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A Slightly Seedy Summer Sativa Grow

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    It appears to be working
    Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


    • UndergroundFarmer
      UndergroundFarmer commented
      Editing a comment
      Nice! I love it when sugar leaves run out of space for more trichs.

    Fresh pics! The plants continue to recover from a neem/Dr. Bronner's mix that was too heavy on the soap. At least the mites couldn't survive it. Most of them are coming along well enough to manifold and the Tangies are already trimmed to four main branches. It seems one of those may be outing itself as a male - it's noticeably taller than the other three.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_1639(1).jpg Views:	0 Size:	4.63 MB ID:	576826
    Above are Liberty Haze, Lavender
    Acapulco Gold, Sweet Amnesia Haze

    Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_1640(1).jpg Views:	0 Size:	4.74 MB ID:	576823
    Super Lemon Haze, Durban Poison
    2 x Tangie X Blueberry

    Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_1641(1).jpg Views:	0 Size:	4.10 MB ID:	576824
    I need to tie these guys down soon! Front left is suspiciously tall. Tangies got only one spray and didn't get as burned.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_1642(1).jpg Views:	0 Size:	2.86 MB ID:	576825
    Occasionally I update this thing. LLOG is still drying. MAC-1 went into jars a few days ago. I got three quarts of bud much danker than the first batch because it was allowed to fully mature this time. It's not often that a second harvest in the same grow beats the first in quality. Smoke report when it finishes drying and curing. (It's still too damp to burn well.) I've been doing a rolling reamend since I added neem seed meal the weekend before (for pest control, mostly). I gave them a shot glass apiece of kelp meal this time which will surely help with healing up then they can get more crab meal next weekend.
    Coconut Grove
    4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Liberty Haze, Acapulco Gold, Lavender and Sweet Amnesia Haze.

    3x3 tent, Platinum P300 LED. Flowering two Tangies.

    Flower tent:
    4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Super Lemon Haze, Durban Poison and two Tangie x Blueberry crosses.

    32"x32" tent with Feit white LED. Vegging four Mother's Finest.

    Coco/Perlite/worm castings/mycorrhizae living soil mix.
    Down-To-Earth dry amendments. Gnarly Barley added weekly. Eisenia fetida.

    On deck: Winter indicas.


      The battle with the hemp russet mites continues. I've been assaulting them with weaker but more frequent drenchings of neem oil/Dr Bronner's and now rubbing alcohol. I think I'm winning. I'll break out the microscope and check again this weekend. On a nicer note, I got around to a honeydew. The worm bin needed to have its lowest tray cleaned out and prepped for service again. The whole tray was packed with castings, even down to the spigot for draining the stand at the bottom! I got enough worm poop to reamend all my pots and still have a three gallon bucket full of castings. Also, the LLOG that was drying is now in jars and the 3x3 is empty except for the three pots the clones grew in. Amazingly enough, there were still live worms in all three! I guess the dead roots kept them going while I ignored those pots except for the occasional watering.

      I got more tying down done this weekend and may put up the first scrog net in Coconut Grove. Here's a look:

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ID:	577856
      I can't wait for the mites to be gone for good. These guys should already be in flower.

      Here's the flower tent:
      Click image for larger version

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ID:	577857
      I really hope Super Lemon Haze at left rear snaps out of it.

      I forgot to get a picture of the Tangies. Some of them are looking pretty rough from the mite bites but they should rebound in flower.

      Speaking of the little devils again - I will try to wind down next year's grows by June and not start up again until September. this will give me more ability to travel on vacation and not have to deal with running an A/C in the grow room. It also just possibly will prevent the next mite infestation.

      Coconut Grove
      4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Liberty Haze, Acapulco Gold, Lavender and Sweet Amnesia Haze.

      3x3 tent, Platinum P300 LED. Flowering two Tangies.

      Flower tent:
      4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Super Lemon Haze, Durban Poison and two Tangie x Blueberry crosses.

      32"x32" tent with Feit white LED. Vegging four Mother's Finest.

      Coco/Perlite/worm castings/mycorrhizae living soil mix.
      Down-To-Earth dry amendments. Gnarly Barley added weekly. Eisenia fetida.

