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Question for Oil and Edible Makers

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    Let me start by saying Thank You to all who have contributed to this post especially @Ckbrew for the under the tongue suggestion. I was able to get what I was looking for in a recreational buzz from the 2 dips of my finger in the oil and rubbing it under my tongue followed by 1 of my infused chocolates taken within the hour following them. The buzz lasted till I went to sleep about 8 hours later and I slept great. During the evening my best/closest friend since we were toddlers called he tried the chocolate 2 weeks back so has experienced the buzz from just it. He commented that everyone who has tried it and were pleased with the effect smoked mainly flower, were I on the other hand have smoked hash 99% of the time since 2019 when I made my first batch so my tolerance may be higher than theirs. That brought our conversation to the fact that since I switched from Opioids to Cannabis 2-14-18 I have not done a tolerance break of more than 1 day at a time and no break in last 2+ years since I started recreational use of hash. Guess I'll be doing a tolerance break in near future and see if that makes the 2 drops under the tongue unnecessary. But that will have to wait the work I have plans to do over next few days will leave my knees aching at night. Once again thanks for the help.


    • dphipps1020
      dphipps1020 commented
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      This is the one I use, although I use trim instead of buds and I put a lot more than they say to use.
      Learn how to make your own healing cannabis salve, using marijuana or hemp. It helps reduce inflammation, skin irritation, joint pain, psoriasis, & more!

      It's probably a little greasier than you're looking for because it uses mostly coconut oil, but I'm sure you could use less and it wouldn't be so bad.

    • Phlash
      Phlash commented
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      A salve we use is as follows, start with a 2 cup measure, then add 1 tablespoon of the infused coconut oil listed in the below post, 250mg of pure cbd crystalline isolate powder (currently we just purchase the cbd as it’s simpler to dose exactly), 1 tablespoon of sunflower lecithin, 8 oz of organic unrefined Shea butter, then fill the remaining to the 2 cup line with coconut oil, be sure to use a solid coconut oil, I use LouAna brand as it has the best texture and consistency of all the coconut oils I have found.

      Then heat slowly and mix until well blended with nothing undissolved, this is then evenly poured into 4 - 4oz ball jars then let them cool. Use sparingly as a little goes a long ways.

    • Puglover1
      Puglover1 commented
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      Thanks dphipps1020 that looks like what I made. I need to order the beeswax pellets now.

    Just some additional info from personal experience, so ymmv, that said there are things that will impact your final product, first and foremost starts with strain selection, being that you are looking for something more heady I would look at sativa or sativa dominant strains, I’ve had good results with strains that have a proclivity towards alpha-pinene or limonene. Second is when you harvest, don’t wait until everything is completely amber, just a little earlier is better than too late when your looking to avoid a more sedative vibe.

    Then moving on to decarboxylation, more heat = comfier couch, so just enough to accomplish the task, prolonged heating will push things farther into the body feel. I preform this step post extraction.

    Lastly dosing, always go low and slow to start, this is especially true when you’ve made up a new batch of oil or tincture unless of course if you have access to lab results and then you’ll just need to do the math, remember overindulgence will also find you on the couch or worse...

    I utilize coconut oil for edible infusion and always add lecithin as it aids in emulsification as well as absorption. I look to get approximately 1400 mg per tablespoon of oil, this may seem excessive to some but it gives you the most options since being highly concentrated it can be diluted to adjust to the proper fat content of a recipe, also as a side note since the volume increases with the addition of the extract the rough math comes out to about 1000mg per tablespoon of finished infusion.

    We are on the low side of the tolerance scale here at home so the typical target dose per serving is 25mg, 3 drops sublingually of the above ratio is enough to know how close we are to the target and then it’s just a matter of adding additional oil if needed.

    A heads up, when working with highly concentrated products don’t get it all over your skin as it will be absorbed.

    The pic is of the gummies made about a week ago.

    Soil - NFTG, recycled & amended.
    Nutes - NFTG - modified regiment, SLA-100, Photo +, Mammoth
    Veg - 4x4 tent, TSW2000, TSW1000 6”vent
    Flower - 4x4 tent, TS3000W, TSW1000 6”vent
    Dry - 2x4 tent, 6”vent


    • Gracey
      Gracey commented
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      How interesting that you feel the terpene types make a difference. I will surely experiment, thanks.

