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Purple Bubba & the Old Riders of the Purple Sage

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    I am pulling up a chair, sparking a fatty and settling in to watch this horse race!

    PS, not to be a jerk or anything, but it is 80 degrees here in Fernandina Beach, Florida!
    My goal is epicurean quality rather than high yield.
    I'm learning how to create cannabis tinctures and hashish and I almost always use a vaporizer to spare my aging lungs.
    Despite my avatar name I'm generally amenable and helpful. So, if there's a question I'm qualified to answer, hit me up!



    • BU2B
      BU2B commented
      Editing a comment
      Phhhht! I know, I know. I saw the pictures. I got off a plane at 3 am in Miami and felt like I’d been slapped in face with a hot wet towel. Wave to my nephew for me. He’s close 😃
      Last edited by BU2B; 01-07-2022, 02:45 PM.

    • Ckbrew
      Ckbrew commented
      Editing a comment
      It is 82* here- inside anyway. Way to white outside for me to care, no one needs to get out today.

    • grouchyoldman
      grouchyoldman commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks for not hating me guys! LoL.

      Meanwhile back in my New England homestead, they have four inches of powder (the cold kind), and counting, with black ice for the immediate future.
      Glad I'm not That guy!

    BU2B do you have a quick link to the PDF of your PPP method?
    Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


      Here ya go bud ... or maybe best said Here ya grow bud ?
      I really can't put this out there without thanking the grouchyoldman Without his efforts there is very good chance the info would only be available on the forum and NOT in the improved PDF format that it is now.
      Feel free to share it but it will ALWAYS only be available for distribution here on GWE and will only and forever link to the GWE website as a gift to the GWE community for being such a great group of folks.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by BU2B; 01-07-2022, 07:10 PM.


      • Ckbrew
        Ckbrew commented
        Editing a comment
        Thank you.

      Mercy! Looks like the race is on... I've heard TOKABIGONE 's girls are on the way up

      Until then here are Susie & Hazel at day 3. Both are about 30mm tall but Hazels jiffy pod didn’t expand as much as Suzies so she’s sitting a little lower.
      Click image for larger version

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      Suzie - still carrying her shell.
      Click image for larger version

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      Hazel Playing hide & seek in the hydroton
      Just a recap; Suzie is Purple Platinum Kush, Hazel is Purple Bubba
      They look kind of scrawny to me - come on girls and get those roots to the water!
      Last edited by BU2B; 01-09-2022, 03:53 AM.


        I've been avoiding writing this as I'm a bit (lot) embarrassed about it but I have had a 67% loss on sprouting again. I've changed something or omitted something and I've yet to figure it out. The most devastating part to me is there is no more Purple Bubba and they were a gift from my dear friend BU2B to do this run and I feel like I've failed him. However I do have the one left so all is not lost! The comparison test can continue for now. I almost feel like the Sorcerers Apprentice and blessed to be able to work close with such a good friend who must be the top hydro grower on GWE for now. The concept of growing a plant in water I find to be fascinating but for myself it is very foreign. I need the feel of the soil and the dirt under my nails so that I become a part of the process in the living cycle of the plants and the soil, just a cog in the wheel of life. Ok,sorry I got a bit esoteric there for a minute. Must have been something in that last bowl. Oh look, there's a bit left...I'll be back..

        Click image for larger version  Name:	Resized_20220109_093410_4633.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	686.3 KB ID:	552692
        Attached Files
        Grow # 3 50/50 S/I Critical Mass photo fem
        Seeds drop in water 1/8/2022

        Medium: FF Coco Loco plus 30% Perlite in 7 gal cloth bags
        Space: 30x48x62 DIY cabinet lined w/space blankets
        Lighting: Bloomspect SS1000 Quantum board x 3 - 300 watts actual draw
        Soil Supplements: Worm Castings, Crab Shell, Oyster Shell, Neem and Karanja Meal, Volcanic Basalt Dust (for minerals), Recharge root micros. Grow 3 is with reconstituted super soil to which I've added several additional minerals and supplements. A more complete list based on Cackamas Coots super soil recipe can be found in my Auto Toka thread
        i don't grow plants anymore, I grow soil that my plants can thrive in!
        My filtered tap water runs over 7.5 pH but the soil microbes
        make pH correction unnecessary
        Ventilation: Vipospar 4" Exhaust Fan w/RH controller, 12" Carbon Scrubber
        8" bottom intake fan, 6" clip on fan, 6" heater as needed
        Cabinet on screen porch. N AZ @ 4000 ft.

        My salute to all who have served
        Semper Fidelis!


