First timer Scrog mistakes (FU’s) and what i learned.
First submission:
Full disclosure: I am not a total noob (Old school guerilla farmer), but this is my first indoor grow at the helm of my own ship.
Many times during this grow, I have found myself Functionally Unaware (Hereby referred to as FU). For example, I FU’d and left the work light on in the flower room 3 days and now my girls are growing bananas… you get the idea. I learned much from each FU. Here are a few of my FU’s and the ensuing lesson.
Scrog FU #1. Incorrect net placement.
So the girls are growing great in Vedge. Measure the height from the soil to plant top and hang a net right? Better yet, I am an old fart and don't want to bend over. Net at belt height right.? So hung my net and waited….and you get the idea.
Over a few weeks I raised my plants closer to the net using 2” foam blocks to get my plants
8-12 inches closer to the net than I had originally thought. Each 2” move required unweaving and reweaving of the plant.
Lesson provided: Get your net low and don't be afraid to untwist part of your Scrog to make adjustment.
In the end, I lost opportunity from the bottom of the plant. That said, I corrected and adjusted mid course. This caused me a whole new batch of FU’s I may or may not outline later. (FU#2, breaking plants and learning to nurse back to health =supercropping?)...
Thanks to this community for the join and wishing you all the best on your particular path.
(The reluctant Bodhisattva)