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Into flower, but having problem with water and or food

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    HELP! Into flower, but having problem with water and or food

    Hello growers ,
    I’m pretty deep in the weeds here(pun intended) , any help would be greatly appreciated
    I’m about 4 weeks into flower and my autos are hurting after some early success.

    Here’s some details about my main setup:

    3x3 x 6’ tent
    Silverstar 315wCHM (vertical) phillips square wave ballast (included)Phillips 3100k bulb about 36” avbove canopy (its all I’ve got)
    6” exhaust to outside w/ AC infinity and new 67 controller (yes , get one)
    4” outside (fresh/cold, central Ontario, Canada) air intake passive
    Osculating fan
    humidifier w/inkbird 55% veg 35% flower
    heater W/inkbird 65f lights off 75-76f lights on
    Govee bluetooth Tstat

    Im growing in “quality” - from my local hydro store, pre washed precharged (buffered) coco. With 25 % perlite. I did still try to pre change it some more with Green planet Calmag prior to planting.

    I’m trying to grow in the organic dry amendments style. I’ve been using Gaia Green Veg (444) 3tbsp/gallon soil mix , insect frazz, worm casting for too dressing.
    -starting flower they got 50/50 veg/flower (1 tbsp per gallon 444/284) top dress with worm castings , frazz
    -3-4 weeks flower, final top dress with 284 same 1tbsp/gal , castings 4tbls/gal, frazz
    fresh lemon for PH down , PH between 6-6.5
    -well water that starts around 15 PPM and 6-7 ph (I’m so lucky, I kinda have to grow) .
    -18/6 light cycle

    - initially I was giving “green planet” cal mag 2-0-0 as per label 1tsp/gal, mistakenly with every water, cause I thought I was deficient, then I stopped all together because I though it was too much N. Then I only gave Epsom salts, twice I think, 1tsp / gal of water. Now I think I’m deficient in Mag (or one, or all of its buddies cal , and potassium, probably some others)

    -other problems, have included big swings in temps as I fight with Canadian winter, it’s gone from +8C (46f) thaws, to -30c (-22f) nights. The new fan control has really put me in the driver seat there. The AC infinity controller 67 is the new standard I think. So I’m now locked in at my temps. Really nothing was ever really over 80 for any time or under 60 either Lights off I have a space heater trying not to blow direct on the plants , I have a sheet metal shield protecting the closet pot from the blast. It doesn’t run for long and blows straight at the cold incoming air to hopefully off set a bit.

    -I’m still just grappling with watering, trying to get the “feel” of weight of the pot but I don’t know how much the plant weights, so it’s hard to tell, now that the plant is big.
    Im giving between 1000-1300ml per watering (can only do once a day) for the larger Blueberry and 300-400ml to little struggling Z

    My little Zkittles was trouble from almost the beginning as it just went so fast to flower I didnt have the skills to keep up. I had pretty much given up but it didn’t, so I tried to help it with a re-pot down from 5g fabric to 3, same medium, + 20-25% castings in the mix with the Gaya Green
    My big Blueberry was doing well, I thought , but then it wasn’t. My thoughts are watering issues, or possibly, I just waited too long to top dress again.
    Like I said I’m in the I’m just hoping to finish.

    Any suggestion would be helpful, thanks in advance.

    🪨 rocks! 🪨 🇨🇦

    Last edited by Smallgrow; 02-13-2021, 11:14 PM.
    KIS mix organic living soil from Black Sallow soils in 7gal. pots
    Black Swallow Organic Bloom mix top dress before flower.
    Reusing soil with Black Swallow nutrient pack between grows
    Maybe some compost teas
    Blumat watering system
    Microbial Mass and other microbial boosters(Wallace)
    3x4x6’ tent
    Photontek 465wpro
    6” AC Infinity outdoor air in and out, humidifier, dehumidifier, heater, oscillating fan.
    Inkbird controllers heat/humidity​

    You have a lot going on here and in your tent. What kind of pots are you growing in and what’s up with all the hoses? I can’t tell if you’re using some type of a AutoPot setup or a drip feed system? Some insight into your actual setup; not your tent, lights and exhaust will get you more responses. Get rid of the pics you’re not asking about as well


