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    Ok here are some pictures of my grow now, first three are from two weeks ago and last three from yesterday. Feel free to tell me what you think of her

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Size:	3.48 MB
ID:	531736


    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
      Editing a comment
      baffe, they look so awesome!! You've done an outstanding job!!!

      One advice: Pinch off all the flowers below: they are called SUCKERS, because they suck energy away from top growth and they won't ever amount to jack. Pinch all them suckers!!! ;-)

    Hmm alltatup I cant post more pictures to the thread, do you know what is going on? I deleted some of the oldest pictures in the thread but still gives me error?

    TOKABIGONE gave some tips so i will try and post the pics i wanted from the beginning, thanks man!

    Seems to be working now but i had to cut down pic nr2 in size so maybe there is a cap for pics that are over 8mb as it was first?
    Last edited by baffe; 08-24-2021, 06:17 AM.


    • baffe
      baffe commented
      Editing a comment
      Hahaha yeah i really hope so! She is looking so good and i tried to look at the trichomes with a 30x loupe but it was really hard. The hairs are mostly white with a few orange ones and they are all standing right out so we have atleast a few more weeks. When do you usually harvest, all milky white or mix with milky and amber?

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
      Editing a comment
      baffe I have found that a 15x belomo triplet loupe gives me the clearest view of triches: much better than a 10x or a 20x.

    • baffe
      baffe commented
      Editing a comment
      Ah ok i will look that one up, thanks! And what do you say about when you harvest then?

    I had a lot of trouble posting pics yesterday with error mssg. Had to post with another pic and then go back and delete that one. Happens occasionally.
    Grow # 3 50/50 S/I Critical Mass photo fem
    Seeds drop in water 1/8/2022

    Medium: FF Coco Loco plus 30% Perlite in 7 gal cloth bags
    Space: 30x48x62 DIY cabinet lined w/space blankets
    Lighting: Bloomspect SS1000 Quantum board x 3 - 300 watts actual draw
    Soil Supplements: Worm Castings, Crab Shell, Oyster Shell, Neem and Karanja Meal, Volcanic Basalt Dust (for minerals), Recharge root micros. Grow 3 is with reconstituted super soil to which I've added several additional minerals and supplements. A more complete list based on Cackamas Coots super soil recipe can be found in my Auto Toka thread
    i don't grow plants anymore, I grow soil that my plants can thrive in!
    My filtered tap water runs over 7.5 pH but the soil microbes
    make pH correction unnecessary
    Ventilation: Vipospar 4" Exhaust Fan w/RH controller, 12" Carbon Scrubber
    8" bottom intake fan, 6" clip on fan, 6" heater as needed
    Cabinet on screen porch. N AZ @ 4000 ft.

    My salute to all who have served
    Semper Fidelis!


    • baffe
      baffe commented
      Editing a comment
      I think i figured it out so if you have problem in the future check if the filesize is over 8mb, it seems to be a hard cap that you cant post pics over 8mb. I just reduced the size of the one pic i couldnt post and the other pic was 7,55mb and that worked.

    baffe It took me a few years to stop harvesting too early. This post may help you with how to get used to trichome viewing:

    It takes practice to see when the trichome heads really swell up and kind of hang over the stalk: practice, practice, practice. I like to see all the brown hairs (pistils or stigmas) nice and dark and curled in, shrivelled, not moist; that's one thing. I like to see very few clear trichomes, not a lot. I like to see a few amber triches, but I don't like a lot of it. You get to this place where you look at the bud and it's not changing anymore; it's done, it's baked!!!!
    Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

    Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
    2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
    Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


      alltatup That was a great post you did so thanks again for your knowledge! I have ordered BelOMO 15x Triplet Loupe Magnifier. 9mm (.35"). In the meantime i go by the pistills and right now its a mix with white and brown and they are all standing right out. What i can understand about when you harvest it sounds like you are looking for the "couchlock" effect? I will harvest one bud at milkywhite to try it out and then wait for a mix with milky/amber. Will take some new pics tonight so you can see how she looks now, buds are starting to fatten up hehe love it!


      OK time for some new pics taken tonight!

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Foto 2021-09-01 19 59 21.jpg
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ID:	534160Click image for larger version

Name:	Foto 2021-09-01 20 00 24.jpg
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ID:	534161Click image for larger version

Name:	Foto 2021-09-01 19 57 52 (2).jpg
Views:	236
Size:	3.08 MB
ID:	534162


      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
        Editing a comment
        Looking awesome!!!

      We are in week 8 now and i took some new pics this time in the dark to try to see better. I have the loupe that you recommended now alltatup and it is amazing and i can see very clear now if the heads are clear or cloudy and my estimation from yesterday is that most triches are still very clear. Can you determine from these pics how many weeks approx i have left? I wanted to start with the flush when its like 2 weeks from harvestday and i cant really tell myself. It is a mix with white/brown pistills on each bud but i would say mostly brown hairs.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Foto 2021-09-13 11 58 47 (2).jpg
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Size:	2.85 MB
ID:	536171Click image for larger version

Name:	Foto 2021-09-13 11 59 17.jpg
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Size:	2.93 MB
ID:	536172Click image for larger version

Name:	Foto 2021-09-13 11 59 03 (2).jpg
Views:	218
Size:	3.23 MB
ID:	536173Click image for larger version

Name:	Foto 2021-09-13 12 02 29.jpg
Views:	223
Size:	3.11 MB
ID:	536174


        Looking good baffe. You are getting close. I would say another week or two. Hard to see the trichs but the hairs haven't curled up yet.
        keeping it green with the soil thing
        love me some frosty autos
        Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
        the fruit basket
        blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


        • baffe
          baffe commented
          Editing a comment
          Thanks alot! Yeah i was thinking myself that its probably two more weeks. I have a great loupe that Alltatup recommended and i can see real good that triches are still pretty much transparent and the hairs are still like 50/50 white and brown and most of them are not curled in. i will look again tonight at the triches and see if something has changed, the process is moving pretty fast now But then i think i will start to flush now or is it to early you think?

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