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Want-to-be grower, want to buy the right stuff & do it the right way, the first time.

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    Want-to-be grower, want to buy the right stuff & do it the right way, the first time.

    I've been saving up and trying to research for a while now, like over a year. I've got the money now and would like to buy the supplies but there are so many different things that work for different people - it gets overwhelming. So I'm hoping for advice from you all for what would work best for me!
    Budget: Preferred $1000, can go up to $1500 (all inclusive)
    Production: 1lb/4mo
    Grow space: Indoor walk-in closet, 7 ft long, 7 ft tall, 4 ft wide. Homeowner, so no worries about damage-free builds.
    Electricity can be provided either through a. the light bulb socket in the ceiling can be converted; or b. run extension cord from the room;
    Window is nearby (but not inside closet) to provide ventiliation or AC, whatever.
    The room that the closet is in is not a bed room any more - it is my reptile, fish, and rodent room. It is sealed off from the central heat & air. It gets quite hot with the heat lamps from reptiles, so I need to keep the closet cool somehow.
    I want something that is EASY MAINTENANCE. Every time I search for this term, I see people saying that it takes the fun out of it, part of the joy is the gardening, etc... but I'm here to grow medicine to save money in the long run for my fiance (to be husband) and father. I work full time, I also have to take care of my farm. I don't have time to babysit a plant. I would rather invest in the right stuff beforehand and make a plan that I can maintain and just go go go.

    From what I've seen so far... I need a light that's cool but also very efficient... LEDs or HIDs?
    Grow tent for the lovely mylar, but I could also just... mylar the whole room if that's more effective?
    Ac... ventilation... I don't even know what medium and grow type setups work the best for low maintenance...
    Please send help, I'm overwhelmed.

    Bonus points.. can we create a mushroomery in this as well? I'd like to get my natural medicine back too.

    Edit to add additional info. Hot as hell where I'm at, humid as hell as well. Feels like you swim through the air after the rain. Stealth is not a concern.

    Edit 2:
    I've spent the hours since posting this researching nonstop and trying to compare each option with another, and so far I've decided: LED lights, I'm looking @ viparspectra 1200w or kind k5xl1000; DWC / bubbleponics - only thing I don't like is how much I will have to build it to start with, would much prefer to buy something pre-made...
    I want to research more on vent exhaust w carbon filter or scrubber, active intake from an AC window unit, and so much more...
    Last edited by lucyt; 07-07-2022, 04:23 PM.

    Have you tried GWE for info on getting started and what you need? Has some pretty solid tutorials and articles on starting, growing and finishing. Good luck and happy pharming!
    Grow # 3 50/50 S/I Critical Mass photo fem
    Seeds drop in water 1/8/2022

    Medium: FF Coco Loco plus 30% Perlite in 7 gal cloth bags
    Space: 30x48x62 DIY cabinet lined w/space blankets
    Lighting: Bloomspect SS1000 Quantum board x 3 - 300 watts actual draw
    Soil Supplements: Worm Castings, Crab Shell, Oyster Shell, Neem and Karanja Meal, Volcanic Basalt Dust (for minerals), Recharge root micros. Grow 3 is with reconstituted super soil to which I've added several additional minerals and supplements. A more complete list based on Cackamas Coots super soil recipe can be found in my Auto Toka thread
    i don't grow plants anymore, I grow soil that my plants can thrive in!
    My filtered tap water runs over 7.5 pH but the soil microbes
    make pH correction unnecessary
    Ventilation: Vipospar 4" Exhaust Fan w/RH controller, 12" Carbon Scrubber
    8" bottom intake fan, 6" clip on fan, 6" heater as needed
    Cabinet on screen porch. N AZ @ 4000 ft.

    My salute to all who have served
    Semper Fidelis!


      Goto the GWE main site and search grow setups. They have several articles that will tell you exactly what to expect per tent size or watts used. I’d use their recommendations starting out. Especially when it come to lights. Get a good full spectrum led not a burple pos. You also need to put as much thought into providing the proper environment and being able to control it through the different stages. The environment provided is what makes the difference between just growing weed or growing really good weed.


