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Germination problem

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    Germination problem

    Plate/wet napkin method. I began attempting to germinate a seed 5-6 days ago. The seed has not yet cracked. I've maintained proper care, moisture, I'm getting a bad feeling. Any tips?

    If you've had success in the past using the same method, I'm thinking bad seed(s).


      try a 10 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide , and keep in mind the older the seed the longer it might take ,Nebula has a fantastic tutorial on this method
      new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
      current grow


        They have to be in warm area not just moist kept warm 24/7


        • Farmbuck
          Farmbuck commented
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          I agreed !!

        Originally posted by MaxR View Post
        Plate/wet napkin method. I began attempting to germinate a seed 5-6 days ago. The seed has not yet cracked. I've maintained proper care, moisture, I'm getting a bad feeling. Any tips?
        Try this page (below): in your case, the scarification section might be of special interests. Good luck!
        As cannabis seeds age, germination success rate decreases with each passing year. Use these tips to revive your old beans.
        Past Grows: Jack 47 Auto - La Bella Afrodita - Black Cream and Cheese Autos
        I like weed and science.


        • oldjarhead100
          oldjarhead100 commented
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          thanks Jeff I will have to read those hacks

        Thanks! Gonna try these out!


          I couldn't find Nebula's tutorial on using H2O2 to pop stubborn, unpopping seeds in this forum or on her website, so I looked around and learned that according to scientific research, the best solution (pun not intended) is 1%. Note that this research is about germinating seeds in general, not specifically only about 911 emergency care for seeds that haven't popped after a week, so maybe 10% is better then; however, according to the research, 10% may be too toxic for the seeds. Anyhow, I'll try 1% and see how it goes!


            I just now got 2 dark devil autos and 1 sweet berry cough auto folded a warm wet paper towel stuck it inside a baggie blew air into it sealed it. Sits in a living room in temps about 70+ f i'll check them tomorrow. Not sure hold old these seeds are they were gifted. It's the method i've used with MJ for 40yrs sure some take longer to crack but never took more than 3days else something wrong with temps or seeds.


              did you soak them first? paper towel method is great for fresh seeds but if you dont know for sure the best way was to soak them in water for about 16 hours then do the paper towel thing. Older seeds will take longer.

              why only one seed? Just growing one at a time due to space?
              I hope there is an afterlife...there are a lot of friends and family I'd like to see again, one day.


              • MaxR
                MaxR commented
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                I soaked 3 seeds, then on to paper plate. Two popped, one didn't. But now it did thanks to the 1% H2O2 solution.

              Personally I drop my beans directly into their final pot. Soak the hell out of it, take a clear solo cup and place it over the spot where the bean was dropped. Haven't lost one. Never had a problem with seed germination
              5x5 Gorilla tent
              Spectrum King SK402 - 2× Optic XL1
              Infinity T8 exhaust fan
              Technaflora nutes
              Nectar of the Gods soil


                It worked! Thanks for the input everyone!


                • SoOrbudgal
                  SoOrbudgal commented
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                  Good news for you MaxR now lets see them grow

                • MaxR
                  MaxR commented
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                  SoOrbudgal sorry but that seed didn't make it. Nothing to see. I didn't let the tap root get long enough.

                • MaxR
                  MaxR commented
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                  Also, sorry for the late reply. I'm not on here too regularly..

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