Meet--n-greet minor characters in colonies they are still able to hang on to. He's going to have to let those people go to the way side because he now has bigger fish at his fry.
          These days the younger princes and princesses get the flame. Not until now have I hear much about KC.

        Isn't this nice! We're having a conversation about a world leader, and no one is getting nasty.
        More entropy!



          I was thinking about her last night and it struck me that she was more of an influencer, in today's jargon and meaning, than a leader. Not elected, she had no real power other than her, well, influence. That influence was powerful I would argue not because of the royalty stuff, but rather it was her longevity and the person that she was in office that gave her power.

          I totally agree that "Little old ladies with power are respected and badass," or at least they should be afforded respect. No doubt about the badass part, and that little old lady was a serious always smiling badass!


            She was special because of her last name. Not that she wasn't a great ambassador which she was. But Charles, harry, the other brother, they are nobody's without their name. Btw what is their last name?
            keeping it green with the soil thing
            love me some frosty autos
            Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
            the fruit basket
            blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


            • Gingerbeard
              Gingerbeard commented
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              She was probably loved and respected more than their parliament and such.
              Really. KC has a year. Death, abdication, or overthrow by citizen revolution, Sid Vicious their banner icon.



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