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Needs help rust spots on leaves

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    Needs help rust spots on leaves

    Last edited by Jay1245; 08-30-2021, 05:48 PM.

    Easy now, I just answered your question in your first post as best I could with no information about your grow You have to have a little patience in this game. Sometimes it might take a few days to get an answer. Not 2 hours.
    Grow # 3 50/50 S/I Critical Mass photo fem
    Seeds drop in water 1/8/2022

    Medium: FF Coco Loco plus 30% Perlite in 7 gal cloth bags
    Space: 30x48x62 DIY cabinet lined w/space blankets
    Lighting: Bloomspect SS1000 Quantum board x 3 - 300 watts actual draw
    Soil Supplements: Worm Castings, Crab Shell, Oyster Shell, Neem and Karanja Meal, Volcanic Basalt Dust (for minerals), Recharge root micros. Grow 3 is with reconstituted super soil to which I've added several additional minerals and supplements. A more complete list based on Cackamas Coots super soil recipe can be found in my Auto Toka thread
    i don't grow plants anymore, I grow soil that my plants can thrive in!
    My filtered tap water runs over 7.5 pH but the soil microbes
    make pH correction unnecessary
    Ventilation: Vipospar 4" Exhaust Fan w/RH controller, 12" Carbon Scrubber
    8" bottom intake fan, 6" clip on fan, 6" heater as needed
    Cabinet on screen porch. N AZ @ 4000 ft.

    My salute to all who have served
    Semper Fidelis!


      Jay1245 Did you look at Weed Pharma's Stonington Blend recent post? Similar issues, root pH might be your problem, causing cal-mag not to uptake.
      Soil: Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, perlite; Seedlings: CoM org potting soil
      Indoor: 2 x 5.5 x 8' Closet grow
      Viparspectra XS2000; EnjoYield 220W full spectrum light added during flower
      Various size fabric grow bags
      Cal-Mag & GH Trio if needed; Flower Fuel & molasses during bloom; ReCharge
      4 clip fans. Exhaust into attic is vented to the eaves
      Current grow: DEAD FLOWERS

      "Joker, smoker & midnight toker, I sure don't want to hurt no one"


      • Jay1245
        Jay1245 commented
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        Yes I went and read his post I read it right after I did the flush but my ph a ppm look good I don’t know what the ppm should be but my ph is on point from the looks of it

      My ph run off is a 6.29 and my ppm is 766 so I’m kinda lost here lol I already flushed my plant and the ph is still holding at 6.29 and ppm is the same the 766 just don’t know what I should do now wait and see I guess


        Sounds like y'all are talking about some sort of pH CalMag thing. Yeah? Was info posted about the grow? Can you post a picture of, maybe, the bottom half of your plant?
        My guess is a bad case of leaf septoria. Please forgive me for going outside GWE. You're well along into flowering so it could be something pH or nutrient which are common things.
        How to stop Leaf Septoria on Marijuana Plants (Yellow Leaf Spots) (







              Check this one, too. The ILGM site was showing advanced. The GWE site is less severe.
              Yellow Leaf Spot (Leaf Septoria) & Cannabis - Get Rid of It Quickly! (



              • Jay1245
                Jay1245 commented
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                Yeah it has the light yellowing on the bottom leaves but it has rust spots on them so I don’t think it leaf septoria it doesn’t rub off I think it a calcium deficiency or lack of not sure about how to troubleshoot this situation I just flushed and my ph was 6.2 and my ppm was 766 I don’t know if it is a good ppm or not cuz it’s in 2 weeks of flower it has purple stems on the leaves that have the rust spots on them so I am leaning toward cal-Meg is what I’m thinking but i really don’t know just trying to figure out how to get it fixed lol anyone know what the ppm is supposed to be for run off in soil in it 2 week of flower almost in to the 3 week

              Then go with it. The CalMag, I mean. Mine is one opinion. Those Puglover1 and TOKABIGONE fellows seem to know what they're talking about.
              If you are not familiar with late stage flowering, which 3 weeks is not, you might get a lot of issues with discolored leaves. Don't fret. It's a maybe thing and common.
              But I'm still going with septoria as a symptom because I've had it and because I've done volcanic amounts of terp crystals, in the day, and I'm feeling rebellious and terpy.



              • Jay1245
                Jay1245 commented
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                I mean I don’t know what it is or how I can fix this plant if you have had it before what do I need to do to save my plant and fix the problem if you don’t mind me asking I keep my grow area clean and the only thing I did was add cal-Meg 2 days ago and then this happened so I don’t know what to do but if you know a way to save this big plant I would do anything

              • Gingerbeard
                Gingerbeard commented
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                I pluck and use a spray of 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and a quart of water. Spray, let it sit for a minute or two, give the plant a good shake to get rid of most of the spray, repeat once a day.
                The links I gave you should also have good info on treatment.

