This tote with some of my preferred soil sat with a lid" not airtight" in a cool 65 deg.basement for several months. This is what I saw when I opened it. And a list of the ingredients. It's only a few gallons and I'm gonna toss it, but I'm just curious what it is. I mean I know it's some kind of mold-mildew-fungi shit but what was it that spawned it. My guess is the mycorrhizae, hell maybe I should stir it up and throw a bag seed in it and see what happens. I'm just not sure I want any of it floating around in the old grow room. Oh well, ideas?
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Big Brain Opinions wanted, W.T.F.
I can’t tell you the cause but I’ve had fuzzy white stuff form on top in an open bale of coco. Usually if it is warm and humid outside and the bag in my garage is open. It doesn’t seem to creat a problem when I use it although if there is more than a little I will scrape and toss a small amount. Not sure that is necessary. Myc sounds possible but it could arguably be any sort of spore that came before packaging or in my garage.