This seems to be affecting all my plants...the lowest leave go blotchy, then yellow then new leave s appear healthy
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Please help; I am a beginner and my best plant is sick; any advice appreciated
I'd start by transplanting to a larger pot (your final pot)."That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"
Start with taking a clear picture of the plant. If you feel spunky you could take a few at different angles. Then we need info from you. Can't help if we have no clue what you got going on there.
Type of soil, watering practices, kind of feed, feeding practices, ph of water going in, ph of water going out, how much light does it get, photo or auto, age and so on. The more info the better.
Have you read any of the GWE tutorials? If not you should.
This easy tutorial explains how to grow cannabis indoors from seed to harvest. Learn how to take care of your plants with step-by-step instructions!
Use our cannabis growing problem pictures and interactive plant doctor tool to quickly diagnose your sick marijuana plants! Click the pictures below to learn about a marijuana problem, deficiency or symptom & get the solution! Still having trouble? Consult our 5-Step Remedy to 99% of Cannabis Growing Problems. Click here to see ALL cannabis plant...5x5 Gorilla tent
Spectrum King SK402 - 2× Optic XL1
Infinity T8 exhaust fan
Technaflora nutes
Nectar of the Gods soil
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Thanks for all the answers so far; well I said I am beginner. I am using grow medium from bags of compost used in garden by my wife; no special nutrients so far, just tap water, on a sunny indoor shelf with 3 CF bulbs on all night and sunlight plus CFLs in the day...Here are some more picture of other plants in same batch of 6 (different strains each seed)..all germinated at same time in early july so now allabout 4 weeks post germination ... I still need help - these were taken a few days ago - today they are ALL sicker still...will post todays pictures later - please continue to help; I have read the tutorials and do not know if this is overwatering, bad soil, inadequate nutrients, all three or something else...planning to transplant all to bigger pots and new soil today7 Photos
IF you can get it, I would recommend "Earth Keeper Completer" living soil, just add water and watch it grow. I have used this soil once (as challenged) it held up for the grow of an auto (about 60 days).
Or another brand that is for cannabis.
Then transplant them into their final home, maybe give them some "Voodoo Juice" to help with root growth.
Ok...I have transplanted all plants to bigger pots, using
House And Garden Bat Mix 50 Litre Special Guano Soil Bag Hydroponics as bought here for filling new pots. Also as from today no longer using tap water but water plus these nutrients as directed.
Canna Coco A+B 1 Litre Veg And Flower Plant Food Base Nutrients Hydroponics
Two things.
Using bagged compost or a good brand of soil can be bad for seedlings. My experience is burning seedlings with fresh soil because there is too much in it. You're giving max doses of ferts for a plant that needs only a little. I always do mine is spent soil from the last grow and only get nuted when they have their first leaves. Then, it's only foliar spray.
I noticed your plants in front of your window and you mentioned using sunlight as a light source. It looks like you have a double-pane window. If so, you are not getting the light you think. Modern windows (two pane or more) have coatings and gasses and junk that block UV and other spectra. Your CFL's are more beneficial.C'mon, mule!
Thanks for advice so far - the new soil I am using includes some perlite. Here are some pictures form today; the transplanted plants are still sick, in fact getting worse I fear - any more halp and advice really appreciated...PLEASE HELP thanks Sandy3 Photos
I would get rid of these sickly plants not waste anymore time on them they are DEAD. If you really can't see this and think they are worth saving you need to educate yourself on growing weed. Quit the guessing and start really trying and learning the needs of growing MJ. Take it seriously i do most good growers do not keep posting fucked up looking sick plants.Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet
Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
indoor/outdoor grower
1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers
I know they are dying or dead , but i am trying to discover why so it does not happen you think I enjoy posting pictures "fucked up looking sick plants" - the idea is that you tell me why please; I am unable to work out of this is overwatering, lack of nutrients, too many nutirents, bad soil, or something else...if you have some ideas please post...
Thank you to the people who suggested adding extra light, more perlite and better soil...
I assume your seeds were autoflowering type? Your new pots like a pot inside of another pot? It's hard to tell in your pictures but it looks like a pot I have that's made that way, to catch drainage. Better to have a pot on a saucer for drainage, and drill/make extra holes in the sides for air to get to the roots all around. Your soil still looks 'clumpy'. You can put 2-3 inches of perlite in the bottom of the pot before filling with soil to help with drainage, and use 20-25% perlite mixed into your soil. That soil might be too strong to start in, and you might not need added nutes, maybe later during bloom, if autoflowers. Are you checking the water's pH? Lighting matters a lot. I'd try growing only one or two plants until you get experience and work things out. If it seems to be going well you can start more before the others finish with autoflowers. I know you are seeking help, it can get frustrating sometimes. If you get them going and have issues don't let them get so bad before asking for advice next time. Hang in there, and good luck.
Hey sandyinlondon, just throw those plants out...they are already in flower. If, by some miracle you did manage to save them you might harvest a joint between the two plants. The bag compost you started them in was probably way too hot. And the new soil you are using is not a good choice for weed. It has 2 different types of peat moss, a little perlite(not enough), lime, and bat guano. I see you bought canna coco ferts, i suggest using coco coir and loading it with perlite. Get different pots..i see no holes in the sides of you pots. Roots need air. (fiber pots work well) Get a good Ph pen and some cal/mag. In a nutshell...your medium is no good, overwatering-possible, poor drainage probable, need way more light. . Im assuming autos since their flowering on week 6...they will never rebound. Cut your losses and start fresh.Shappel S3000 3.5x6x6' ice hut
Fusion Board LED Panel 480w
6" Fusion Breath, Fan/Filter
Canna Coco/perlite
General Hydroponics Flora Series
Scarlet Galaxy GTF
Scarlet Grapes x2 GTF
Razzpergers GTF
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Thanks for new comments from homegrown, greenstate, Rwise and puglover 1.
These seeds were / are not supposed to be autoflowering - I had been keeping them in constant light to avoid flowering until they were much bigger...then was oing to switch to 12 hours darkness a night...
I can see the flowering signs on 2 of the idea why this has happened...
I am getting some pure perlite in so I can add more to the mix...also some coco coir. These pots have an outer pot to hold water so that a rope wick from the inner pots can autowater...the inner pots have numberous vertical slits as well as holes at the bottom. I agree that soild medium with poor drainage and perhaps intial overwatering likely problems.
This is harder than I expected...I am starting some new seeds on germination for another go...soon
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Several growers this summer got wrong seeds, autos that didn't auto, had to go into 12/12. Males supposed to be females. I have a large pot on rollers that was my mom's. It's white outside, black inner pot, it had a rope on it - maybe it's an auto-watering/wicking pot? I used it for vegetables outdoors one summer, had to roll it into my kitchen by the patio door because the bell peppers wouldn't stop producing. Coco coir, perlite, nutes and pH'd water would be a better starting point. I'm using 'hot' soil for the first time right now, kind of leery about it. I recently transplanted a sativa photo, and dropped a hybrid photo seed in another pot last night. Wish me luck?