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  • Farmbuck
    commented on 's reply
    You gonna like the Northern Lights. I grew a few and it's one of my favorite.

  • Catfish22
    No faves, just farm em like a crop! I do talk to them when I'm working around them.

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  • DeadlyFruit
    commented on 's reply
    Puglover1 Lucky??.... I can’t comment either way (but yes, you’re definitely the lucky one lol).

    My dog has been known to eat weed leaves but I think he does it just to wind me up. He also lifts a leg on my outdoor pots when he gets a chance... I had to get some small fencing to prevent that behaviour. I swear dogs are far smarter than we give them credit. My dog knows exactly how to get what he wants and it strangely doesn’t involve incessant begging - he is too crafty! 😀

    Sorry to hear about the clones, it sucks that they were rare ones. I don’t think we can buy clones here in Ontario. I’ve tried making my own successfully and it would be cheaper to use clones but I like trying new strains too much to settle on one type.

  • YYCannabis
    commented on 's reply
    @farmbuck...since I’m between grows right now, my #4 has moved up to a solid #2 position. 🤣

  • Puglover1
    commented on 's reply
    DeadlyFruit So many guys commenting on their wives, lol. Maybe I'm lucky I don't have a hubby? The dogs just resent the time they don't get to be velcro'd to me, the cat loves weed more than homegrown catnip. He robbed 3 clones out of a glass, and Mag Landrace seeds aren't available for sale yet. It's an IL strain, High Times 2020 IL Cannabis Cup winner. I'm not sure if any IL dispos sell clones yet, and medical patients could start growing on 1/1/2020.

  • DeadlyFruit
    commented on 's reply
    I named them all in my first grow, with the idea that it would be less likely my wife would get the hedge clippers out if she identified with them as people 🙂. It must have worked because she let them live to harvest.

  • DeadlyFruit
    commented on 's reply
    Agree, Maryjane...I mean Mary Anne... was the hot one!

  • Puglover1
    My (first) grow was triplets, no fave, no names.

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  • Farmbuck
    commented on 's reply
    Would you like to see my girl? So far she is "the" photogenic subject compare to her siblings.

  • Farmbuck
    commented on 's reply
    You see I'm very visual so I combine both, you know the redness of the pistils and amber color from the trichomes, call me crazy but when both are almost the same shade of color (darkish) it's time. For me anyway.
    Last edited by Farmbuck; 04-17-2021, 09:11 PM.

  • dphipps1020
    I usually have a few favorites, but only because I have so many going. Usually it's for different categories though, trichome production, bud size, and smell are my 3 I like to compare. Like right now my favorite smell is Straight Lemonade, bud size is probably the Cali Bay Dream (Garden of Green I think, I definitely recommend it), and trichomes is kind of a toss-up right now.

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  • Farmbuck
    commented on 's reply
    YYCannabis I won't go into an argument for your choice of order dear grower..... Nope !! It's all yours.... Especially order number 4 lollll You are on your own !! lolllll
    Last edited by Farmbuck; 04-17-2021, 08:55 PM.

  • Farmbuck
    commented on 's reply
    I was about to answer you my growing friend but I'll wait until I'm less medicate lolll Normality ? Why not !! Sorry for a short reply but I'm sampling the Mazar Kush, so far my preference is Kali 47 loll Wife like the Kush lolll

  • SoOrbudgal
    commented on 's reply
    OMG dhll999 well i like professor heehee. I got many favorites

  • dhll999
    When growing up- A favorite girl Ginger was ok but I had the hots for Mary Anne But as far as growing I am still new so dont have a favorite yet

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