              • Jay1245
                Jay1245 commented
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                I can spray my plant when it’s in flower do I spray the bud sites or just the leaves and soil sorry just don’t want to mess up my plant I cut all the leaves last night Gingerbeard

              Jay1245 I did an experiment where I sprayed a bud with the vinegar spray I mentioned. I sprayed every day for the second week before harvest and stopped the week before. The week before, I sprayed with water, twice. The bud was shaken of excess and kept in good circulation to make sure the bud dried. The final flower had no hint of ACV.

              I repeat that this is my experience. If you give it a try and you wind up with pickled weed, 't ain't my fault. And a repeat on circulation. A lot of problems can be kept at bay or overcome with good circulation.



              • Jay1245
                Jay1245 commented
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                Ok well I’m just going to let it grow see what happens or I might get rid of it and bleach my tent and start a new grow I guess I wonder if it is in my soil I bought

              I cut all the infected leaves off and clean my grow area again My plant looks so bad like really bad it had a good amount of leaf damage I don’t know how I even missed it this happened so fast but I guess I will see what happens you know I have to wait a get paid to get some other stuff I might try some baking soda but not sure going to do some research first




                • Gingerbeard
                  Gingerbeard commented
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                  You'll be fine. The plants are well budded. Keep circulation going around your plants and you will have less likelihood of recurrence.
                  A lot of people do a defoliation in the third week of flowering. You're a little late but still have enough to get some grams.

                Well I will have to wait And see she has just stopped budding hasn’t changed in 4 days and I haven’t watered her in 3 days and she is still heavy I am going to wait 2 more days and if it still heavy then I know it not going to be good cuz that means it’s not up taking the water so I will keep y’all posted


                • SoOrbudgal
                  SoOrbudgal commented
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                  Now that it's out of that white bucket it should dry out better. Was it always sitting in that white bucket during the grow? Why the white bucket?

                I flushed her when I seen the spots on her leaves and I used the white bucket to catch the run off no it wasn’t always in the bucket it was only in the bucket for a hour or so just to catch my runoff she is not doing good looking like she just stopped budding no progress at all just not doing anything no changes in the bud sites and it’s been like 5 days or so I’m just going to let it do its thing if I don’t see any progress next weekend then I’m guessing she has just stopped budding and I just need to get rid of it cuz if it’s not going to finish budding I don’t need to waste my time with it you know SoOrbudgal


                • Puglover1
                  Puglover1 commented
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                  Patience is a virtue.

                • Jay1245
                  Jay1245 commented
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                  Gingerbeard I’m just going to let it grow and if it just don’t do anything in a few weeks then I will for sure I need to get rid of her just really wish I knew what has happened nothing is different environment soil the way I ph the only thing that is different is the strain I am growing my first grow was pretty smooth I mean I had a bunch of questions and Puglover1 helped me with my questions I had and I really glad she was patient with me but for the most part my actual first grow was a awesome grow this one was doing awesome but it has just stopped budding the stretch everything just stopped the strain is the only thing different really just wish I knew what to look for or if I am missing something like I can read everything about cannabis but no where does it say anywhere about a cannabis plant just stopping flowering if any one has ever had it happen to them or ever heard of it happening to someone else I could really use some help because I am unable to find information on my problem

                • Puglover1
                  Puglover1 commented
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                  Jay, did you check the trichs up close? Someone else mentioned a plant stopping growing recently. I had a terrible auto experience this summer, NL stopped doing anything, 4 inches tall when chopped whole. So far my photos are doing well, keeping fingers crossed.

                Puglover1 hey so I have not watered the plant in at least 6 days and I think I see a little change but I’m going to water it right now just a little bit like I did on my first one and see what happens just wish it would have kept growing cuz the rate it was growing it was going to be a nice plant oh well I guess I went and started a new one of the same strain as this one I am having problem with just in case it doesn’t finish growing so yeah and next grow I’m going to start my grape ape photo seeds and some bad ass seeds a friend gifted me have no idea what It is called but the smoke it came from some sticky thick colas so yeah that’s going to start in a few weeks just trying to get my grow set up where I can do the photos but yeah I think the plant is bouncing back some but will definitely be popcorn nugs I believe I’m only in week 2 1/2 weeks of flower and it says 6 to 7 so I’m guessing it will be 8 or 9 if she makes it I just can’t figure out what is going on with her leaves but it’s whatever I am just going to let it grow and forget about it it makes it it makes it not going to get much in yield so do bare minimum and focus on the new one and not let it happen to it so yeah


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