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Colloidal silver to force a male- is this what is supposed to happen?

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    Colloidal silver to force a male- is this what is supposed to happen?

    I'm using colloidal silver to force a female plant to become a male to produce pollen. Spraying down the bud sites once a day in the morning just before feeding. I have read about it, but have not seen any pix on what to expect from the plant when the silver is applied except for the end product. The plant is 9 days from flip, has shown some stretch, no sign of any type of flower male or female. In general the foliage looks healthy except for the stunting, curling, and misshapen leaves near the buds that get soaked from over spray. Some are stunted, some curled like from heat stress, others look kind of like mini spinach leaves. Not that I am worried about it- what it is, just wondering if this is an expected result of applying the silver. I suppose this entire process is designed to stress out the plant to cause it to hermie in a semi controlled manner. Is this what is supposed to happen?

    BTW if anyone has done this, how much colloidal silver did you use? I'm running about 30ml per day. At this rate it will get expensive.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	20220529_123103-A.jpg Views:	1 Size:	532.9 KB ID:	566122Click image for larger version  Name:	20220529_123143-A.jpg Views:	0 Size:	447.0 KB ID:	566123Click image for larger version  Name:	20220529_123230-A.jpg Views:	0 Size:	535.0 KB ID:	566124Click image for larger version  Name:	20220529_123347-A.jpg Views:	0 Size:	358.3 KB ID:	566125
    Last edited by Ckbrew; 05-29-2022, 02:43 PM.
    Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.

    There is a reason for this madness I think I thought. The object is to produce feminized seed from two plants, both clones from the same mother, a brother sister kind of thing, therefore ensuring a pure strain from mother to seed. Seed is for storage of genetics and ease of propagation next year. Why go through all this? What a rabbit hole I fell into. The strain in question is from last year. It was supposed to be chocholope but was not. What it was turned out to be one of my favorite all time strains that have been encountered. It is very aromatic. When trimming the mother I started to wonder why I smelled diesel when there was none on the property. It was the plant. Later it smelled like pine trees. Like in your face pine tree. It smelled like pine oil (an old kind of cleaner we used to use in the latrines) that was made of pine extract. So much so that if someone offered me some and I smelled that I would have turned it down because it smelled like pine cleaner. BUT- because I knew better because I knew what was in it, or not in it, I tried it. And there became my quest.

    Now unknown to me at the time, but someone in that tent last year hermied. There were two possibilities, one a bag seed grown in a solo cup that hermied, and a plant that came from 2 years ago grow known as One of Four. That is plant #1 of 4 plants in a tent, and one hermied but it is unknown which one.

    So now reality- my genetics for the "perfect" plant are not pure. The seed that came from the mother that was the favorite plant was spawned by an unknown. Now that I see the plant, it has many of it's father's traits, and no hint of that sweet diesel smell. But I started this project back in March not knowing if the father was another plant or from the same plant as the mother. Know what I mean, like a self-hermie. Anyway, like chasing a dream in the sky, my starting genetics may be flawed, but the wheels are in motion. If I quit now, I will not gain the knowledge of how to do this. I'm talking in circles and there are lobsters calling me.
    Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


      Yes you sprayed foliage try not to do that if it gets like that its okay but try not to spray foliage. I don't use colloidal silver but buy tiresias mist 20$ off Amazon. What I do is use a piece of cardboard to try and block mist from hitting foliage or surrounding branches. I'll use it 2ce a day but that second week i may do 2ce but I'll work my way down to 1ce a day due to foliage looking like that. It's hard to not get some spray on foliage

      I'll only buy seeds once if I like the strain I'll make more seeds. Or I'm fixing to start crossing nana glue photo with a autoflower when I find a auto worth crossing with it. I grow autos outdoors 365 days a year. Be nice to pull some real good bud like that every 100-120 days round about. Especially for free lol basically

      If you use amazon and dont use Amazon Smile throwing it out there you can. Using Amazon smile allows you to donate to various causes without charging extra. I donate to NORML they work on cannabis reform
      Last edited by GroBuddy; 05-29-2022, 04:21 PM.