      Just hand watered.
      Fabric pots on risers and trays.
      Those are wires , a temp sensor, a humidity sensor, AC infinity sensor, and a thermometer on a stand that I can move around
      KIS mix organic living soil from Black Sallow soils in 7gal. pots
      Black Swallow Organic Bloom mix top dress before flower.
      Reusing soil with Black Swallow nutrient pack between grows
      Maybe some compost teas
      Blumat watering system
      Microbial Mass and other microbial boosters(Wallace)
      3x4x6’ tent
      Photontek 465wpro
      6” AC Infinity outdoor air in and out, humidifier, dehumidifier, heater, oscillating fan.
      Inkbird controllers heat/humidity​


        Your scaring me with those temps, I hope those were outside and not in the grow room.
        RH is 35% on your meter, that is very low and the plants will be slowed by it. If you can get it up to ~45% they will thank you.
        At the top of this page you will find a link to plant problems, follow it and find the close matches and read (PH is the first thing to make sure of) to find whats going on.


          Ok, like Rwise said, your problems are likely ph and environment related. The humidifier and other things inside the tent aren’t doing you much good because the exhaust is just sucking it right out of there. Humidifiers, dehumidifiers, heaters, ac and other environmental tools are best used outside of the tent to condition the grow room itself. The room your tent is in is where it’s air supply comes from. That’s the environment you need to get corrected so the air going into your tent is where you want it. I keep my grow room temp 68-72 and humidity 40-50% depending on what stage my plants are in. That way all my exhaust is doing is getting rid of the smell and the heat being produced by my light.

          Im not familiar with the nutrients you’re using but they’re all basically the same, don’t use too much or too little. Here’s a link for watering. Read it then follow it and you’ll see improvements

          by Nebula Haze Growing cannabis in coco coir is similar to growing in soil, but also a little different. Considering all the opinions about watering out on the internet, it can be difficult to know how to water plants properly. When exactly do you water plants in coco? How much water do you give them...

          Last edited by bboyfromwayback; 02-14-2021, 08:21 AM.


            Ok thanks very much for the help
            I have been trying to carefully watch my PH range at 6-6.5 but I think maybe it should be wider and lower in coco like the suggested 5.5-6.5 instead.
            I will raise my Humidity to 45% ,
            is that low enough to help prevent bud rot in later flower?
            KIS mix organic living soil from Black Sallow soils in 7gal. pots
            Black Swallow Organic Bloom mix top dress before flower.
            Reusing soil with Black Swallow nutrient pack between grows
            Maybe some compost teas
            Blumat watering system
            Microbial Mass and other microbial boosters(Wallace)
            3x4x6’ tent
            Photontek 465wpro
            6” AC Infinity outdoor air in and out, humidifier, dehumidifier, heater, oscillating fan.
            Inkbird controllers heat/humidity​


              The little plant on the it always in that particular spot? I’m wondering if the cold room air is coming through the tent vent and freezing the nipples off the poor little lady when the exhaust fan turns on.
              There are 3 things you must check everyday when growing in hydro:
              1) Water level (How much h2o is she drinking in 24hrs)
              2) pH level (change over 24hrs)
              3) ppm/EC level (How much food is she eating in 24hrs)


                Yes 45% RH is good for flower (molds dont grow below 50%), in veg I go 65-75% RH.


                  Good thought, thanks
                  ...I have been trying to watch for that problem in general, but it’s defiantly a possibly, she has been in that spot (thinking it was a “good” spot ) for awhile. I will consider some other arrangements
                  KIS mix organic living soil from Black Sallow soils in 7gal. pots
                  Black Swallow Organic Bloom mix top dress before flower.
                  Reusing soil with Black Swallow nutrient pack between grows
                  Maybe some compost teas
                  Blumat watering system
                  Microbial Mass and other microbial boosters(Wallace)
                  3x4x6’ tent
                  Photontek 465wpro
                  6” AC Infinity outdoor air in and out, humidifier, dehumidifier, heater, oscillating fan.
                  Inkbird controllers heat/humidity​


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