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Two tone sea foam

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    No exactitudes. My time frame is probably off by a week in either direction. Same-same with Voodoo Runt and The Apostate. Really, truly, keeping track of time just reminds me of how long I've been in my groove (rut.) I planted when it was time for a new grow. Flipped when the HLG hit the roof. Harvesting when harvest is appropriate.
    My grow info says I went to coco on 1/20. That is my only hint at time frame. Coming on four calendar months, I guess or whatever.
    If I didn't have a good stash of resin, I would be super anxious to cut. I may not have to reup for a couple three months. One of my first grows turned out to be opiate in effects. A little more gingering of the trichs and I'll get close to the O. I don't want the full Monty, again. A few friends thought it was too much O. Buddy Robert gave it back and told me it was laced. He smokes mid-shelf. I gave him under-the-counter.
    Cured resin, for sure. Flower for 'appreciative' friends. Hash for Farmbuck . With a chance of chocolate infused resin.
    C'mon, mule!



    • Farmbuck
      Farmbuck commented
      Editing a comment
      Gingerbeard How about some Hash oil my young grower just like my good old days.... You know the kind that looks like pure thick golden honey. Ahhh those were the good old days !! Saying that I'm really having a bad shit of time with my autogrow grow. Putain nothing is working for me. 12 out 12 from WT are duds, the Neville Haze auto is turning yellow on me after 2 weeks. I'm about to throw the white towel.

    I will try not to be the guy who posts ten times a day, the week before harvest, like some people.
    My grow tent will be the only place I can dry. I have learned my lesson that a breeze is not good for drying. Now that I have my inline, I'm wondering if running it with the filter on is a good solution. I have the option of opening all four sides of my tent. Is there a combination of open and closed with inline I might consider? One better than the other?
    C'mon, mule!



    • BR2K
      BR2K commented
      Editing a comment
      Might I request some flash, on your future photos. Preferably with your grow light either off or turned down. I'm anxious to see your "trichome sparkly porn"!

    Impatient me watching the hairy buds go ginger.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	0327_04_Doin_the_Snuffleupagus.jpg
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ID:	565316
    C'mon, mule!



      14 hangers of real fine marijuana flower. My personal best. Closed in the tent with a Hurricane fan as top exhaust. Going with a wet pre-trim and dried final.
      My camera is 12 years old. The inside of the lens has gotten a little cloudy and only certain settings work.
      Those are my excuses.
      Click image for larger version  Name:	DSCF7750.JPG Views:	0 Size:	1.86 MB ID:	565436
      Click image for larger version  Name:	DSCF7753.JPG Views:	0 Size:	2.34 MB ID:	565433Click image for larger version  Name:	DSCF7754.JPG Views:	0 Size:	2.23 MB ID:	565434Click image for larger version  Name:	DSCF7752.JPG Views:	0 Size:	2.22 MB ID:	565435
      C'mon, mule!



      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
        Editing a comment
        Well ya made it with a great haul there fella. I can remember when you were struggling just like most of us in the beginning, felt like the plant was the boss and you were the grunt. Now look at you all puffed up and growing great weed, good damn work and attention to the details of the plant. Now trim those gals for shits sake LOL

      A fine harvest Gingerbeard
      Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


        Which yurt, was that again?!! I be havin' me a SNIFF of how good that must smell. Well done!!!
        A his own mind - , 48" X 60" X 80" 2-in-1 Grow Tent, Flower light: Vivaspectra P2500 LED. Veg light: Mars Hydro TS600 & Mars Hydro TS1000 LED lights. Nutrients: GH Flora Trio/Calmag coco/perlite, GH PH Down or pure lemon juice, in case PH down isn't available.


        • Gingerbeard
          Gingerbeard commented
          Editing a comment
          I'll let you know. We just up-yurted. Lama the Llama will guide us to new pastures with adequate cell reception.

