Hi HI I planted this clone several weeks ago and just recently these white spots have appeared. What should I do about this? Spray?
Also, the last picture is from overhead, is this plant already going into flowering phase after only several weeks? The plant is quite small 1' or so, should I switch to bloom ferilizer already. I have been using fish emulsion for a couple of weeks. She's been in the ground about 4 weeks now fed once or twice with 1/2 strength fish emulsion since I thought she was in veg state. She's so small, not many leaves yet. What about the spots? Spray with neem, or soap? Most have some spots, none have severely damaged. So, should I leave the ones with some spots? If I get rid of all spotted, I might not have any leaves left. Should I switch to a bloom fertilizer now? Will the plant grow anymore, or will I just wait until more buds appear and harvest them. Might not be many with this size. Thank you
Also, the last picture is from overhead, is this plant already going into flowering phase after only several weeks? The plant is quite small 1' or so, should I switch to bloom ferilizer already. I have been using fish emulsion for a couple of weeks. She's been in the ground about 4 weeks now fed once or twice with 1/2 strength fish emulsion since I thought she was in veg state. She's so small, not many leaves yet. What about the spots? Spray with neem, or soap? Most have some spots, none have severely damaged. So, should I leave the ones with some spots? If I get rid of all spotted, I might not have any leaves left. Should I switch to a bloom fertilizer now? Will the plant grow anymore, or will I just wait until more buds appear and harvest them. Might not be many with this size. Thank you