        I would use an extension cord. That light fixture has a max watts listed for it and it's going to be less than you need. I used survival blankets to line my grow closet. Very inexpensive. It's an uninformed guess but since you have a custom grow space you probably need to figure out a lighting solution to match. Though I think 4x8' is a standard grow tent size so maybe asking for customer support from a lighting vendor you like might get you some ideas of what's needed. I tend to take manufacturers tests and results as a starting point at best but it might be a starting point. Experts here (I'm not one of them!) will help you but no one likes typing the same stuff over and over. I know it's too much to read all at once but there's so much good stuff here. You're in good hands.
        Drying: Strawberry Cough photo started indoors Apr 27. Moved outdoors June 25. Harvested October 8.
        Past grows: Speakeasy Bourbon Berry Auto F1 (Ogreberry x Whiskey Zulu),
        Whiskey Zulu, Trizzlers


          I've researched and read through hundreds of articles, on GWE and elsewhere. I do appreciate y'alls answers, I guess I just need to keep reading though and making decisions. I'm not good with the decisions because I'm afraid I'll totally screw up. I'd rather invest more in the front to make sure that I have more 'buffer' for mistakes later, y'know? I know I could just throw together some cheap grow, it's called weed after all, but I'd rather do it right and I am just terrified of spending $1000 only to find out later I got all the wrong things


          • SoOrbudgal
            SoOrbudgal commented
            Editing a comment
            Are you doing this grow for yourself or is someone else going to help you? Have you ever grown a garden? Is your state a legal state to grow? Not that i care if it is or isn't but these are things to also consider. Do you rent ? I would not hassle growing if i rented and landlord was a non smoker or was not OK with the grow. Gotta be smart about your plan. My state was illigal now it's not i can have 4 adult plants growing outdoors or indoors.

          • lucyt
            lucyt commented
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            Doing it for someone else who will be able to help, but I am in charge of making sure it is done right; Have grown garden before but most times I've failed at it completely because I don't have time to tend to it constantly. THe one time I managed to get all the timers and things right, I grew a beautiful garden. Never since. I don't rent, I own my own home, far in rural area so stealth isn't an issue either, but I don't want to grow outside just to advertise.

          Would like some opinions on hydro vs coco...
          it's one of the big points I"m struggling on. The room I have is hotter than hell, it stays in the 90s. I figure I'm going to need an AC in there regardless to keep from melting the plants.
          I know DWC needs decently cool water.. so I'm wondering if I piped AC in and around each of the DWC buckets, would I be able to get them cool enough? Or should I just go with coco so the coolness is not an issue. I wonder if the cost of running that AC enough to keep the DWC cool enough is going to hike up the electricity to the point it isn't worth it, but I'm going to have to have an AC in an active intake just to get it cool enough to not melt the whole house down.

          ---- edit to add another opinion request

          If I did go with bubbleponics/DWC, I'd rather do fewer large systems than individual 5-10 gllon buckets for each plant. Can anyone tell me their opinions on the # of plants per gallon tub or how many of what size tub will fit in the 4x4 tents? I'm thinking 30 gallons for 2x plants and 4x clones and have 3 of them, or maybe 55 gallons and have 4 plants and clones up in around them
          ... or is there a dwc system that shares water so I don't have to test and chemical every single bucket?
          Last edited by lucyt; 07-08-2022, 07:32 PM.


          • Smoklahoma
            Smoklahoma commented
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            I run a dwc set up with a 55 gal res that goes to a control bucket that feeds multiple grow buckets. More of a ebb and flow system but I use it for dwc and have it top itself off several times a day.

          It sounds like your biggest hurdle is going to be getting the environment correct. A portable a/c unit may be the answer, it’ll need to vent to the outside but the unit itself can sit in the closet. You may need a dehumidifier and or a humidifier depending on season. An exhaust/air exchange fan would be a good idea too as you don’t want the air just sitting in the closet. I’d use an led light, don’t buy a shitty one but doesn’t have to cost thousands. Paint the walls bright white, water proof the floor and your ready to roll. But for real the temp and humidity will make or break your grow, work on getting that correct before you add plants and lights, and also when watering big plants they shit humidity into the air so once you get you room right remember you’ll need to be able to adjust it further.


            Want-to-be grower, want to buy the right stuff & do it the right way, the first time.

