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Colloidal silver to force a male- is this what is supposed to happen?

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    Week 9 bloom, day 6

    Seed clone and experimental clones. I was hoping n dreaming that the experimentals (rear) would be ready to chop by now. Trichs are cloudy, a few sparse amber here n there, they just don't look finished. They are starting to produce last minute pistils but no fade on the leaves. They are starting to get top heavy and will need support soon. The light is under powered as this is all that is available now. Maybe next week.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	20220803_105458-A.jpg
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ID:	572619

    The seed clone and the sister. All three plants are from the same mother and are the same age. Seeded on left, non-seeded on right. Note he differences in color, shape of growth, and amount of frost on the buds between the two. There is one seed poking it's way through the calyx membrane and it looks healthy. Now I have to wait this one out until it is done and ready to drop seeds.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	20220803_105550-A.jpg
Views:	532
Size:	1.03 MB
ID:	572620
    Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


      Week 11 bloom, day 4
      Week 8, day 4 since pollination

      Click image for larger version

Name:	20220815_105430-A.jpg
Views:	515
Size:	861.3 KB
ID:	573785

      Here is the seed maker, it has been a long haul. I was looking for seeds to start dropping by themselves, but no luck. This plant is old and showing it and I did not want to risk the dreaded infection so chop it went. I wonder how many seeds are in there. I will dry it and find out.
      Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


      • Ckbrew
        Ckbrew commented
        Editing a comment
        Yes, even a little harder than normal.

      So here is the seed clone all processed. The plant was hung to dry for 13 days. It has been in the 80-90's and 70-85% humidity so the drying was not optimal. Total weight was 83g of chopped up flower and 33g of seed, 28.4% of the total weight. The total number of seeds produced is approximately 2,069. This plant is part of the group of clones featured in , and had a total weight greater than both the 3 and 5 gallon pots (this one was in a 3 gallon), but not after the seed is removed. I guess I will extract some of this, and some will be made into butter, but maybe I will make some real DI hash with out dog hair and perfume. What a long strange trip it has been. Unfortunately This plant only has minimal desired characteristics of the original mother, I was hoping for more... At least I can say I did it. BTW- I would rather trim buds than break up buds by hand to recover seeds. I was having flashbacks to the 1970s. If my fading memory is correct, we used to count on about 25% of the bag weight would be seed.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	20220901_104629-A.jpg
Views:	505
Size:	689.7 KB
ID:	575124
      Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


      • changeofpace2014
        changeofpace2014 commented
        Editing a comment
        Dam you must of been bored to count all them Beans.....A very Nice wright up and follow through for us..Thank You

      • Ckbrew
        Ckbrew commented
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        They were counted by aliquot method. Count 100, weigh them, weigh all seeds, then calculate total number of seeds from the total weight.

      This has been such an interesting thread, especially the side by sides. 2000 seeds! How many buds did you pollinate? Generally when I've done this I only pollinate one or two so I get about 15 to 20 seeds, which is usually more than enough for my experiments and still leaves me with lots of seedless bud for smoking. Thanks for posting all this, I'm interested in hearing about how different your phenotypes look once you start planting them.


        I pollinated the entire plant. The thought of pollinating just part of the plant was never considered. I didn't know that was a thing until I did this and other people said they do just parts of the plant. I made a male from an entire plant and had to remove about 80% of the male flowers. I still have a big bag of pollen.
        Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


          Congratulations Ckbrew !
          You made it all the way to the finish line by doing everything right and sharing the ride for others to learn and enjoy. Well Done.

          Pollinating the entire plant produces a mountain of seeds and a lot of work extracting them. Selectively pollinating a few branches is fairly easy, produces plenty of seeds and leaves the rest of the harvest with seedless buds. You've probably already found some resources on selective pollination, but here's a quick run at how I do it.

          Make a large trash can bag into a "Pollen Raincoat" with a reinforced 12" slit about 12" above the bottom of the bag.

          Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_4657.jpg Views:	0 Size:	73.8 KB ID:	575271 Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_4658.jpg Views:	0 Size:	66.4 KB ID:	575272

          Select a single branch to pollinate then cover it completely with a small white kitchen trash bag. Slide the black "Raincoat" over the entire plant with the branch in the white bag poking out of the slit. Then gently pull the white bag back out, leaving the "Lucky Lady" branch out in the open and the rest of the plant completely covered by her Raincoat.

          Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_4697.jpg Views:	0 Size:	139.3 KB ID:	575266 Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_4699.jpg Views:	0 Size:	105.4 KB ID:	575267

          Tape up the slit in the black bag and pollenate with vigor. Don't skimp, you only want to do this once, so dust the hell out of the branch.
          ​Go take a shower after that step because you are filthy with pollen dust.​

          Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_4700.jpg Views:	0 Size:	103.7 KB ID:	575269

          Leave the whole setup alone for at least a few hours, overnight is better. Then spray everything down with water to neutralize the remaining pollen, bag, branch, floor, walls, etc. Do it twice, just to make sure you got every last bit of Boy Junk off the branch and bag. Pull the tape off the slit in the black bag, remove the bag, and go back to growing the plant as your seeds mature.

          The plant in the picture is a very special White Widow pheno that I really want to preserve, but I don't need a thousand seeds and I relish getting some smoke as well. The pollen came from a clone of this plant so this will create "S1" or "Selfed" seeds ensuring that I will always be able to grow it again down the road.

          Best Regards,
          PS, shucking seeds from your buds makes Trim Jail seem like a picnic! I feel your pain on cleaning those seeds!!!
          Attached Files
          My goal is epicurean quality rather than high yield.
          I'm learning how to create cannabis tinctures and hashish and I almost always use a vaporizer to spare my aging lungs.
          Despite my avatar name I'm generally amenable and helpful. So, if there's a question I'm qualified to answer, hit me up!



          • Ckbrew
            Ckbrew commented
            Editing a comment
            Thanks grouchyoldman . Your method looks good. I may try it that way if I try seed making again. I had this idea or re-establishing a wild population of cannabis growing in the area...

          • grouchyoldman
            grouchyoldman commented
            Editing a comment
            An important Correction to the procedure above:

            DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PLANT BAGGED OVERNIGHT! An hour after you've pollinated your branch, spray it down to deactivate the pollen, then unbag the whole plant. Leaving it overnight can allow mold and fungus to get a hold!!!

          "re-establishing a wild population of cannabis growing in the area...

          That sounds like a noble aspiration to me Ckbrew!

          Actually it raises the question that comes as a surprise to everyone who has unexpectedly come into possession of a "Thousand Valuable Cannabis Seeds!" What Now?

          After re-establishing the wild population, there are some fun things to do with your new windfall seed bank. Send me a PM if you are interested.
          My goal is epicurean quality rather than high yield.
          I'm learning how to create cannabis tinctures and hashish and I almost always use a vaporizer to spare my aging lungs.
          Despite my avatar name I'm generally amenable and helpful. So, if there's a question I'm qualified to answer, hit me up!



            Franklin, Here is what the phenotypes look like at 21 days, the two columns on the right.

            Click image for larger version  Name:	20230503_153855A.jpg Views:	0 Size:	3.39 MB ID:	595286
            Last edited by Ckbrew; 05-04-2023, 07:23 AM.
            Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


              This will be fun, eight plants to look through!


                This is a ton of awesome information. I want to try and make seed in the future. Thanks to everyone who contributed.
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