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Plants curling inwards

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    Plants curling inwards

    Hi everybody my name is Vasudev you can call me DRACONITE1 I am from India and I have started growing marijuana(some regular Indian strains) in my balcony. I came to grow weed easy to grow weed with least effort.
    I'm using regular soil maybe with some fertilizers in it(I don't know it's just one of my mom's pots that I'm using so) I'll post some pictures my leaves are curling up inwards, and the tips are going yellow, why is this happening? Somebody help! Panicking not panicking#

    You have bugs. Even looks like there might be multiple kinds of them. Some would probably recommend a 50/50 mix of ISO alcohol (rubbing alcohol) and water. Spray thoroughly at least 2 times a day for a few days. I've never tried it because I don't run into bugs very often but it comes from the more experienced growers so I'd give it a try.


    • Draconite1
      Draconite1 commented
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      That's right I found 2 caterpillars the other day but the curling and yellow spots is the bugs you say huh, luckily I've got iso I'll try the method you suggested thanks

    • dphipps1020
      dphipps1020 commented
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      Yeah caterpillars will do that so if you see them, get rid of them ASAP. Could be something else too but I'd start there. Also, diatomaceous earth will keep them away. You can sprinkle it on your soil and on your plants and it will kill them.

    Also what type of ferterlizer are you using?and I agree with dphipps1020 (bugs)


      You definitely have bugs munching on your ladies.
      As for the leaf curl. Could be nitrogen toxicity. What kind of fertilizer are you using, how much, how often?
      5x5 Gorilla tent
      Spectrum King SK402 - 2× Optic XL1
      Infinity T8 exhaust fan
      Technaflora nutes
      Nectar of the Gods soil


        PLreef I'm not too sure about the amount and kind of fertilizer in the soil like I said I just picked a random pot with mud lol, ok and now I got two more pots and a few grow light so I'm switching to indoors, what's the best light cycle to use i was thinking 16-8 cause it's convenient according to my sleep timings, which one should I use


        • MrPNW
          MrPNW commented
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          Stop using mud!
          Get some real soil meant for growing pot.
          18on/6off for veg
          12on/12off for flower

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