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Tiny white spots on outdoor clone

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    Tiny white spots on outdoor clone

    Hi HI I planted this clone several weeks ago and just recently these white spots have appeared. What should I do about this? Spray?
    Also, the last picture is from overhead, is this plant already going into flowering phase after only several weeks? The plant is quite small 1' or so, should I switch to bloom ferilizer already. I have been using fish emulsion for a couple of weeks. She's been in the ground about 4 weeks now fed once or twice with 1/2 strength fish emulsion since I thought she was in veg state. She's so small, not many leaves yet. What about the spots? Spray with neem, or soap? Most have some spots, none have severely damaged. So, should I leave the ones with some spots? If I get rid of all spotted, I might not have any leaves left. Should I switch to a bloom fertilizer now? Will the plant grow anymore, or will I just wait until more buds appear and harvest them. Might not be many with this size. Thank you

    Could be bugs (use a 30x zoom lens and look to the under side of the leaves), could be water spot sun/light burns, do not use neem on buds it is not safe (nor is spinosad), leave the leaves for now they are still feeding the plant.
    If you are on the north side of the planet it is flower season, and all photo plants will flower.
    Are these photo or autos?


      Thank you for the comments. No bugs visible. I don't know if they are auto or photo. How do I tell? I have switched to Bloom and will see how this turns out. Next year I will plant at a more appropriate time, like late may or early June. I am in Los Angeles.
      Last edited by jljonathan; 09-05-2021, 02:43 PM.


        Photos need 12hours dark (12/12s) to flower, autos flower at 3-5 weeks old (I have heard of some that take 8 weeks to start) with 24/0 lights.


          Looks like you may have splashed that leaf with water. Water on leaves during daylight and lights on can cause burns and bleaching. Being in a circle like that makes me think of a water droplet. It looks pale and hungry to me, fish emulsion once every other week isn't much, especially if you're just in the ground and didn't add quality soil. I would think the soil is so compact it didn't allow your roots to stretch out properly mix that with over watering due to compact soil it'll stunt your plant everytime. Agreed you should check for bugs but normally thrips will be small white dots everywhere. Mites the same with webs.

          Also fish emulsion alone doesn't contain the correct nkp for cannabis growth.


            Here are the plants after about 5 weeks. What do you think about the brown top on the plant? It's crunchy and crumbles if I touch it. Should I remove the top? The rest of both plants have buds forming and I am feeding them with Bud and Bloom. They were planted late, around the end of August.


            • Ace1973
              Ace1973 commented
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              looks like bud rot

            • Gingerbeard
              Gingerbeard commented
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              Could this be another hemp borer?

            • Ace1973
              Ace1973 commented
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              this year has been bad all the way around for parasites and such

            Should I top it and get rid of that top bud? Any other solutions?


            • Rwise
              Rwise commented
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              Yes that hemp borer has to go, and destroy it!

            I don't know if it is bud rot. The stem and leaves look good. Should I just cut off the top bud?


            • SoOrbudgal
              SoOrbudgal commented
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              Yes remove that rot or it will spread.

            And then watch for more of these damn hemp borers, burn all stems, limbs etc.. They can winter in them.


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