          Oh TOKABIGONE I gotta tell ya: This was not done to make you feel better, but it's a perfect example of ship happens.

          I was sitting here thinking to myself and self I said, you know you're right those seedlings do indeed look scrawny. So after a short debate with myself; which I won, I decided to do a bit of rooting around and checking on roots. Remember my mention earlier about starting medium being too wet and it damping off the tap root due to it rotting? Well, that's EXACTLY what happened. Both of their roots extended just below the soil and then tamped off with a corresponding section of brown rotting tap root. To their credit they are both trying to push roots out sideways but the original tap root is gonna have to be bypassed if they're gonna make it. Just to be on the safe side and as I don't hold much hope for the original sprouts; the jiffy pods were wrung out, older seedlings replanted, new twin planted point down for each girl and the water level in the tubs was reduced even further so that only very few bursting bubbles reach the net pots. So, 1 new Suzie (PPK) and one new Hazel (PB) on their way up to replace their ailing sisters.

          Maybe both TOKA and I both need to be re-skooled - Thank goodness NebulaHaze addresses this in the last newsletter (I think she was watching and felt bad for the old guys )

          More ramblings...
          just so 'y'all' know I really haven't given up on trying to help others, honest. It's just that sometimes I can't click on and see an image that corresponds to the !Help request; I find it a bit hard to answer a question if I can't see anything more than a thumbnail image of the patient in question. Lately it seems not worth the effort to try and get to a viewable image. I'm old and don't want to have to work that hard to throw in my .02 - Especially when there are those more or equally capable of offering working solutions that can see the image in question perfectly fine.
          Last edited by BU2B; 01-10-2022, 06:26 AM.


          • TOKABIGONE
            TOKABIGONE commented
            Editing a comment
            Oh mannn, shucky darns and stuff! If that was supposed to make me feel better uhhh, No, It's even more discouraging! It's catching! Ok,I'm replacing the 2 deceased with some Critical Mass photos I had left from first grow as I need 3 at harvest. The one remaining PB I now call Pretty Baby looks fine this morning so onward we grow! This time I'm gonna try the paper towel so I can really see what's happening. Our penalty for delay of game should be waived as we already suffer from the loss! Now we're looking forward!

          • BU2B
            BU2B commented
            Editing a comment
            tbh this is the first time that’s ever happened again - that I can recall. Both sprouts damping off. Ker Smack! - time to keep me humble 😂

          Five days since popping their heads above the soil of the jiffy pod the girls are still hanging in and hanging on. The sticks mark the spots where their sisters will soon be popping up from and hopefully putting them to shame. Here are Suzie & Hazel as of 8:30 am local time (I think their days are numbered):
          Click image for larger version  Name:	B3E2E559-1D34-49BA-B7B8-316887FB40C0.jpeg Views:	6 Size:	1.03 MB ID:	552745Click image for larger version  Name:	46CFB71A-93A4-45A2-B8CD-39218FACF28E.jpeg Views:	6 Size:	1,014.0 KB ID:	552744
          Last edited by BU2B; 01-10-2022, 09:04 PM.


          • TOKABIGONE
            TOKABIGONE commented
            Editing a comment
            If at first you don't succeed, grow more!

          Well that was exciting. Got my hopes up and didn't make it out of the gate. Got some purple Haze beans laying around I'll send your way if y'all want to try again.
          keeping it green with the soil thing
          love me some frosty autos
          Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
          the fruit basket
          blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


          • TOKABIGONE
            TOKABIGONE commented
            Editing a comment
            Hey Going2fast don't give up on us yet! We're both down but not out, just a small delay while more seeds are sprouted. Overall performance between the two mediums can still be demonstrated with any strain, just would have been maybe more conclusive if all were the same.

          Not giving up just offering support 😉
          keeping it green with the soil thing
          love me some frosty autos
          Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
          the fruit basket
          blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


          • TOKABIGONE
            TOKABIGONE commented
            Editing a comment
            Thanks buddy!

          Y'all just call it a Mulligan and continue on. It shows it can happen to even the best growers.
          Last edited by Ckbrew; 01-10-2022, 08:00 PM.
          Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


            Here I'll make you two feel better. I almost killed braapzai. Forgot to water her this am. She'll pull thru though. Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20220110_150257147_HDR.jpg
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ID:	552798Click image for larger version

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ID:	552799
            keeping it green with the soil thing
            love me some frosty autos
            Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
            the fruit basket
            blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


              An hour after a drink. Click image for larger version

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Size:	3.21 MB
ID:	552801
              keeping it green with the soil thing
              love me some frosty autos
              Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
              the fruit basket
              blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


              • BU2B
                BU2B commented
                Editing a comment
                she looks fenderifick with her bunny tails all in a row. I'm glad to see she popped back. It would have been a real shame to see all that torture go to waste
                Last edited by BU2B; 01-10-2022, 08:23 PM.

