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You know what i love?

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    I love being able to see rockets take off from Vandenberg within a couple seconds of liftoff, separate first stage, arc the sky, and the last couple seconds before the booster lands. Liftoff and landing are real-time online with mission control people using rocket sciencey words. That is all way freaking cool!!!
    I also love new underwear. You can only retie a thong so many times before it gets uncomfortable.
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      Going2fast Bwaaaaaahaaaahahhhaaaaa... breath... hhhhhaaaabbbarwwwwwwahaaaahhaaaa... conga line... pant... pant... I know you're in there... pant... but I can't figure out which... tee-hee-hoo...

      Proud mullet-wearers embrace their style at Belgium festival (
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      • Going2fast
        Going2fast commented
        Editing a comment
        Aww hell yeah

      I love a successful harvest and the play afterwards. almost 4 g from the trimbin after final dry trimming the 6 sativa ladies. next to sift popcorn and trim which are just glowing. Lotsa hash making to come. yumm. Oh - and the finger/scissor hash rocks off these sativas. Cheer all. Oh - and getting to play with the indica team as they leap towards flowring - much fun. Thyey look so sad, having been ignored till the sativas graduated, but will come around - Bad Daddy Hmmm - cannabis brings joy, who woulda thought!
      A happy Canuk. this grow will be using Flora Flex nutrients in coco/perlite. 9 plants in 3 by 3 tent and 8 plants in 2 by 4, in 1 or 2 gallon pots (whatevere is there). manual fertigation planned. veg till around 1 ft high. 2 by 4 tent light is Bloom Plus 2500 and 3 by 3 tent has Mar Hydro Ts3000, both of which seem awesome.


        Buddy smog shop guy's smog shop got tagged.
        Buddy just happened to be at the shop at 4:30 to hit the laundry mat next door when the punks did their thing. All the while, buddy is on the phone with the sheriff. Punks tag, walk for another tag down the block, cross the street and get nabbed by the sheriff.
        What do I love? What more do I love than criminals getting caught in the act? Watching the video.
        One punk hangs out on the sidewalk saying, 'No cameras... no cameras...' while the tagger is standing just to the right of the camera where his face is caught in the action. No face on the two other cameras, though.
        Want more love?
        These guys not only get busted for what they got caught doing, they get busted for all the other similar tags the sheriff keeps record of.
        No, asshole. Tagging is not street art.
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