Hi All, been growing for a couple of years, but still learning (aren't we all), so I have a couple of questions about the "flowering time" & "Transition"
- Flowering time: On Many sites, the strains list a "flowering time", but when does time time start - is it when the plants are switched to the 12/12 lighting and transition started, or when the first signs of flowers appear?
- Also, does the flowering time, refer to when the plants 'should' be at their optimum for harvest (cloudy trichomes, with a few amber)?
- Transition, OK so when moving to transition, not only do I switch the lighting from 18/6 to 12/12, I also on that first day, I do shut off the lights for a full day, so that they experience roughly 36 hours of darkest. My rationale is to speed up the drop in the light created hormone and kick the plants into transition/bloom.
BUT - am I harming the plants by doing this sudden kick to transition instead of letting it occur more gently by switching from 18/6 to 12/12 without shutting of the lights?