        Haven't used Cs but use sts spray. With sts you apply once every 5 days. Had nanners by day 15. None have opened yet. I sprayed the entire plant of one and just a branch of another. It stunted the whole plant but not severely. I've heard Cs spray can be hit and miss. Click image for larger version

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        keeping it green with the soil thing
        love me some frosty autos
        Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
        the fruit basket
        blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


        • Ckbrew
          Ckbrew commented
          Editing a comment
          What is sts?

        Silver thiosulfate.
        keeping it green with the soil thing
        love me some frosty autos
        Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
        the fruit basket
        blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


          This Seeds item by Twenty20Mendocino has 276 favorites from Etsy shoppers. Ships from Hydesville, CA. Listed on Sep 18, 2023
          keeping it green with the soil thing
          love me some frosty autos
          Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
          the fruit basket
          blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


            I appreciate you making me feel like I wasted my time stopping what I was doing to text all that shit out giving you the information you asked for plus some


            • Ckbrew
              Ckbrew commented
              Editing a comment
              Being willing to helping someone and share experience is never a waste of time. Ty for your contribution.

            you don't waste your time
            it's good to try.. test.. research.. we learn a lot from our mistakes and cannabis is a personal story.
            Everyone uses their research as they want ! Do you think trying is essential for you ? = TRY ! otherwise you will be disappointed afterwards... LOL !
            it is impossible for you to find the same genetics in regular to find 1 male ? I understand the approach... and respect it... a big motivation is necessary for each genetic creation. Whether natural or chemical.
            I did a lot of cross but always in regular. Only regular... Never chemistery with my cannabis... and nothing will guarantee a pure strain!
            Regular ibls are interesting for hybridization. Wasting a lot of time and energy (or money) without knowing, without guarantee, without mastering the process seems random to me.
            But it is interesting for oneself to try... For me, something worthwhile is not F1 or S1 but indeed genetics working naturally over years without 43 phenotypes in it!!! lol!
            I hope your attempt is a success!!!
            Last edited by VaF; 06-01-2022, 01:55 AM.


            • grouchyoldman
              grouchyoldman commented
              Editing a comment
              With the greatest respect and consideration VaF, your comment is incorrect and unhelpful!

              I don't pretend to be an expert but reversing auto fem plants to produce pollen is a very common and non-experimental procedure. The pollen produced is viable and hundreds (thousands?) of successful crosses have been created this way.

              Collodial Silver, STS and the newer one-shot treatment "Hybri-Tech EliteXElite" spray are all effective when used properly.

              When using CS your success will likely depend on the concentration used. The AmaZone has 500ppm. Best advice I've seen with CS is keep spraying daily till you see effects. It is normal to see damage to the foliage after spraying but the plant should recover.

              Keep the faith Ckbrew!


            Week 2 bloom, day 7
            seed clones

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            The male pollen maker has been moved back to the nursery to avoid contaminating the rest of the plants.

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            Some close ups of the "flowers"- They look really stressed out, is this what is supposed to happen? Time will tell what grows out here.

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            A shot of the mother at the same post flip age, front.
            Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


              Week 3 bloom, day 5

              Click image for larger version  Name:	20220608_123048-A.jpg Views:	0 Size:	646.1 KB ID:	567076
              I have been spraying almost all of the plant buds and not the big fan leaves. It is starting to look like a male.
              BTW- This plant has had NO topping of any kind. This is what they look like un-topped and untrained.

              Click image for larger version  Name:	20220608_122951-A.jpg Views:	0 Size:	518.5 KB ID:	567077Click image for larger version  Name:	20220608_123022-A.jpg Views:	0 Size:	581.8 KB ID:	567078

              The good news is, it is a BOY! That usually is not good news but I never did anything in the usual way.
              The reason for all this is so this boy can pollinate his sister to get pure mother in seed form, make sense now?
              Last edited by Ckbrew; 06-08-2022, 03:37 PM.
              Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


                Week 3 bloom, day 6
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                I think I sent it a little to hard. Here is the pollen maker. It didn't show well in the pix, but over night this has exploded with unripe male flowers. There are 12 branches plus the center stalk, and each branch averages 5 flower clusters, and each cluster I would guess has 30 flowers, that is near 2000 little pollen flowers coming. I only need to pollinate one plant, not a whole forest. I'm getting the feeling like when you were a kid and made all the gunpowder, then realized what you did and didn't want to go near it, know what I mean?

