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Vacuum storage

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    Vacuum storage

    I just realized I can vacuum seal mason jars in my vacuum chamber. Will this slow down natural decarbing of the flower? Will it cure?
    C'mon, mule!


    Waiting for Ginger's vacuum chamber picture............................

    Your answer is as good as mine, never try it so I can't give you my input to you.

    But read this and let me know.
    Last edited by Farmbuck; 11-23-2021, 08:25 PM.
    Light: Viparspectra P2000, Viparspectra P1500, Viparspectra XS2000, KingLed 1500
    Medium: organic, Fafard perlite, Fafard Urban Garden organic mix, Organic compost shrimps.
    Nutrients: Alaskan Fish, Advanced Nutrients Big Bud, Advanced Nutrients Ancient Earth, Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal Mag Xtra
    Full auto grow
    Grow room : 8X12X10, 2 industrial fans, 1 dehumidifier, 1 Vivosun carbon filter & controller
    12 Wild Thailand Ryder from WOS


      Nfty article FB. The one sentence that sticks out to me is, 'There is no reason NOT to.' Since I plan on drying instead of another live resin run, I'm going to have some bud to put in jars. And since I plan on making a quantity of hash, I might store a little of that.

      It's my vacuum/purge oven for purging resin. Smaller pot. I place a heating pad under and the inside temp gets a little over 100°. I tried a different pot than came with the kit. The kit pot is much sturdier than the different pot. When the vacuum reached about -10 BAR or whatever, the different pot collapsed.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	71MUPWzFxYL._SL1500_.jpg
Views:	434
Size:	290.5 KB
ID:	547923

      C'mon, mule!



        Good article. I read it in a bit of detail and it did say it would slow down natural decarb, which makes sense as it would prevent anything related to oxidization.


          But what about curing DeadlyFruit ? Will weed still cure in a vacuum? Maybe this would be better for cured weed?
          C'mon, mule!



          • Ckbrew
            Ckbrew commented
            Editing a comment
            I believe that you have just queried a hypothesis, time for the experiment.

          • DeadlyFruit
            DeadlyFruit commented
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            That is a fantastic question. Does curing and natural decarb both happen as a result of oxidation? I don’t know the answer to that but if so neither will progress quickly in vacuum (assuming thinugs like UV light are excluded). I suspect it isn’t a hard vacuum with simple gear so it couldn’t stop it completely but it could slow both processes. This is all speculation, I don’t know for sure but it is an interesting topic. I think one good question is what exactly IS curing? The only thing I know is that people say it helps break down chlorophyll and possibly other undesirable plant compounds but is there something else to it? I would love to know from a scientific standpoint what happens with curing.

            Short answer is I don’t know but I suspect it will cure more slowly. I also suspect that weed already cured will degrade more slowly. The downsides to vacuum storage from the article all seemed to be related to static pulling off trichomes, chemicals from some types of plastics getting into the weed (because the vacuum methods they addressed were all plastic film related as if it were food storage or sous-vide) and the trichomes getting broken off from the compression of the plastic film.

            If you do learn anything more concrete I would be interested to hear more.

          I'm surprised no one has mentioned this Vacuum pack option yet. I use it for long term storage of all bud cured for at least three months.

          The Ball jar sealing lid is on top of the jar and you put that attachment over it. When you pull a vacuum it sucks the air out and pulls the lid tight against the rim of the jar. Then you remove the attachment and screw the ring down tight.

          I've had one hold a vacuum for over a year now. Works great.

          My goal is epicurean quality rather than high yield.
          I'm learning how to create cannabis tinctures and hashish and I almost always use a vaporizer to spare my aging lungs.
          Despite my avatar name I'm generally amenable and helpful. So, if there's a question I'm qualified to answer, hit me up!



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