      On deck: Winter indicas.




      I found just a few mites Sunday morning. Most fans I put under the scope had none, but I found one with a few hatchlings, so I went in to psycho defoliation mode. After denying them most of their habitat, I gave them another spray. I even moved the Tangies into the 3x3 to start flower because I'm tired of veg.

      Here's the hack jobs:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_1682(1).jpg
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ID:	578362
      Liberty Haze, Lavender
      Acapulco Gold, Sweet Amnesia Haze

      Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_1683(1).jpg
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Size:	5.46 MB
ID:	578361
      Super Lemon Haze, Durban Poison
      Tangie X Blueberry

      The Tangies:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_1684(1).jpg
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ID:	578360
      Coconut Grove
      4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Liberty Haze, Acapulco Gold, Lavender and Sweet Amnesia Haze.

      3x3 tent, Platinum P300 LED. Flowering two Tangies.

      Flower tent:
      4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Super Lemon Haze, Durban Poison and two Tangie x Blueberry crosses.

      32"x32" tent with Feit white LED. Vegging four Mother's Finest.

      Coco/Perlite/worm castings/mycorrhizae living soil mix.
      Down-To-Earth dry amendments. Gnarly Barley added weekly. Eisenia fetida.

      On deck: Winter indicas.


      • UndergroundFarmer
        UndergroundFarmer commented
        Editing a comment
        I even had to chop off a badly bitten branch from one of these Tangies. I seriously have to take a break next summer so the mites can't get established again.

      Man you are really fighting, not sure I'd have the patience. Hey do you have any posts detailing you approach to living soil? I'm dabbling in it and would love more info.


      • UndergroundFarmer
        UndergroundFarmer commented
        Editing a comment
        My previous thread Niwas and a jump to living soil may help. I'd have to reread it myself before I could tell you what all is in there! I base what I'm doing on Build-A-Soil's method. I use their premixed 3.0 because it's the best and easiest way to get going. I have a worm factory where all the kitchen scraps and coffee grounds go. That is huge because I have fresh worm castings on demand plus worms for replenishing the pots. It took several months to get going but the compost is incredible. I reamend with BAS's gnarly barley once a week to keep the worms alive. I'll bet I could use Malt-a-Meal instead and do fine. I do reamends every 21 days with Down-To-Earth's Neem Seed Meal, Crab Meal and Kelp Meal and use their flowering mix for flowering along with a dose of worm castings. The pickers I grow in water from a reservoir in the bottom. Water wicks in from the corners and saturates the soil from below. The plants put roots down into the reservoir and take off like they do in hydro, but they are even healthier. I also don't adjust the pH of my water. The life in the soil will take care of that. I do add a pinch of saponins to help with absorption. I hope that helped!

      Thanks UF, super helpful


        Man you went full scorched earth there. Never manifolded. Why do you take all of the shoots along the stem off?
        keeping it green with the soil thing
        love me some frosty autos
        Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
        the fruit basket
        blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


        • UndergroundFarmer
          UndergroundFarmer commented
          Editing a comment
          In this case, mostly to get rid of damaged leaves and nodes, but also to keep it all clean below where the scrog net will go soon. I usually leave three growth nodes at the ends until I flip to flower. Cutting off as much as I did denies the mites habitat and makes it way easier to spray them again if needed. It's also good to get rid of damaged stuff because the mites inject an anti-growth hormone that causes most of the real problems. It's stupid really, because they kill off their own source of food.

          In a future mite-free grow, I will look at leaving a few of those shoots in the middle to help fill out the canopy. I could probably keep as many as four without crowding.
          Last edited by UndergroundFarmer; 10-12-2022, 05:08 PM.

        You hit them hard. Make sure they know who is the boss. I bet they will veg out nice.
        Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


          Damn, you raped them tangies! Stay steadfast.
          Though a tougher battle, I'm can win.
          We wish you the best!
          Back to playin in the dirt!
          Currently growing 8 Scarlet Grape. Check it out here:

          I do not currently partake. I grow for fun. Someday!


            Thanks for the encouragement. Some like Acapulco Gold are already bouncing back fast.
            Coconut Grove
            4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Liberty Haze, Acapulco Gold, Lavender and Sweet Amnesia Haze.

