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It's day 14 for my autos, should I think about LST soon?

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  • SleepyTibbs
    So last night I think I finally figured out what I am supposed to be tying down for LST. I had been tying down the fan leaves instead of the branches coming from the nodes, but I switched it to tying down those branches growing up from the nodes like I am showing in the pictures. When I came in this morning the plants had grown near a half inch overnight and the branches seem to be growing out a little. I have tied down any of those branches that are at least a half inch or so long. The smaller plant was done this morning right before the pictures were taken so one of her leaves needs to bounce back a little from being pushed around on accident. Am I on the right track now? lol

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  • SleepyTibbs
    quirk Hope everything has been going well for you. Also been wondering if your tag is quirk because of MHA? lol but anyway yesterday I ended up removing the tie downs I had on the plants other than the ones maintaining the bend in their stems and decided to just let them grow the way they want to for a bit. I attached some pictures of the bigger one. Seems like things are a little crowded in there though. Would you recommend continuing to let her stretch out on her own a little, or tying down some branches to help them spread out a bit? Was also kind of wondering about removing a fan leaf or 2? One of the branches growing out from the 4th node has been trying to push the fan leaf above it aside for the past day and a half so it can grow through and it has been making progress but I thought maybe I could help it out by removing what is in its way but I don't want to stunt the plant overall lol

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  • SleepyTibbs
    I started shaping her a little bit earlier today. Pulled the branches of the 4th node back a bit and tied down the new growth between the 4th and 5th nodes to promote it growing out a bit before it comes up. It doesn't seem like it bothered her at all.

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  • quirk
    Don't sweat the time frame. Let them grow out, then open up around the pot as required. Repeat as they grow out and up. No hurries no worries. This was done around Day 30.
    Last edited by quirk; 05-01-2021, 08:17 PM.

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  • SleepyTibbs
    Nice job! Those are happy healthy plants.
    Thank you quirk your pictures and info and that of SoOrbudgal have quite a bit to do with it. I was completely uncomfortable doing that to the plants and now I feel like I was foolish for being so worried. Here are some pictures of how they are doing now. I was able to bend the one I started on closer to 90 this morning and it responded really well throughout the day. Tomorrow I will start training on the one that hasn't been pruned yet. For subsequent training on the one I already started on I was thinking of starting with that branch growing off toward the top right of the picture, that would be part of the 4th node, and then the one more in the center, that would be part of the 5th node, but also thought I should let them grow a little more first. Supposedly their flowering time should be 60-70 days and tomorrow will be day 18 for them so I am not sure how much time I have to shape them before flowering begins and I will need to stop stressing them.

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  • quirk
    commented on 's reply
    Nice job! Those are happy healthy plants.

  • SleepyTibbs
    Originally posted by SleepyTibbs View Post
    Bent it back down to where it was before but made the wire a bit more taught so it wont give as much. I feel real bad for her though. I accidentally clipped the tip of a leaf from one of the smaller branches sprouting from the nodes
    Lol was so worried that I was a little too rough, but I think she did just fine. Took that picture peeking through the zipper up top about 40 minutes ago. The main stem stayed bent at the angle I was going for and the branches seem to have started turning up nicely and getting a bit thicker. Leaves seem to have fanned out more too. Now im excited to start on the other plant in a few days when she is ready. Sadly though the 3rd plant that used to be in there didnt make it. For some reason she grew almost no roots out from the tap root and never got enough nutrients to keep going. On the brightside for the other 2 they each get to be centered under their own light now.

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  • SleepyTibbs
    commented on 's reply
    Was thinking I am going to just start filling up a gallon at the tap and letting it sit open for a day to air out then checking PH to see if I could use that for watering. A buddy of mine who lives in the area should have the same tap water and they have success with that method

  • Ellisk
    You will save a lot of money if you can buy ro water from those water machines you might see at the wal mart or grocery store. I was paying 0.20 cents USD a gallon before I bought my own ro filtering system. Is there a problem with your tap water? A lot of growers get lucky and have good water at their tap. I have to use ro water because my tds is over 500 ppm. Good luck to you.

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  • SleepyTibbs
    Bent it back down to where it was before but made the wire a bit more taught so it wont give as much. I feel real bad for her though. I accidentally clipped the tip of a leaf from one of the smaller branches sprouting from the nodes

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  • SleepyTibbs
    Its been beautiful weather here too SoOrbudgal sounds like your in a similar region. Do you grow yours outdoors or were you tending to some veggies and flowers? I attached some pictures of how she is looking now. She re-oriented really well but I was wondering if I should bend her back down just a bit further and hook the wire on a little tighter or leave her as is until the next part is ready for tie-down. Not really sure what my next step is lol need to do more reading.

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  • SoOrbudgal
    I been out side working in my garden beds boy has it been great weather here 80f slight breeze. Anyway......Yep that LST looks great.

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  • SleepyTibbs
    commented on 's reply
    Its only been about an hour since I took those pictures and she is already re-orienting her leaves toward the light and they seem healthy

  • SleepyTibbs
    When I checked on my plants this morning. It was looking like the biggest of them was ready. Fairly developed 5th node, with a 6th node starting to grow out. So I pruned everything below the 4th node and decided to give it a shot. I gave the plants water with 1/4 recommended amount of FFs Grow Big and Big Bloom last night a few hours before lights out and the training was done about 12 hours after watering, pictures taken right after care. I've never grown anything before so this process felt a bit sketchy. Wouldnt mind an honest opinion on how I did? SoOrbudgal and quirk

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  • quirk
    SleepyTibbs, Yes sir. Using your solo cup slowly moisten entire medium to a SLIGHT run-off. Water in a circular pattern, radiating out from center of pot. You want the entire pot moist so you get plenty of lateral root development. One inch under the soil lateral roots are trying to reach the outside of your pot. They can't do it if medium is dry or if it's saturated from watering too often, which means they can't transport water and nutrients to the stem, hence the droop. Pic is of a root check.

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