            That’s how I felt when I started and I’m sure some the other growers feel the same way. I consider myself a hobbyist level grower.

            based on what you stated spend your budget on lights. You can line the closet with Mylar or paint it white. Find your self some commercially available “living soil” some 5 gallon grow bags and beans. With living soil all you need to do is water, which if set up with drip irrigation means less work. Yield will still be a variable based on training of plant which may add 30 mins per plant per week ( if that). I would suggest 4-6plants (autos) will allow you to maintain an 18/6 light schedule irregardless of whether plant is vegging or flowering.

            Disclaimer- these recommendations are based on not really knowing much about your situation. Remember these are your plants and you are the one who makes the ultimate decision on how to grow I.e. if I follow someone else’s idea and don’t like the result that is on me.

            good luck, good growing ya’ll

            ps-there are still plenty of issues that may need to be addressed during grow pH, pests etc
            Last edited by cybersmib; 07-09-2022, 07:43 AM.
            “Rather laugh with sinners than cry with saints” Billy Joel Only the good die young
            ”I think I can, I think I can…”the little engine that could


              Yes what they say about enviornment sounds to me like your first step get that semi under control first. I don't know DWC/ Hydro i'm into building my own soil for containers. Lots of folks here know their shit about DWC so hang in there. But i'd work on that space first. Painting or mylar is cheap, we'll help with your decision with lights and by all mean i'd sure go with LED if i were you, almost zero heat and it's quite.
              Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

              Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
              indoor/outdoor grower
              1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
              I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
              Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers



                As someone who lived and grew in a rural area for years, my personal experience is stay away from hydro. Too many electronics involved that are peril to your plants life to rely on the power to stay on during storms. If my lights and fans go off for hours or even days the plants will be unhappy but bounce back and there are things you can do to get them through like taking them outside for a bit. Loose power that long in a hydro setup and you’re starting a new grow once you get the power back on. Things a newbie doesn’t consider until it’s too late


                • lucyt
                  lucyt commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Great comment, something I can consider. Thankfully the electricity doesn't often go off for long periods of time. Longest time was maybe 12 hrs or so, but it was because of a major weather event that isn't something that happens except once every 5-10 years. But, nonetheless something to consider and potentially plan for. Thank you

                I faced such decisions when I started. Keep it simple, LED lights, get control of your environment heat and air flow wise. Your power requirements will start to add up. Power from a light socket will not be grounded and probably under powered, don't do it. Run a grounded cord, or put in a new 15 or 20A circuit. The decision to use DWC, coco/perlite,or something else will be yours. My experience with coco/p was that I wanted simple, and easy to recover from if there was a TFU event. Murphy is always waiting. I had such an event, and was unexpectedly absent for a week with an inexperienced pitch hitter running it. From what I have read here about running a DWC, it would have been a challenge for an inexperienced helper, but at any rate coco/p has a wider margin of error imo. If you have to be gone for a weekend, I felt comfortable letting it go by itself. As for you setup, the light is the most important part, do not cheap out on it. Budget at least 50% of funds for a light, do the light right the first time.
                Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


                  I wish somebody would have turned me on to clackamas coot and build a soil early. Easy organic growing. You don't have to buy from them just understand what you need and source it else where locally. No ph, filtered tap water when dry. You can use straight tap if allowed to gas, filtered is better because treatment ratios can change without notice and effect grow. Personally i just use a boogie blue water hose filter, get water as needed can water plants directly with water hose. I will use RO if I'm trying to dilute something like worm leachate or a tea, as my tap ppm ranges 700-900ppm

                  lights just multiply your grow space and divide that by lights wattage. Youd want a minimum of 30 watts a sqft from quality light. Hlg, growers choice, chill led among other quality lights you can get away with 28 or so watts a sqft. The lower quality light the more per sqft youd want. I'd stay away from blurples unless it's a blackdog. That's what I got as a beginner light, blurple not blackdog, still use it when need to seed start, and veg in a small closet. Personally I prefer bar style for complete canopy coverage.

                  Anything ac Infinity is quality pots to tents everything in between. Good luck and enjoy your journey

                  if you're handy with diy the build kits from hlg ( horticultural lighting group ) are reasonable
                  Last edited by GroBuddy; 07-09-2022, 03:54 PM.


