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Some strange edges, looks rather like sickness than nutrient problems

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    Some strange edges, looks rather like sickness than nutrient problems

    Hello, my first post here

    I've noticed it about few days ago, it looks like it is not stopping growth of the plant, but I'm very curious what it is and if it's dangerous.
    They were older leaves, like 2nd floor or so.

    Plant is in coco/perlite mix, under 100W LED, humidity ~50% almost all the time, temp ~26-27 C
    If you need more information, just point what I should write.

    Oh - if it's not clearly visible on photo - it looks like tiny white/yellowish microdots

    Thanks in advance for any help

    One of my leaves were touching the soil and got that look, just chopped it off


      Do any new leaves have it? Also were these leaves the closest node to the roots? It does look a wee bit like Ph fluctuations but that tiny microdot (lol) makes the difference!What age are the plants? Could you provide a full plant picture with the damage visible?

      If it is going upwards it can be a number of things from Root-rot till even Gnats (similar pictures in early stages on GWE)!
      Heatstress where your temps are it's unlikely,however,some plants may just throw a fit for higher temps...
      Have you checked for Septoria? ( )

      I will still stick to Ph instability as it is the most common thing...My plants were curling at 6.0 but love 5.7-5.9
      Tent : 4x4


      2x Viparspectra v300

      BioBizzLight Mix
      Felt Pots 15/25L

      Advanced Nutrients
      Grow , Micro , Bloom , B-52
      Bud Ignitor , Big Bud, Overdrive
      CalMag Xtra

      Completed Journals
      Nartak's 1st Grow - Canna Nutes - HPS 600W


        'Oh - if it's not clearly visible on photo - it looks like tiny white/yellowish microdots'

        The tiny white dots would worry me - go to GWE and read about thrips and spider mites. Hopefully, this is not the problem.

        I like big buds and I can not lie.

        Somango XXL (3 gal)
        Blue Mystic (7 gal)
        VIPARSPECTRA 450W LED Grow Light
        Coco Coir w/30% perlite
        Fox Farms Nutrients plus Cal-Mag Plus


        • Potted
          Potted commented
          Editing a comment
          White dots, sounds like mites,turn leaf over, if u see any black dots (very small) u got them! Take them out a.s.p.,kill them all and let god sort them out.peace

        Hmmm I think that what Xaliuz has written also happened to me - that leaves were touching the medium which is almost always wet.
        I think the problem is not showing on the other leaves.
        But to be sure I'm posting pictures of my plants + that one with strange leaves.

        I've also noticed that there are some flies (I find maybe 1-2 for a few days - possibly gnats?)

        It's 34 day of VEG since the first lady showed up.
        BTW - I don't want to start another topic for such easy qestion how long should I wait for switching them to 12/12? This is my first time with fotoperiod plants and I have no idea if they are big enough. NL is indica dominant strain.

        Thanks for replies guys Bob bless you


        • Nartak
          Nartak commented
          Editing a comment
          Originally posted by Nebula
          Giving cannabis plants more time in the vegetative stage, and taking time to train them to fit your space, will give you the best final yields. However, if space is tight, then it's better to switch when the plant is half the final desired height
          It's up to you NL! Five weeks should be plenty for a plant to mature!I did 6 weeks on my manifolded ones...

          Also you should check the GWE site for clear pictures of Gnats or fruit flies etc so you can clear that up!Get rid of them quick matie!!Good luck

        • NebulaHaze
          NebulaHaze commented
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          The gnats might be fungus gnats , which are also caused by the top soil being wet. It can help get rid of fungus gnats to wait until the top inch of soil is dry before watering. That's because their larvae live in the topsoil, and without moisture they can't survive. If you blow a gentle fan over the plants it also helps dry out the top inch, and adult gnats can't mate in the wind

        I've asked wrong question - I should ask:
        How big can they grow in 60x60x140cm box? I have got no experience with FP plants and I simply can't imagaine how long I can hold them on VEG without encountering problems with space later in FLO.

        The other 'weird thing' in this box is that 3 plants are LST only, and one is FIMed. And one plant looks like it's slower than the others...


          Size of containers grow is in would be a help to answer q asket . As for the plants growing diff. Thats no surprise look at them sisters no copies unless cloned all grow at diff rates at diff times peace
          Last edited by Potted; 02-07-2017, 12:48 PM.


            they are 11L


              Do you plan on upgrading your light to something bigger than the 100W when you get to flowering? The desired height of your plant is partially based on how powerful your light is. A small light might be only able to support a short plant, but a bigger light can support a taller/bigger plant. With just a 100W I'm not sure you want to let them get much bigger than they are now before the switch. If you had something like a 250W HPS in there you might let them get a foot tall before the switch, since it can penetrate deeper into the plant.

              BTW your plants look beautiful! Green and healthy!


                Thanks Nebula I should seize the opportunity and thank you with all my heart for doing an amazing job with helping newbies to the cannabis cultivation

                I plan to build 3 additional LED panels (as I'm big fan of DIY) which should be up to 15-18W each (they will be based on 1W bulbs, as I've read that they are more efficient in emmiting photons than 3/5W, but the whole setup is slightly more expensive - AND 1W bulbs should not light burn anything)
                But for the upcoming month they will be probably just 6W each, as that's the amount of bulbs I've bought from China, and I'm planning to eventually upgrade them to that 15-18W
                I'm attaching a sketch
                Oh and they will be probably 5:1 ratio RED/WHITE (4000-4500K if I remember correctly)
                They should enlighten the canopy if it gets too thick.

                What do you think?

                BTW my last grow was very 'dwarfy' - I'm thinking that I was holding the 100W LED panel too low in early VEG, is it possible? I mean it can be a warning for others etc. I'm sending a picture of it.
                The trick is that they weren't showing any sign of light burn, they were just very small.
                PS the 4 small cups in the center are current plants

                Thanks in advance for all replies


                  If buds stay small even though the plant is healthy, it's likely because of lack of light. Light is like food for your plants, and they use the energy from light directly to power both vegetative and bud growth. Keeping the light too close when they're young could keep them short, but if they're happy they should still be growing fast with big new leaves every day.

                  When it comes to LEDs you can expect about 0.5g per watt of light. This is a very rough estimate, but a good place to start so you have something to compare to. So with 100W total you could expect about 50g of bud from a grow, or about 1.8 oz in total. The number of plants is less important than the amount of light when it comes to yields. If you got less than 1.8 oz from your last grow, chances are that you could have done something differently during the grow itself to get a bigger yield. If you got more than that, than you actually got a pretty decent yield for the amount of light you put in.

                  If you now added 3 x 15W lights (total of 45 more watts), you'd have a total of 145W of LEDs. With that you could expect 72.5 grams on an average-to-good grow, or about 2.6 ounces in total.


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