              The third Purple Bubba now named Pretty Baby is coming along nicely this morning and four new seeds are in paper towels. They're Critical Mass photos not PB but they fill out a grow for now. Should be sprouted by tomorrow with luck. At least I know it's not because I mixed the soil too hot for seedlings. As BU2B had the same thing happen it may be it's strain related or weak genetics in sprouting. Just guessing now.

              Click image for larger version

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ID:	552891Click image for larger version

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ID:	552892
              Grow # 3 50/50 S/I Critical Mass photo fem
              Seeds drop in water 1/8/2022

              Medium: FF Coco Loco plus 30% Perlite in 7 gal cloth bags
              Space: 30x48x62 DIY cabinet lined w/space blankets
              Lighting: Bloomspect SS1000 Quantum board x 3 - 300 watts actual draw
              Soil Supplements: Worm Castings, Crab Shell, Oyster Shell, Neem and Karanja Meal, Volcanic Basalt Dust (for minerals), Recharge root micros. Grow 3 is with reconstituted super soil to which I've added several additional minerals and supplements. A more complete list based on Cackamas Coots super soil recipe can be found in my Auto Toka thread
              i don't grow plants anymore, I grow soil that my plants can thrive in!
              My filtered tap water runs over 7.5 pH but the soil microbes
              make pH correction unnecessary
              Ventilation: Vipospar 4" Exhaust Fan w/RH controller, 12" Carbon Scrubber
              8" bottom intake fan, 6" clip on fan, 6" heater as needed
              Cabinet on screen porch. N AZ @ 4000 ft.

              My salute to all who have served
              Semper Fidelis!


              • BU2B
                BU2B commented
                Editing a comment
                Now the race is on
                And here comes pride in the backstretch
                Heartache's goin' to the inside
                My tears are holdin' back
                They're tryin' not to fall

                My heart's out of the runnin'
                True love's scratched for another's sake
                The race is on and it looks like heartache
                And the winner loses all

                It's looking like I may have 4 girls. YIKES! Somebody's gonna have to go

                Just a comment on the comment: contrary to popular belief these are not the lyrics of a Sawyer Brown song OR a George Jones song; but ARE the lyrics written by Don Rollins and recorded by both.
                Last edited by BU2B; 01-11-2022, 10:08 PM.

              The new batch
              Click image for larger version  Name:	9C8786DE-266A-41D0-805C-83184AD0FE09.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	1.36 MB ID:	552942
              I’ll allow their tales to grow more over night and plant them next to their sisters tomorrow.

              Confession time: I did indeed ‘put’ the seeds into the jiffy-pods point down. But after 8 hours I just couldn’t stand it and opted to dig them up and go the paper towel method I have ALWAYS used. Even when growing in dirt I have always started my seeds germination process with a damp paper towel and baggie with a hole punched in it. It has never failed me and though Tika would be frowning I just feel better if I can see what’s happening. This is the honest truth - in going on 10 years, 3 grows a year, two plants or more each grow; I have only had one seed that did not germinate with this method. As long as the towel is damp not wet and kept warm and dark it always works, and works faster if done in conjunction with a full OR new moon.
              Last edited by BU2B; 01-11-2022, 10:47 PM. Reason: Phat phingers & phone


              • BU2B
                BU2B commented
                Editing a comment
                Well they will break easier - so you have to use a bit more care, tweezers even. You can’t just toss them in the crate like your average 5 year old - rotfl

              • BU2B
                BU2B commented
                Editing a comment
                Okay … I have to say, we have never put our kid in a crate. But there has been more than once as he was growing up that we did give the option a good re-think. Ah the joys of owning pets; unlike children you can crate them for your piece of mind 🙃 and their safety.

              • TOKABIGONE
                TOKABIGONE commented
                Editing a comment
                Yeah buddy, Maybe I need a diff pair of tweezers; last time I used them I picked up a seed which then flew across the room never to be seen again! Did I squeeze too tight? lmao

              About to head off and try and get a bit of sleep before morning, but before I do I would really like to leave you the wistful smile of knowing life is good even when it isn’t. Probably never heard this unless you’re around my age and know that more than bud comes from BC. Wishing you all a Chocolate Goodnight (cc for lyrics)


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