    • Puglover1
      Puglover1 commented
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      Limonene is something I always look for in a new strain.

    • DeadlyFruit
      DeadlyFruit commented
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      Phlash I’ve been thinking of making a topical with a mix of raw and decarbed plant as well as a mix of thc and cbd strains. Ive made and consumed many edibles but I’ve never tried a topical product and my understanding had been that you won’t get a buzz from a topical application. I think it was described as a ‘localized’ buzz at the place it is applied that can help with the problem (pain, inflammation etc) but never a true buzz. What has been your experience?

    I too am having difficulty with getting a good buzz from edible/decarbed. I make everclear infusions that I sometimes let evaporate a bit to cut down on the alcohol burn then add water or other something. I drink it, I leave it under my tongue, and make cocktails. It seems I have better outcomes with alcohol infusions than with oil. but I do both and I sometimes just eat the decarb, I even tried a pinch between the cheek and gum like the old chewing tobacco commercials. The outcomes fluctuate wildly even when using same batch, same way, same time of day and same stomach content. It's been pretty frustrating.

    We bought a vapor brothers vaporizer in 09 and it still works (hands free wand is best). I liked it because you can taste all the different (i guess) terpenes or maybe cannabinoids as they evaporate at different temps. It's really cool. I don't use it anymore because it can have worse effects on my throat than smoking.

    I know you can't do this but in case someone else is working this out because of throat and coughing issues today I smoked without inhaling in hopes that the smoke held in my mouth could be absorbed and it did work a bit. I going to try out the vaporizer without inhaling. It would taste better. I wonder if Bill knew this trick. HeHehe.
    Last edited by Gracey; 09-16-2021, 12:40 AM.


    • Puglover1
      Puglover1 commented
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      I often put a rolled joint in a chillum and use it like a 'cigarette' holder. I inhale and exhale hits through my nostrils if I'm having a bad coughing night. I have to be careful with fatty foods because of gall bladder and with fats + alcohol because of my pancreas. I wish I could press my buds then use it as I please. I'd rather put hash oil on top of gummies and let it sink in before eating them. Or on crackers, in jelly for toast. I prefer alcohol over butter, coco oil, etc, also.

    • Gracey
      Gracey commented
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      Interesting about the chillum holder. and you can infuse salt and sugar (which you prob should stay away from as well ) with the alcohol infusion. Puglover, you could evaporate completely in a bowl and you're left with just the gummie gooey thc. Alcohol will evaporate all on its own without heat. I've put a fan in front of the bowl to hurry things up. I've also gone the rso route though I think the heat turns all the thc into cbn.

    • Puglover1
      Puglover1 commented
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      Gracey Yup. My last QWET was in February in Illinois, a beautiful oil but I wasn't prepared to stop there and evaporate it, at the time. I'm waiting for winter weather now to make oil. I have a jar of that once-washed good bud in the freezer, I took it out once to get to something else and in a minute of being out of the freezer oil was leaking out of the bud. I love sugar, eating candy makes me feel better some days. For now it's either buy dispo oil or make firecrackers and hope the PB doesn't bother me. If I get the insurance check I'm expecting I should buy a small press. I think it might be cheaper than buying everything needed to make 'good' oil and recover the EverClear. I know how to decarb and thin oil to use as needed and I have the "parts" that are needed.

    Something I tried last night. Peanut butter and Nutella sandwich with tincture added between the layers. Mmm, mmm, good.
    Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


    • Gracey
      Gracey commented
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      I sometimes think chocolate enhances cannabis effects, it does have its own special powers. Plus I think it's one of the few flavors that really goes well with cannabis.

    The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray. And some times the deviation is for the better. The last 2 days nothing had gone as I'd planed or thought it would. One project turned out to be about a quarter of the work I thought it would take my gutters were dam near clean only a little leaf collection at the 5 down spout screens. As for the other project I'm still waiting on the shop to finish their work on parts I need to reassemble the rear end in grand daughters Jeep. Which brings me to the better with a lighter work load than planed I haven't had the need to medicate since Tuesday evening so I managed to get my tolerance break done before I had planned to do it.


    • Ckbrew
      Ckbrew commented
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      Strange how some things just work themselves out.

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