            3x3 tent, Platinum P300 LED. Flowering two Tangies.

            Flower tent:
            4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Super Lemon Haze, Durban Poison and two Tangie x Blueberry crosses.

            32"x32" tent with Feit white LED. Vegging four Mother's Finest.

            Coco/Perlite/worm castings/mycorrhizae living soil mix.
            Down-To-Earth dry amendments. Gnarly Barley added weekly. Eisenia fetida.

            On deck: Winter indicas.


              All right! It's getting harder to find baby mites, but there are still just a few. I mixed another batch of spray and hit them again on Sunday. I also took a few more leaves from where they weren't needed or too bugbit to thrive. Everything in Coconut Grove needed water today! Emptying the reservoir means growth! I haven't put the net up yet but will very soon. The flower tent is still another story but half of them are turned around and growing. I predict a very staggered harvest. Tangies are still recovering and adjusting to the new tent and light schedule. I now have three Mother's Finest seedlings in the nursery and I'm trying for a fourth before it gets late.

              Click image for larger version

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              Coconut Grove: Liberty Haze, Lavender
              Acapulco Gold, Sweet Amnesia Haze

              Click image for larger version

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ID:	578863
              Flower tent: Super Lemon Haze, Durban Poison
              Tangie x Blueberry

              Click image for larger version

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ID:	578861
              The Tangies trying to bounce back in the 3x3.

              Click image for larger version

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ID:	578862
              Mother's Finest at last.

              Coconut Grove
              4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Liberty Haze, Acapulco Gold, Lavender and Sweet Amnesia Haze.

              3x3 tent, Platinum P300 LED. Flowering two Tangies.

              Flower tent:
              4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Super Lemon Haze, Durban Poison and two Tangie x Blueberry crosses.

              32"x32" tent with Feit white LED. Vegging four Mother's Finest.

              Coco/Perlite/worm castings/mycorrhizae living soil mix.
              Down-To-Earth dry amendments. Gnarly Barley added weekly. Eisenia fetida.

              On deck: Winter indicas.


                Tuesday update: The fourth MF has sprouted!

                Also, I forgot that I turned off the two tent heaters at their switches when I wanted the last grow's plants to have cool temps for late flower.
                I kept on thinking that the heaters were working but the exhaust fan was bringing in too much cool air to keep the temps at 78F during the day!!
                Luckily, I checked last night knowing that freezing temps were on their way. They are already responding with noticeable growth since last night.
                I'll be putting up that net soon and then we can get this grow happening!
                Coconut Grove
                4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Liberty Haze, Acapulco Gold, Lavender and Sweet Amnesia Haze.

                3x3 tent, Platinum P300 LED. Flowering two Tangies.

                Flower tent:
                4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Super Lemon Haze, Durban Poison and two Tangie x Blueberry crosses.

                32"x32" tent with Feit white LED. Vegging four Mother's Finest.

                Coco/Perlite/worm castings/mycorrhizae living soil mix.
                Down-To-Earth dry amendments. Gnarly Barley added weekly. Eisenia fetida.

                On deck: Winter indicas.


                  It was a big weekend for the grow room. I defoliated again and sprayed again after much veg growth and just a few mites found with the scope. Coconut Grove is likely to go to flower within two weeks and the flower tent isn't that far behind.

                  Here's the 4x4s:
                  Click image for larger version

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ID:	579259
                  Coconut Grove

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ID:	579261
                  Flower Tent after much tying down.

                  Two of the four Tangies are now mulch because:
                  Click image for larger version

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ID:	579256 Click image for larger version

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                  It was free seed, can't complain.

                  Here's the 3x3 before the purge:
                  Click image for larger version

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ID:	579262

                  I moved two of the MFs to pots. The other two aren't far behind.
                  Click image for larger version

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ID:	579258

                  All survivors are doing fine. This grow should finish like a champ considering the way everything is shooting up. Every plant looks better in person today than they did in these pictures from yesterday.
                  Attached Files
                  Coconut Grove
                  4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Liberty Haze, Acapulco Gold, Lavender and Sweet Amnesia Haze.

