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Dying Chocolope Sprout!

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    Dying Chocolope Sprout!

    This Chocolope sprout appears to be dying! She was started with others about just over two weeks ago, with all the same Conditions: Same medium, a rapid rooter in coco coir mix with some canadian sphagnum peat moss and worm castings, in small containers roughly the size as one of those red cups everyone uses. Well, two were in little 4 inch containers, and two (including the Chocolope) were in slightly bigger, 5 inches high with a 5 inch diameter, containers. The other 3 are doing great, steady growth, no burn, rich green with wide fingers (5 finger leaves just coming in).
    But the Chocolope, on the other hand, has stoped growing after her first serrated leaves. A tiny second pair of serrated leaves came in and almost instantly curled up and in and dried up, dark green and dead. They then fell off taking on of the first serrated leaves with them! Now she is left with one serrate leaf, a pinch of yellowing on the bottom, and some brownish, maybe purplish, fading on the tip and one edge (real subtle) with the Cotyledons having turned yellow (But no Burn, even on the tips!) and the stem turned purple. No drooping either. I'm at a loss! What's wrong?! What can i do to help her pull through?!

    Photos speak a thousand words. We pretty much need to see your plants.
    Organic only soil grower
    Current: Medgom Auto (CBD Crew and (Grassomatic)
    Set up: 300w Galaxy hydro LED, DIY insulated growbox, dual thermostatic exhaust fans, dual circulation fans, thermostatic 300w heat, remote temp/humidity monitor.


      Just reading what you wrote I'd say

      medium is to wet or could be cold or the ph is off? Give the lights you have temperature and ph

      My 3 week old auto's still have green cotyledons

      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_0378.JPG
Views:	127
Size:	5.41 MB
ID:	51359
      4x4 Gorilla Tent 600 watt hps and Veg Tent T5 Fluorescence
      4 Cures and a Life time gardener


        And sometimes it just happens...I germed 5 Auto Fems and was crushed when 1 didn't germ...It is what it is......Have Fun....Peace...


          About the only thing that kills seedlings is root issues. Almost always caused by overwatering, but not always. Sometimes it just happens unexpectedly.


          • johnq124
            johnq124 commented
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            Hey i hope you can help with this, it's my first grown, i have a hydro indica on day 54, starting to show bananas, i know its time to cut them as it will only get worse, but should i do it now half way though their day or wait until the morning to cut them down>? thanks!!

          • bobsakamoto
            bobsakamoto commented
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            they can pollinate in as little as 15-20 minutes up to 48 it's really how much do you want to chance it

          • ZigZag
            ZigZag commented
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            Yup, when you grow from seeds you can get widely variable results with the same strain under the same conditions. IMHO anyway.
            Last grow I had three of one strain and three of another. All three of each grew to different sizes and matured over a 2 week period.
            This time I tried 3 strains. some seeds germinated within 24 hrs, some not for 2 days and some not at all. Now they are entering their fourth week_ at least this time the strains seem to have similar growth and genetic characteristics. ****happens.
            Go with the flow. I like seeds because I find its more rewarding_ a more complete experience- than growing from clones. But if you produce your own clones or get them from a reputable supplier then you can usually get more consistent results than from seed.

          I'm not sure what you mean by 'cut them down' - but when I got nanners I would remove them with a sharp poky object. I'd poke in to the base of the nanner and pry it out of the bud. Basically by the time it's showing a yellow flower I figure it's released some pollen already- but they're not prolific pollen producers so generally they don't create huge numbers of seeds.
          if I understand the question, I'd just remove them whenever- makes no difference.


          • johnq124
            johnq124 commented
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            Thanks for the reply, they are close to their harvest by a few days from what I've read on the strain, 54-56 day flowering, I've read that nanners can quickly multiply over night, since I'm close to my harvest should i remove as many as i can find and wait until the morning before the light comes on to harvest? i was also going to turn the lights of for 24 hrs before cropping them but i feel like this will give the nanners more time to grow...

          In my experience they are easily removed and don't regrow.
          If you're harvesting in a few days they won't have time to cause any trouble. Unless you have other girls in there at risk of being pollinated.


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