        Very good job son, may be the best i've seen from you! I just harvested the top half of my one survivor so letting the bottoms plod on till their ending. Salutations and Congratulations!
        Grow # 3 50/50 S/I Critical Mass photo fem
        Seeds drop in water 1/8/2022

        Medium: FF Coco Loco plus 30% Perlite in 7 gal cloth bags
        Space: 30x48x62 DIY cabinet lined w/space blankets
        Lighting: Bloomspect SS1000 Quantum board x 3 - 300 watts actual draw
        Soil Supplements: Worm Castings, Crab Shell, Oyster Shell, Neem and Karanja Meal, Volcanic Basalt Dust (for minerals), Recharge root micros. Grow 3 is with reconstituted super soil to which I've added several additional minerals and supplements. A more complete list based on Cackamas Coots super soil recipe can be found in my Auto Toka thread
        i don't grow plants anymore, I grow soil that my plants can thrive in!
        My filtered tap water runs over 7.5 pH but the soil microbes
        make pH correction unnecessary
        Ventilation: Vipospar 4" Exhaust Fan w/RH controller, 12" Carbon Scrubber
        8" bottom intake fan, 6" clip on fan, 6" heater as needed
        Cabinet on screen porch. N AZ @ 4000 ft.

        My salute to all who have served
        Semper Fidelis!


          Nice job! Time to start some new seed for the next batch.


            Not having seen many of your grows this looks as fine as any I've seen here. Congrats, Dabber's dad! Looks like a lot of hangers there 🤩
            Soil: Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, perlite; Seedlings: CoM org potting soil
            Indoor: 2 x 5.5 x 8' Closet grow
            Viparspectra XS2000; EnjoYield 220W full spectrum light added during flower
            Various size fabric grow bags
            Cal-Mag & GH Trio if needed; Flower Fuel & molasses during bloom; ReCharge
            4 clip fans. Exhaust into attic is vented to the eaves
            Current grow: DEAD FLOWERS

            "Joker, smoker & midnight toker, I sure don't want to hurt no one"


              Having myself a little taste testing of lower nugs that bent their branches. Oo-da-loly! Tastes like it smells like it tastes. Maybe not a morning smoke as I don't seem to have totally woken up this morning.
              C'mon, mule!



              • BR2K
                BR2K commented
                Editing a comment
                Well done!!!

              • Ckbrew
                Ckbrew commented
                Editing a comment
                Nothing like homemade

              • SoOrbudgal
                SoOrbudgal commented
                Editing a comment
                That's the sprit were all looking for very happy for ya fella

              People have all kinds of praise when the buds are stinky. Not a word when they smell like hay.
              C'mon, mule!



                Oh you want criticism. Ok how bout this.
                you harvested too early. All I see is white hairs. needed another two weeks.
                where's the frost? Needed another two weeks.
                Your hanging job sucks. Needed another two weeks.
                your pre trim job is weak.... another two weeks.
                There hope I made your day a little brighter.
                keeping it green with the soil thing
                love me some frosty autos
                Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
                the fruit basket
                blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


                  Hmm. Talk to me again in two weeks. I'll let you know how it is. Preliminary reports say it's good.
                  Next grow I'll give it two more.
                  C'mon, mule!



                    Click image for larger version

Name:	twoweeks-totalrecall.gif
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Size:	1.54 MB
ID:	565775Click image for larger version

Name:	twoweeks-totalrecall.gif
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ID:	565776Click image for larger version

Name:	twoweeks-totalrecall.gif
Views:	190
Size:	1.54 MB
ID:	565777
                    keeping it green with the soil thing
                    love me some frosty autos
                    Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
                    the fruit basket
                    blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


                    • Gingerbeard
                      Gingerbeard commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Holy crap! I gave this one a like!
                      But seriously, I've never gotten the frost I see on other plants. Lighting has a lot to do with it, I figure. I know mine look different wherever I put them.
                      Funny thing, Voodoo Runt and The Apostate are both much frostier than these.

                    They won't be happy till you hermi em. Enjoy what you got.


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