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New grower, space bucket - seedlings problem :(

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    New grower, space bucket - seedlings problem :(

    Hello fellow growers,

    thank you for reading and accepting me in this forum. Lets go straight to my config and what I'm growing, I would love to have an opinion from you guys in what I need to fix and what I'm doing wrong:

    Seed: Super Skunk https://shop.ilovegrowingmarijuana.c...-skunk-regular

    Where: Indoor + Space Bucket

    Space Bucket config:

    - 5 gal bucket + 2 spacers
    - 4 Philips LED 9W bulbs
    - 5 mt LED strip
    - Exhaust fan on the lid of the bucket
    - Intake fan at the bottom
    - Bucket is been black taped to avoid light leak
    - Timer for lights on power supply

    I have 3 seedlings inside the bucket at the moment, the oldest one is been transferred in the bucket on the 11th of January. The other seeds sprout few days later and transferred few days later, but they all affected by the same problem that I'm going to explain in a bit.

    Temperature in the bucket is min 23 max 27

    Humidity in the bucket is between 38 to 55

    18/6 light schedule

    Ph of the water is unknown

    This pic is from the 14th of Jan
    20th of January: and
    24th of January:

    A bit of history of the seedling (Let's talk about just one seedling, to avoid confusion)
    - sprouted in wet tissue
    - planted in normal pot mix soil in a small pot (the brown one that you can see from the pic), no nutrients, no perlite, nothing
    - definitely over watered this baby, being a noob I was watering 2 times a day, until water would run off the pot
    - noticing no improvement, I transplanted the baby in a taller slightly bigger bot with perlite and chicken manure and normal soil
    - in the last 3-4 days I'm not been watering as much as before, I waited until soil was dry as and then spray a bit the top
    - 24th of January I noticed a brown spot, leaves curving down since almost the beginning, and slightly yellowish, so I decided to add a bit of nutrients, fearing that was a ph problem related and nutrients deficiency. I watered with nitrogen nutrients.

    Now, I'm stressing out, I have that feeling I'm doing everything wrong and I literally dunno what to do anymore. I know it's weed, should grow by itself, without much care, but hey it's my first time growing so I'm impatient af

    I will receive this week or next week a ph testing pen, to see what's the deal with my water. I was thinking in buying a couple of litres of distilled water just to be on the safe side for now.

    At the moment I switched off the LED strip and increased the night time by 2 hours, scared of maybe they were getting too much light.

    Ok guys, hope you can help me

    How much actual growing space is there inside...


      There's enough space to grow a healthy plant. Check the community on Reddit


        Is it a secret...?

        I know what a space bucket is...


          The pictures of medium looks like wood chips from a playground....definitely a ph problem...let the medium dry out before water...

          When you transplant I suggest investing in some decent medium...something with better coco and perlite...something better than what you have..

          Is this your first grow?
          Have you read the website attached to this forum at all...great info there


            Hi Green75, yes I've read so much about growing, but I'm still not immune on making mistakes . The medium is a normal garden pot mix. As I stated in my original post, I did transplant the seedling in perlite, chicken manure and soil, and the drainage looks good.


              I would still like to know how much vertical space you have to grow your one plant to harvest...what are your plans to keep plant short and not overgrow space...I only ask because I wish to help you do this...

              Bottled water has good ph till you get your pen

              Garden pot mix...what's in it? Any time release nitrogen in there...what's in it...if the pics I saw were transplanted already then there is not enough perlite in there...did you mix looks bad


                Thanks for your honest message

                In terms of vertical space I have as much as I want, I just need to add spacers to make the buckets taller. Initially I had no spacers, so the lights were roughly at 20-35cm from the plants. Now I added a spacer so its around 50-60cm from the plants now. I reckon I will use something like this when the plant is going to be too big.

                I will buy bottled water then, thank you for the suggestion.

                The potting mix is this one

                I gave the plants, for the first time, a tiny bit of this too

                Can you give me the % in terms of how much perlite/soil/manure I should use in a pot?


                  Spacers...glad you are aware...

                  Bucket scrog won't help you much in there...sorry

                  Your going to have to start low and wide training as soon as you get two maybe three nodes I would top her out pull her over and tie her grow style would work great in your bucket...check out all my grows...especially the expired ones....seriously...then get back to me...good reads!! :-):-)

                  I'm going to bed...get at you in the morning...


                    I will thx Green75. So my yellowish leaves and brown spot is ph related and overwatering? Anyone else can add an extra opinion?


                      hey notevenjoking , when you say you 'used' chicken manure do you mean that you put raw chicken manure directly into your mix? if so i'm pretty sure that's your basically transplanted into a pile of nitrogen... (see link for more info) can you tell me roughly what was the ratio of what you called normal soil to perlite to manure you used? i see also that you added nutrients, nitrogen in particular. that means that if your "normal soil" had normal nitrogen and you added manure and nitrogen nutes...well that's a LOT of nitrogen.... normally i would think flush with distilled water to flush the ntrgn but given that you said you also have been overwatering i don't know if flushing's a good idea. maybe someone with more experience than i have can step in here and help. good luck to you...and good luck w/the bucket--seen those on reddit and wondered how that went exactly....

                      Nutrients in Chicken Manure. According to the USDA's Agricultural Research Center, broiler chickens (chickens raised for meat) in the United States alone account for approximately 7 million tons of poultry waste each year. Chicke...
                      "i try to play the ball not the opponent."--Roger Federer


                        Okay...what did you see..



                          well I can definitely see that your plants, at this stage would have grow a thicker stem, more leaves, and healthier... mine are fucked

                          and you have a higher ratio or perlite
                          Last edited by notevenjoking; 01-25-2017, 07:56 AM.


                          • Jibblerjoe
                            Jibblerjoe commented
                            Editing a comment
                            If you can afford to go coco perlite it works very well. The gwe site will tell you how to use coco. I'm using it with out problems . I made my own mix following gwe site.
                            Ps. You can find recipe for making good potting soil .

                          Nah..not Fucked....


                            so whats the next step?


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