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Has anyone tried making vape juice before

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    Has anyone tried making vape juice before

    Not sure if this is a strictly flower site or not, but has anyone ever tried making THC vape before? If so, how much flower did it take to make 1g vape? I like flower more, but my SO prefers vape. Id like to get him interested in growing with me by having this be beneficial to him as well (2k spent on vapes in the past 1.5 months alone)

    Thanks in advance
    Nova 48"x48"x80" tent
    Mother Earth Groundswell Soil
    Vivosun 4" Carbon Filter
    GH Flora Trio
    EnjoYield 1000W LED Grow Light 3x3ft with Timer Dimmable
    Current Grow: GC-Critical Purple Auto x2, ILGM- AH x2, NL x1

    I’ve done it a couple of times. Another member here has more experience using mtc*(not sure if that’s right). I’ve used vegetal glycerin and propenilglericol(again not sure)

    its a a hard thing to do. Specially to get enough thc in there. I’ve used bho and was still too weak to be worth it. Using flowers you’ll get nothing. Imagine you are going to divide whatever you put into 200 pufs so you need a but load of ThC and the right chemicals to keep it dissolved in the e liquid. The main ingredient use to be pg 400 but now they’re mtc (short for something. Carbon chains, better solvent) it’s not worth your time. I know they’re fucking expensive but that’s cause you need expensive processes and equipment


    • dphipps1020
      dphipps1020 commented
      Editing a comment
      I agree. I've made vape juice with the VG/PG blend too. While it works pretty good for vaping (using lower temperatures), it doesn't seem to be very potent. It's still an option but I just have to use more than a store bought cartridge.

    I make cannabis oil after every harvest. The yield depends on

    * how rich the plant is in oil.
    * the extraction technique and how well it is executed
    * the solvent used for extraction
    * the number of extraction runs
    * the method of purging the solvent from the oil

    I am always hoping to get a 20% return on the flower weight (i.e., 28g of flower to yield 5.6g of oil).


      I want the concentrate to look like this. It’s not vape juice. It could have been vape juice but I didn’t want that. Here the carrier is mostly purged and was not replaced with another carrier for juice
      Attached Files


      • Puglover1
        Puglover1 commented
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        panalilies I put the shatter (or wax, whatever extract) into a small pyrex jar - I bought a dozen - in the oven to melt with a little wax thinner, I use pyur it has no pg or other nasties, it's hemp oil based. A little goes a long way so you don't lessen the potency much. Watch for bubbles. Use a blunt tip syringe to stir it and to suck it up to inject into a cart. Many videos, many versions of tech. I got this method off of an /r thread. Either clean carts or Oil but all of the options are listed with pros/cons and success rates.

        I got a ride to a dr appt in Chicago Friday, the driver was cool. We were talking about the newer dispos in the Aurora and Naperville area, he's lives in Nville. He is rec so he stops wherever he happens to be driving for work - Morris, Ottawa, etc. Cake Mints pre rolls were at 35% recently, I buy those to try a new strain. The Soap was high % but I wouldn't buy quantity of it. Cake Mints in jars were lower %. The driver still buys his bud off the street bc of cost. He had a jar in the car, nice tight frosty little buds. He shared a blunt with me on the way home, I was stupid all night. My best male friend is 78 yrs old. He dropped his long time connection bc there's a local 'head shop' that sells as a 'club' and it's cheaper ... but not legal, AFAIK. You need someone to sponsor/vouch for you. I'd rather grow what I know I like and helps me. I used to buy 4 of those Mag tins at a time for my friend, his wife likes it.

        Popcorn can be really good in size and price for half oz. I split an oz with a friend, got it at Morris. Ottawa is cheaper but less variety. Morris changed from Greenhouse to Curaleaf recently, I haven't been there in a while. If anyone has Wild Thai I'll drive for it. It's a sativa landrace that helps my pain the best. I buy Double Rainbow carts for mood, they last me a while. And Sundae Driver for a change of pace, only if it's on a deal. After experimenting for 4 years and knowing what works when IL went legal rec Ottawa doesn't have what I want but their Arlington Heights facility had everything ... over 100 miles away.

      • panalilies
        panalilies commented
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        Puglover1- I usually buy whatever flower has the most % for the best price. I dont buy the 3.5s anymore, I dont see a point when I know it wont last long. When you say pyur, do you mean like whats in the link below? We actually bought a lot of different type needles off amazon a while back since my SO also smokes nicotine and he uses the old carts once the THC is gone. Yeah, the Curaleaf in Melrose was a Greenhouse until about 4 or so weeks ago, I thought I clicked on the wrong dispensary when I initially went to their new site. I have yet to see a 35% potency near me, but I would have to take a t-break before I spoke anything like that- I want to get the best effect I can from something that high. I havent smoked a blunt since college when I had roommates that would make them for me, I have zero clue how to make them. I didnt know how to roll a join until about 3 months ago, and even then I still need to use a roller to even do it. I basically only smoke cones and hit the vape between joints

      • Puglover1
        Puglover1 commented
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        panalilies Yes that's exactly what I bought, the unflavored. You can buy terps if you want to add it, get certain strain flavors. The very last 1/8th I bought was Mag Landrace, nice heavy expensive jar. I'd rather pay less and get it in an envelope. The local dispos are selling 'syringes' now that have a blunt tip in the bottom of the container, clearly marked for dosing, it twists/turns. I bought a couple different strains, sometimes I just push some out onto a cracker with PB if I think of it early enough in the evening. I've loaded it into a cart too or incorporated into a cooking oil to make box mix brownie edibles. I even put it on a gummy bear if I also eat something with fat in it.