                I was thinking of striping off about 80% of these clusters and leaving just enough for the one plant I need. Good idea or bad?
                Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


                • grouchyoldman
                  grouchyoldman commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Hey CK, you are on the right track in stripping most of those extra branches. It only takes a branch or two to produce plenty of pollen. One proven technique is to wait for the first flowers to burst then put a few cut branches in a wide mouth jar filled with water. Lean them over a sheet of parchment paper to collect the Gold Dust. Best to keep the in a closed room during the pollen drop so as not to spread it around. After a week or two, collect the pollen off the paper, put it through a sieve to remove any plant material then store the pollen in the freezer until you need it. It should be viable for at least six months. Water deactivates the pollen, so hose yourself down, change clothes etc. before going back into your grow room.

                • Ckbrew
                  Ckbrew commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Thank you Grouchy

                • SoOrbudgal
                  SoOrbudgal commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Great job Ckbrew you sure nailed it

                I tried colloidal silver once, I sprayed it from the time I started the 12/12 cycle to about 6 weeks into flower. Amazingly, the plant (feminized seed) never did anything. Never grew a single hair, never produced a single pollen sack. Nothing. I mean NOTHING. It just sat there doing that the entire time while all the other plants sexed out and produced bud. Eventually the leaves just curled up and got all weird looking like I had been spraying them with the stuff that the toxic avenger got dunked into.

                Never read any sort of experience similar to that. So I'm skeptical ruining my plants and wasting so much money on CS again. But I know it works, I can see the results. I don't know, I got a mutant or something.


                  very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    never had a problem with collodial silver, I have thousands of seeds from the process. Good work and what a wonderful pay off in the long run.



                      I have never planted an automatic... only regulars for 30 YEARS! even feminized ones it's not my Kiff! I find it very good and daring... but against the culture. An IBL is for me a beautiful strain... a plant crossed with chemicals, I don't use any. there is enough crap in fertilizers and other bullshit without adding unnecessary and toxic chemical transformations. But I recognize that you have to be motivated LOL! I would prefer to see a work from pure LANDRACES rather than cheap Chemistry... but you are right to try!!! I will not smoke your Weed!!! not even in dreams!!!
                      As a medical user, I ONLY use pure strains if I can... never chemical or automatic shit. Also out of respect for the former cultivators. I lived 4 years in Laos and planting there... I will never plant crap. Out of respect for these people with whom I learned... in the West or the USA it's Carnival in Rio!!! Lots of hybrids tampered with for nothing on arrival.
                      Last edited by VaF; 06-16-2022, 11:14 AM.


                      • grouchyoldman
                        grouchyoldman commented
                        Editing a comment
                        With respect VaF, because you may know more than is apparent:

                        if you think you are buying anything remotely like "pure LANDRACES" from your local medical dispensary, or seed bank, you are deeply mistaken, and if your claim is that you have a personal seed bank of quintessential IBL genetics from Laos or wherever, then more power to you. But it must get boring growing the same thing over and over and over again...

                        It seems like you are missing out on some incredible advances in both cannabis breeding and cultivation. Nobody here "plants crap" and the "Chemistry" you disparage replicates the nutrients these plants require and receive naturally. Ckbrew explained how CS is used to encourage a female plant to produce natural and healthy pollen used for pollinizing a healthy female cannabis plant. That may be news to you but it is done every day in the Craft Cannabis growing community.

                        I admire your self-assurance but not your ignorance. Maybe you could lighten up a notch or two?

                        PS, Sorry VaF, that sounded way to harsh when I read it back, I really try not to get Grouchy but sometimes the bear gets loose.
                        Last edited by grouchyoldman; 06-17-2022, 07:52 PM. Reason: Too Harsh.... apology is in order on my part.

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