Here are Larry, Moe and Curly:

I'm tying them down with stronger wire hooks stuck into the lecca; so far, it's working pretty well, although leca balls aren't idea for tying down.
What I'm doing differently: extending the manifold. I imagine I'll pinch off to the third node and then top again. Previously, I just went with the first node after the first topping. But I want the mainline longer and more horizontal. Still working on getting more control over the final layout of eight colas per plant. So first topping down, two more to go. No rush.
I'm tying them down with stronger wire hooks stuck into the lecca; so far, it's working pretty well, although leca balls aren't idea for tying down.
What I'm doing differently: extending the manifold. I imagine I'll pinch off to the third node and then top again. Previously, I just went with the first node after the first topping. But I want the mainline longer and more horizontal. Still working on getting more control over the final layout of eight colas per plant. So first topping down, two more to go. No rush.