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Opinion on size at 7 days from sprout

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    Opinion on size at 7 days from sprout

    4x4 tent
    4in fan w filter
    2 fans
    mars hydro ts 2000
    Watered each 5 gal bucket with 1gal of water when planted and again when top soil was dry 2 inches deep
    But I never let it actually dry out fully
    medium is 40% compost from my compost pile 30% perlite 15%coco15%vermiculite
    plants are star gazer autos from crop king seeds

    At that age you should have 3 foot tall kolas already dried in your bong.

    She growing root right now so best thing you can do to help for the next two weeks is have patience, water small amounts around the plant only and L.I.T.F.A.
    Space for Rent.


    • Bootsy
      Bootsy commented
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      agreed. at that initial stage they always seem to be slow - then once rooted they go go go.

    • GrowAdventure419
      GrowAdventure419 commented
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      Thanks guys first time growing autos and first time starting in 5 gal out the gate so it’s been a learning curve

    Just a update for everyone think I may have been overreacting, put my soul meter in yesterday and it is in fact pretty wet but I don’t think terribly overwatered
    Attached Files


    • Mr.furley
      Mr.furley commented
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      Definitely could skip wetting the whole pot and a couple thing i can suggest to do or not to do will improve growth rate next time but for now you are here.

      If you have a small fan put it so it is blowing on the lower part of the pot to help dry it out, if you have 2 use them both. Lift the pot on a wire rack type thing so you can get airflow under it.

      Next time it would be helpful to use a jiffy puck or root riot cube the first week or two to get the little one moving, when you've roots out the side put it in the 5 gallon. Watering small around the plant vs. Wetting the pot should be done next time as for now try to get the pot dry and keeping the plant hydrated.

      At this age I give around 24mL of water with a syringe everyday or two just for reference.

    I grow in compost mix also and use miracle grow organics as a base. When filling the planters I mix 1/2 cup of dolomite lime with the soil. Fill the planter with a quart cup in the top center. Then I fill the area where the cup was with straight mgo soil. It keeps the seedlings from Nute burn in the hot soil. Then I soak the planter well and let them sit 3 days. Plant the seed and give them a shot glass of water around the seed and that's it. They don't get another drink for at least two weeks later. That tap root is halfway to the bottom of the planter by then. Let it seek out the moisture and use the pots weight as an indicator.
    keeping it green with the soil thing
    love me some frosty autos
    Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
    the fruit basket
    blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


      These little babies are 5 days from when I wet the seeds. They started in “Easy plugs” and moved to their final 7g container (on pot risers) after a day or so of light. They are in organic living soil.

      I also water with a syringe at this point about 2 tablespoons 30ml every couple days,
      running about 71-73F and 70% RH as they adjust to the big tent

      Their auto girls , the 2 on the right are CBD white widow from crop king
      KIS mix organic living soil from Black Sallow soils in 7gal. pots
      Black Swallow Organic Bloom mix top dress before flower.
      Reusing soil with Black Swallow nutrient pack between grows
      Maybe some compost teas
      Blumat watering system
      Microbial Mass and other microbial boosters(Wallace)
      3x4x6’ tent
      Photontek 465wpro
      6” AC Infinity outdoor air in and out, humidifier, dehumidifier, heater, oscillating fan.
      Inkbird controllers heat/humidity​


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