        I've got a tolerance but those cake mints still get me buzzed. I used to be able to roll a joint in one hand while driving on the interstate but I had an injury, permanent, so I have to use a roller. Hate it. When my nephew is here I grind up bud and have him hand roll some for me.

      Do you know anyone who can afford cartridges but would prefer to trade you for good flower?
      2X4X6 Quictent
      1.5x3x5 Gorilla tent
      600w LED (80)
      1000w LED (180)
      2 X Viparspectra P-1000
      2 X 4" fan with carbon filter ducted to unused boiler chimney
      6" battery/usb fans
      Mother Earth 70/30 coco/perlite
      GH trio with Calimagic
      Lung room humidifier
      3 and 5 gal plastic buckets Nebulas coco for autos nute schedule.
      ArmorSi, kelp when needed
      Running at pH 6.0

      Grow 3
      Northern Lights auto
      auto 00 Kush

      Grow 4 8/23
      2x Northern lights auto
      1 auto 00 Kush
      1 Critical photo

      Don't just "grow weed",
      Cultivate a masterpiece.


      • panalilies
        panalilies commented
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        My parents are the only other smokers I know that smoke vape, and they live in another state where any form of THC is illegal (id so trade them but it would take wayyy too long and too much effort). Most of my friends are either flower snobs themselves or prefer edibles so they dont have to deal with the smoke

      • Catfish22
        Catfish22 commented
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        Someone who likes bud might prefer to buy cartridges instead of dispensary weed and trade for the far superior home grown buds.

      • panalilies
        panalilies commented
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        Ohhh, now that is a trade I might be able to do. Thank you for the tip!

      panalilies Here's the cake mints pre roll tube, its total was just under 35%. And the 'syringe' I spoke of, this one was .5 gram FSHO Jenny Kush that I used for edibles. They're selling full gram cartridges finally, you save a little $ but I haven't seen Mag. I don't check the menus unless I'm heading that way or if I reallly need to make a run. Click image for larger version

Name:	20210401_153018.jpg
Views:	496
Size:	894.0 KB
ID:	510727Click image for larger version

Name:	SyringeOil.jpg
Views:	489
Size:	257.5 KB
ID:	510728Click image for larger version

Name:	20210320_143701.jpg
Views:	482
Size:	1,018.3 KB
ID:	510729 and my youngest boy pug in a pink pussy hat
      Soil: Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, perlite; Seedlings: CoM org potting soil
      Indoor: 2 x 5.5 x 8' Closet grow
      Viparspectra XS2000; EnjoYield 220W full spectrum light added during flower
      Various size fabric grow bags
      Cal-Mag & GH Trio if needed; Flower Fuel & molasses during bloom; ReCharge
      4 clip fans. Exhaust into attic is vented to the eaves
      Current grow: DEAD FLOWERS

      "Joker, smoker & midnight toker, I sure don't want to hurt no one"


        Puglover1- aww! look at that little face! Dogs are theeee best! The only syringe Ive bought was the RSO- and they had a CBD sale on caramels so I mixed them together, but it really didnt do anything for me. Im super bad about keeping my preroll tubes, but I have a multiple containers that I collect like people collect alcohol bottles. Here is my pup in my SOs hat lol. 1-2 more days and Ill have a new plant!
        Nova 48"x48"x80" tent
        Mother Earth Groundswell Soil
        Vivosun 4" Carbon Filter
        GH Flora Trio
        EnjoYield 1000W LED Grow Light 3x3ft with Timer Dimmable
        Current Grow: GC-Critical Purple Auto x2, ILGM- AH x2, NL x1


        • Puglover1
          Puglover1 commented
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          Aww, cute pup! Those popcorn tubs take up a lot of space, don't they? Is that a Mag baby emerging? I purge my empty containers and then it starts all over again.

        • panalilies
          panalilies commented
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          They do, those are the only real ones I plan on using for the bud Im growing, the rest are there for show lol. Its a baby Blueberry Auto. I bought like 15 seeds before I even knew that Mag existed, Im going to grow all of them before I invest in more seeds

        I've tried several times to make a liquid for vaping. I came to the pharmacy, bought glycerin, and tried to achieve the desired consistency of glycerin with additives of fruit smells. But it didn't work out. I poured the resulting liquids into the cartridge, but the smoke didn't turn out to be voluminous, heavy, and opaque like good vape juices from top stores. So over time, I gave up on this case. But if you have some cool way to make vape juice at home, you can drop us a link or write instructions here. All users will be grateful for this. If any of you do this at home, tell us which aroma enhancers you use and where do you buy them?
        Last edited by salihajeff; 06-14-2022, 08:17 AM.


          Hi. Once I also tried to make my own vape liquid. I followed all the steps mentioned in the youtube video, but the end result was terrible and the liquid was too oversaturated and impossible to smoke. In the end I decided to give up the idea and just continued to buy the liquid in this uk vape shop.
          Honestly, I would like to make my own as delicious and flavorful vape liquids as in this store, but apparently I'm no chemist.
          Last edited by FREEDDAWG; 07-12-2022, 11:15 AM.


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