                    When I started I asked the same question, there is no easy answer. First off your lights are going to cost the most, I would recommend LED's as they save money and will last a while, that would be about 300 bucks or more. Second, you going to need a tent, my suggestion is a 4x4x7, you have space and height, that is about 200 bucks. Third, go with plastic pots, 3 to 5 gallon ones, they are cheap and should not cost you much. Fourth, go with easy soil like fox farms ocean forest or happy frog. Fifth, nutrients, go with fox farms trio. The reason I recommend all this is it is cheap and great for beginners, a lot of people here have been growing for years, you have not, and you need a place to start. You can go with whatever you want, I am just suggesting a starter path that you can later change when you feel ready. I wish you good luck! By the way you will need duct fans, one 4 inch and one 6 inch for ventilation get duct fans as they are cheaper than inline and do the same job.


                      Before anything you'll need to figure out how to cool your space. First off, why is it so hot there? If you can figure that out and change it you may have found your solution. Otherwise you may have to install a mini split A/C in the "lung room" so that your tent doesn't overheat. Mini splits ain't cheap so try and figure out how you can keep that area cool. It may not be right and you may need to find another spot for your grow. I would buy a hygrometer first and place it in the room and write down your daily totals for a few days with whatever fluctuations in temperature and humidity you may have in the room so you have a base of knowledge to work from in regards to your environment. Time of the year will also affect your room temp. Keep that in mind.

                      AC Infinity 4 x 4 tent kit includes everything you need to do a great scrog grow for under $1,000 on Amazon.

                      Not RDWC but try this:


                      GH Floranova Grow and Bloom
                      Hormex or Superthrive
                      Pro Tekt Silicate
                      Botanicare Cal/Mag
                      Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice
                      Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy or Big Bud

                      Grow Medium:

                      Roots Organic Original soil base
                      Xtreme Gardening MYKOS Mycorrhizae

                      Automated Irrigation:

                      I set up a nute reservoir outside the tent with a timer that triggers the pond pump in the reservoir to send Nutrient solution to a 4 pot drip system distribution head and distribute the solution to all 4 plants in the 4 x 4. I don't use drippers. I use drip T's and make a circle out of 1/4" drip hose and 4 tees around the base of the plant with the 3rd leg facing the base. I turn the T's down so the third leg faces down into the soil at a 45* angle.

                      The plants are set in cloth pots and the pots sit inside some cheap plastic wash tubs I got at the dollar store. I built a 4 way vacuum hose manifold with each hose going to each tub and secured it inside the tubs facing down to the bottom. This will be used to suck up any waste solution that drains from the bottom of the pots. I connected the manifold to a small pond pump and connected the pump to a timer that turns the pump on 30 minutes after the plants have been watered and turns off 3 minutes later. I routed the waste water from the pump into one of my garden beds outside and the plants love it! Zero waste grow!

                      Good Luck!
                      Last edited by Rootsruler; 07-16-2022, 12:48 AM.


                        LUCYT--> As a new grower myself, I have found that getting some books like the Cannabis Grow Bible is a good investment. As far as equipment, I too was working on a budget. Theres web sites I could share but dont know if its considered spamming or whatnot but I have learned what works best is reading about it, and then doing research into how you want to grow. I suggest to start out very basic that way you get things as you have the money for it. The more you start learning as I am, the more you can dial in what your plants need...For instance, I grow in 5 gal buckets in soil which is great, but then I found that I needed air hoses on the bottom of my buckets bc root rot and overwatering were my challenges. Try to take one thing at a time and MATH matters the whole way around. I have wasted money on things I thought I needed but didnt necessarily need at the time. The cool thing is the plants take time to grow so if you dont start big, you wont loose big. Everything is getting harder to find and more expensive. Another tip, make sure you read the product description before buying it. i bought a pump thats kick ass..buut I dont need to move 200 gallons of H2O so its a bit overkill and i could of saved money if I just read a bit more about it. Heres a saying I learned along the trail of life: Proper Preparation ='s Perfect Performance. OH, HID ;ights arent as bad as ppl say they are. LED's might be better, but HID lighting is still very good. HID's can save you money at first. Just to give you an idea of the total i spent in about 4 months which includes just the grow set up was around 2k. I switched from using fox farm products to Canna Products. but nutrients are expensive. PH UP and PH DOWN I buy 2 bottles of each just in case. Remember the 4 P's. take care!


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