Quick question on spiders. I seen a little gang of spiders and a few strands of webbing yesterday. They were attached to a clip on Flourescent light I have for early clones and one of my mothers. The more I looked I seen a few sparsely populated on ceiling and in general vacinity but none so far on my hydroponic set up across the tent. I immediately sprayed with organic insecticides and smashed them with my fingers. I keep checking every 6 hrs or so and when I look back in there are a few I’m able to spot under leaf and hangin around. I know there are probably millions of species of spiders but I examined with a pocket scope and these were clear with a big sac but while still pretty small nowhere near as small as the spider mites I see on a google search. Should I be worried I’m gonna continue to exterminate but was wondering what the chances are that they are just a bigger species of spider mites or a still harmful different variety or are the beneficial to kill unwanted pests. They are pretty fast moving so I was also wondering if ladybugs would be effective.
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Spiders on plants but not mites
I had a spider in my tent once that I saw. I was going to get rid of it and then I realized it's probably better to let him eat whatever bugs are in there. I'd just monitor the webbing and get rid of whatever you see. My opinion, let them do the pest control for you. Like Rwise said, there's apparently something in there for the spiders to eat.