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Germination Technique.

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    Germination Technique.

    Lately I've been having issues with seeds germinating properly. I follow crop king seeds instructions to a T and have been having little success as of late. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks and happy memorial day weekend. As a 20 year retired Army Vet I plan on getting baked and BBQ. That's Merica!

    Hi Flatlander ;.1st thank you for your service. I don't know the mention. I just put my seeds between wet paper Towels on a plate, and cover with plastic wrap. Usually 3 to 4 days. After.they sprout I put them in medium in soil cups, with veg light
    Hope this helps


      Best wishes on Memorial Day, Marine!

      Does your method look like this?
      1. Soak em overnight in a shot glass with water and maybe a few drops of hydrogen peroxide
      2. Put them in a folded paper towel soaked in water
      3. Put the towel in a warm dark place
      4. Wait for the shells to pop over the next few days.
      If you're doing something like that and not succeeding consider these ideas:
      • Scratch the edges of the seeds gently with fine sandpaper to help them release
      • Research using gibberellic acid (GA3) in really tough cases
      • Complain bitterly to your seed provider!

      Hat tip to UndergroundFarmer for this informative GA3 video link:
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      My goal is epicurean quality rather than high yield.
      I'm learning how to create cannabis tinctures and hashish and I almost always use a vaporizer to spare my aging lungs.
      Despite my avatar name I'm generally amenable and helpful. So, if there's a question I'm qualified to answer, hit me up!



        I soak Rapid Rooters in pH’d water and then just put the untreated seed directly in the Rapid Rooter. Then place the Rapid Rooter(s) upright in a cereal bowl with a shallow pool of pH’d water, and place under your grow light. It helps to have multiple Rapid Rooters so that they can keep each other upright without falling over. Top off the bowl’s water each day, don’t let the pool dry out. The pool will keep the Rapid Rooters wet without drowning the seed. I’ve never had a seed not sprout. I always get mine from Nirvana, for what it’s worth.


        • dphipps1020
          dphipps1020 commented
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          To help them stand up by themselves, turn the Rapid Rooter over and poke a hole in the bottom for the seed. The top part is flat and wider than the base so it will stand up just fine on it's own.

        • Rik
          Rik commented
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          dphipps1020 great tip, thanks!

        • dphipps1020
          dphipps1020 commented
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          Any time. I figured that out when I got tired of fighting with them to stand up.

        I use the original method, soil, water, and light. It works the best.


          I'm with Ace1973. I make a hole in the soil, drop the bean, cover, water, wait. Then after 3 or 4 days, BAZANGA!
          5x5 Gorilla tent
          Spectrum King SK402 - 2× Optic XL1
          Infinity T8 exhaust fan
          Technaflora nutes
          Nectar of the Gods soil


            - 24 hours in a shot glass
            - Then into a 1 gal ziplock bag in a folded paper towel (use the remaining H2O from the shot glass nothing more)
            - Blow air into the ziplock to make a terrarium
            - Place in a warm dark place (70+) til they sprout

            Warmth has been key to my getting good germination rates


              Originally posted by Rik View Post
              I soak Rapid Rooters in pH’d water and then just put the untreated seed directly in the Rapid Rooter. Then place the Rapid Rooter(s) upright in a cereal bowl with a shallow pool of pH’d water, and place under your grow light. It helps to have multiple Rapid Rooters so that they can keep each other upright without falling over. Top off the bowl’s water each day, don’t let the pool dry out. The pool will keep the Rapid Rooters wet without drowning the seed. I’ve never had a seed not sprout. I always get mine from Nirvana, for what it’s worth.
              I use a counter top aerogarden to germinate and they popped open in less than 2 days. So basically the same as this. I've never had much luck with the paper towel method. I may have allowed a few to dry out that way....

              Lovin' life...

              Grow System:
              DIY RDWC built in 10 gal tote container
              Vipar Spectra p2000 LED full spectrum light
              Vent fan w/carbon filter and assorted fans, airpump, dehumidifiers, etc
              2x4 grow tent

              Current Grow: TOO MUCH

              made the newb mistake of starting too many plants in my system. 2 Northern Lights autos and 2 Afghans autos


                I would always break the tap root off when I did paper towels lol. Now days I soak em in warmish water until they sink (3-12hrs) & then a couple more hrs, lay em on the dirt n cover em with almost an inch of dirt n coco mix, spray em down good & put a dome on em. I can't remember planting one that failed.


                  I usually soak them in a cup of water until they crack (usually 1-3 days), and then straight into my grow medium. That usually works pretty well for me.


                    Wet paper towel method. Get one wet, squeeze the crap out of it. Fold seed up in damp towel, shove in ziploc. Put somewhere dark and warm for a few days.
                    When sprout comes out.....into soil lengthwise.....sprout to the side. About a quarter of an inch deep. Dome for humidity until shell comes off....

                    Place I buy from recommends storing seeds in the fridge before sprouting.
                    Learned a lot this year. pH and whiteflies are issues that need controlling. Maybe an auto over January.....hmmmm...


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