                  3x3 tent, Platinum P300 LED. Flowering two Tangies.

                  Flower tent:
                  4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Super Lemon Haze, Durban Poison and two Tangie x Blueberry crosses.

                  32"x32" tent with Feit white LED. Vegging four Mother's Finest.

                  Coco/Perlite/worm castings/mycorrhizae living soil mix.
                  Down-To-Earth dry amendments. Gnarly Barley added weekly. Eisenia fetida.

                  On deck: Winter indicas.


                    I had to unload another tray from the worm bin this weekend, so everybody got reamended with good stuff! You can even see the mycelia that busted out the day after in one of the pics. I took all plant pics before defoliation.

                    Coconut Grove:
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_1723.jpg
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ID:	579633

                    Flower Tent:
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_1724(1).jpg
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ID:	579631

                    3x3 Tangies:
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_1725(1).jpg
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ID:	579629

                    Here's a bud shot with trichs already growing in.
                    Click image for larger version

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ID:	579630

                    Here's the Mother's Finest seedlings. (Wow)
                    Click image for larger version

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ID:	579632

                    Here's a closeup of the mycelia growing in the middle pot:
                    Click image for larger version

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ID:	579628

                    And the whiteboard I finally updated.
                    Click image for larger version

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ID:	579634

                    I've continued to spray for the few mites I can still find every few days and I've hit the MFs too just to be safe. Only a TXBB hasn't started popping healthy leaves yet.
                    Coconut Grove
                    4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Liberty Haze, Acapulco Gold, Lavender and Sweet Amnesia Haze.

                    3x3 tent, Platinum P300 LED. Flowering two Tangies.

                    Flower tent:
                    4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Super Lemon Haze, Durban Poison and two Tangie x Blueberry crosses.

                    32"x32" tent with Feit white LED. Vegging four Mother's Finest.

                    Coco/Perlite/worm castings/mycorrhizae living soil mix.
                    Down-To-Earth dry amendments. Gnarly Barley added weekly. Eisenia fetida.

                    On deck: Winter indicas.


                      The canopy in Coconut Grove is filling out! The flower tent isn't far behind but needs at least another two weeks before flip. I've already changed CG from 18/6 to 16/8 and they are already stretching a bit after two days. Tangie is starting to smell and Mother's Finest is about ready for some topping.

                      Coconut Grove:
                      Click image for larger version

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ID:	580201

                      Flower tent:
                      Click image for larger version

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ID:	580200
                      It's nice to see Super Lemon Haze at top left popping out some big healthy fans. Durban Poison at top right is also coming along fast.

                      The 3x3:
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_1747(1).jpg
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ID:	580202

                      The Nursery:
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_1748(1).jpg
Views:	315
Size:	4.74 MB
ID:	580199

                      I'm still spraying for mites just to be safe. I'd really like to keep them off the MF if possible.
                      Coconut Grove
                      4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Liberty Haze, Acapulco Gold, Lavender and Sweet Amnesia Haze.

                      3x3 tent, Platinum P300 LED. Flowering two Tangies.

                      Flower tent:
                      4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Super Lemon Haze, Durban Poison and two Tangie x Blueberry crosses.

                      32"x32" tent with Feit white LED. Vegging four Mother's Finest.

                      Coco/Perlite/worm castings/mycorrhizae living soil mix.
                      Down-To-Earth dry amendments. Gnarly Barley added weekly. Eisenia fetida.

                      On deck: Winter indicas.


                      • SoOrbudgal
                        SoOrbudgal commented
                        Editing a comment
                        They have recovered well since you stripped leaf. Grow on my friend they look great. I just am overly cautious when taking so many leaves off an stressing them but you know your grow techniques an they work for you

                      • UndergroundFarmer
                        UndergroundFarmer commented
                        Editing a comment
                        Thanks. Mite fighting requires spraying down the undersides of all the leaves. Leaving a bunch of foliage close to the stem makes it hard to hit all of them with the sprayer, so I was forced to clean up more than usual. Worse, bitten plants have very short internodes so the foliage is denser than normal. Removing the bitten leaves also removes mites and eggs so they can go die in the trash can.

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